

–Story of the Day–

Melinda had found two tickets for a plane in the briefcase of her husband. She felt something was wrong, when she saw another woman’s name on one of the tickets.

Her husband, David had said to Melinda, “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I know I promised this weekend would be solely for us, but I have to leave again. It was completely unexpected. I couldn’t say no to my boss,”

She was sad, as she had plans to take their time together, as she would like to walk on the beach with her husband. She was understanding though, as she had her own career too.

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“It’s okay, darling. Next time, I guess,” Melinda said to her husband.

“I’m going to pack my bag and briefcase for tomorrow,” David said.

“You want me to do that for you?” Asked Melinda.

“No, I can do it. You’ve already worked so much making our dinner. It smells wonderful, by the way. I’m going to pack, take a shower, and we can eat and talk. Alright?” Answered David.

She had thought that they could had a nice dinner instead, as she couldn’t do anything about her husband’s trip.

As her husband went into bedroom to take a shower, she had thought that she could check his stuff, so he wouldn’t forget anything. As she was checking, she saw the plane tickets, that were peeking out of the pocket of his jacket.

She saw an unknown woman’s name on one of the tickets, Annamarie Simmons.

She got shocked. She felt that her husband was up to something wrong. She felt the trust breaking feelings at her heart, as she was wondering who she was.

As her husband had left the shower, she put the tickets back to the jacket, and went back to the dinner table she had prepared.

She went on the dinner, as she had nothing to tell him. And then, she had a ticket for herself too, to Miami, where her husband had went to.

She had learnt from their internet history that her husband was staying at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

She felt worse, as she started to went to the hotel. What if her husband was cheating on her.

“No, I can’t think like that,” she said to herself. She started to walk around the pool of the hotel, and the beach, with a hope that she would catch her husband.

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“Maybe I should return and wait for him there. I should’ve asked him that very night,” she said to herself, as she went back to the hotel. As she was walking back, she saw her husband, with a woman at his hands.

But the woman at least 80 years old. She couldn’t think that her husband was cheating on her with an incredibly older woman.

David got shocked, as he saw his wife, Melinda, in front of him.

“David! What is the meaning of this? What kind of business trip are you having? Who is this woman?” Shouted Melinda.

As David tried to calm her down, Melinda shouted once more, “TELL ME THE TRUTH RIGHT HERE AND NOW!”

“This is Brandon’s mother!” Said David, as he didn’t want his wife to scream more and draw more attention.

Melinda never liked David’s best friend, Brandon. But he lost his life on a car accident, and she had witnessed the passing of Brandon, how badly affected her husband, David.

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“Yes, Melinda, this is Annamarie,” said David, as he introduced the old woman to his wife.

“It’s nice to meet you, dear,” Annemarie said, as she was smiling towards Melinda.

“You too, ma’am. I’m so sorry about my earlier outburst,” said Melinda, as she was embarrassed.

“Oh, don’t be ashamed. It seems that David here has either lied or not been completely truthful. I’m going back to the room, so you two can talk,” Annemarie had said, as she left after patting David’s shoulder.

Then David had explained how he promised to Brandon that he would take care of his mother. As Annemarie had some health problems, David knew that Annemarie wanted to see Miami. So he took her to there.

“Why didn’t you trust me?” Said Melinda, as she was disappointed.

“You’ve been begging me for a weekend for just us, and I just bought the tickets without thinking. I felt bad. I thought you would be mad, so I said it was a work trip because you never complain in those cases. Besides, I know you and Brandon didn’t exactly get along…” David said.

Melinda said, “So? Brandon was still a dear friend. You know that! I would’ve understood. Hell, I could’ve come with you guys,”

“This place is amazing. I would’ve loved to meet Annamarie under better circumstances. I know what Brandon meant to you. Why didn’t you ever tell me about her?” She had added.

“I honestly don’t know,” said David.

Melinda responded as, “Okay, so we have to work on our communication. And we will. But I’m going to let this issue go for now. I don’t want to spoil this trip for Annamarie, or you, for that matter. And if it’s okay with you, I’d like to stay,”

“Really? You know you being here is going to be great for Annamarie, You always know what to say, and honestly, I was…struggling with that part a bit,” David said, as he was sad too. But then smiled at his wife.

Thank you! Thank you, sweetheart! And I’m SO sorry. I promise to work on our communication. I will NEVER ever lie to you again, not even by omission.” He said.

“Alright,” Melinda said. Then held his hand, and said, “Let’s go find Annamarie.”

They had a lovely vacation together, until their return on Tuesday.

When they had returned to their house, they had talked that how Melinda found the tickets, and how she had decided to take the trip to confront David.

They had went to therapy together to fix their relationship, and Annemarie had went to their house a lot, when Melinda wanted her to be with them. After few months, Annemarie had passed away.

In her funeral, Melinda said to David, “No matter what happened before, I’m so glad you took her to Miami,”

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