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As Catherine was driving around the town, she decided to call her husband, Dylan. The call went to voicemail, and then she received a message from her husband, “Still at work. Talk to you later.”

As she saw that she was near the supermarket, she decided to make some shopping. As she parked her car at the parking lot, she saw her husband’s SUV. She was shocked, because her husband said to her that he was at work, but his car was at the parking lot of the supermarket.

She decided to wait on her car, as she parked it where she was able to observe her husband’s car.

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A few hours later, Dylan came with an old car. Parked next to his SUV, and left it, which Catherine was shocked, because Dylan was wearing old clothes, as he was not in his suit, which he left home with.

As rushed back to her home, before Dylan. After he came, Catherine asked, “So, how was your day?”

She was acting as if she had no idea of what was happening.

“Oh, it was usual…meetings, paperwork, the regular stuff,” Dylan said.

“I thought you’d have popped out for a bit?”

“Nah, today was packed,” he said, which Catherine’s heart was broken. She started to think that her husband was cheating on her, because why would he lie. But she had no proof, besides his lie of being away, as she stated that he was at work.

She decided to follow him on the next morning, so she decided to leave earlier than her husband. When Dylan saw her leaving, he asked, “Where are you headed so early?”

“Oh, I’ve booked an early morning massage session, remember? The back pain’s been killing me,” Catherine lied, as she was going to the parking lot of the supermarket.

“Going without breakfast?”

“Yeah, I’ll grab something on the way and see you in a while. Sleep in,”

She went to the parking lot, and started to wait for Dylan. Few moments later, Dylan came, and went into the sedan. He changed his clothes and started to drive.

Catherine started to follow him as she was being cautious. At one moment, she saw Dylan’s eyes on his rearview mirror, but then a bus went in between their cars.

She tried to hide behind other cars to avoid spotting. After a little while later, Catherine found herself at the outskirts of the city, where the road was broken, with many potholes and cracks.

Then Dylan turned into the woods. As Catherina was following him from a distance, she kept following him, and went into the forest.

Then she saw that the old car her husband was driving parked near a wooden house. She left her car, and saw that her husband was talking with a man, who was seemingly poor.

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As she couldn’t wait any longer, Catherine rushed towards her husband, “What’s going on here?”

“Catherine? Wha-what are you doing here?” Dylan was shocked.

“Who is this beauty?” Harry, the man her husband was speaking said.

Catherine yelled, “I’m his wife!”

“Explain everything, Dylan! Why did you lie about the office meeting? And what’s with you switching your SUV in the supermart’s parking lot and coming here in that rundown vehicle? And WHO IS THIS MAN??”

“Wife? You never mentioned her! You said you were a poor man who worked at the gas station!” Harry was angry.

“You were lying all along?”

“Harry, please. I-I can explain!” Dylan tried to explain.

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As Harry was angry, he took a bottle, and hit Dylan’s head with it. When Dylan opened his eyes, his head was in pain. As he tried to touch his head, he couldn’t because his hands were tied on the chair he was sitting, next to his wife, Catherine.

“Start talking, Dylan! What the heck is happening?” Catherine said, as she was crying with fear.

“I should’ve told you everything, but I wanted to protect you from my past,” Dylan said, “I-I had a son, Catherine, and it all started when I went to a doctor with him…”


Dylan was 19 years old, when he left the hospital with his son. As he was diagnosed with a disease, Dylan needed to find $100,000 for the surgery.

As he was devastated, he called his girlfriend. And she said, “Don’t look for me. I didn’t want this child, Dylan! Bye!”

As he was sure that he was going to lose his son, he called his friend, Harry, a robber. He wanted money from him as he stated that he needs it for the surgery of his son.

Harry offered a job, a bank heist. He went in to Harry’s group as their gateaway driver. When time come, and Harry was alone, when he jumped into the car which Dylan was waiting in, Harry shouted, “DRIVE NOW!

Dylan asked, “Where’s the rest of the crew?”

“They’re gone! Drive!”

Soon, Dylan saw the police sirens. He drove faster and faster, which he lost the police. Harry had a bullet wound on his shoulder. He was in pain, as he shouted, “Keep driving!”

“We’re not going to make it, Dylan! Listen to me…” Harry said, as he was about to pass out.

“There’s a narrow alley up ahead, about 300 meters. Drive into it, and you’ll find a sewer hatch. Ditch the car, get into the sewers, and follow the markings. Don’t worry about me. Take all the money with you. But keep my share. I expect to be paid when I get out of jail.”

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Dylan listened Harry, and left him inside the car. When the officers stopped the car, there was only Harry inside, with no money.

When it comes to Dylan, he was able to perform the surgery on his son, which took more than $200,000.

He needed to choice between using Harry’s cut, as if he wanted to save the life of his son.


“I spent Harry’s share and got the surgery done, but my son didn’t make it. His passing left me broken, but when I met you, Catherine, things changed. I felt like I could start a new life. I thought Harry would never find me, especially not 20 years later. So I never told you the truth.” Dylan explained to his wife, Catherine.

“How did he find you?” She asked, as she was shocked with the truth.

“I got a call from him. He said he was out of prison. I have no idea how he tracked my number. I pretended to be a poor man because I didn’t want to return his share. Whatever I’ve earned is through my hard work. So I came up with a plan to deceive him.” Dylan answered.

“$100,000 is a drop in the ocean for you, Dylan! You could’ve just given it to him. How could you play with our lives like this? I hate you!” Catherine said.

Then, Harry came into the basement. He was smiling, as he said, “I just had a little visit to your cozy home,”

“Quite the palace you’ve got there, though not many valuables. Makes me wonder where all the money went.”

Dylan asked from Harry to leave his wife, and go to the bank so he would pay him back. He offered a million dollars to Harry.

“But if you even think of playing any tricks or getting the police involved, I won’t hesitate to spill all about your dark past,” Harry said, as he was agreed on one million dollars.

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“Remember, I’ve got nothing to lose, and I’ve plenty of allies in jail. You mess with me, and you pay the price.”

As they went inside the bank, Dylan was sure that he couldn’t trust Harry. He was sure that Harry would kill him and his wife. As they entered inside, Dylan shouted, “This is a robbery!”

The doors of the bank closed, and the guards rushed towards them, as Harry shouted to Dylan, “What are you doing? I’ll make sure the cops know every sordid detail of your past!”

“I will tell them everything myself, but I’m glad Catherine will be alive!” Dylan responded.


While Richard was walking back to his house from grocery shopping, he saw his ex-wife Vanessa with a man at least 20 years younger than her.

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“Is she seeing someone else…already?” He said to himself and followed them as they went inside a cafe. He couldn’t keep his temper and faced his ex-wife of 53 years, which they were finalizing their marriage.

“What the hell, Vanessa?” Richard said, “Well, well! My 72-year-old ex-wife has found a new man to romance just a few weeks after leaving her husband! Bravo..! And how long have you been together?”

Vanessa tried to stop Richard, while the man with her, Simon, stand up from his seat.

“Mom… is this my Dad?”

Richard was shocked, “What did you say?”

“Richard, please sit. I have something to tell both of you…Do you remember when we first met 54 years ago…at the bar?” Vanessa started to talk about the past.


It was 1986, Vanessa was 17. She sneaked out of her house to went to a party with her friends.

“Van, you sure your Dad didn’t see you sneaking out? I don’t want this party turning into some church sermon!” One of her girlfriends asked.

Vanessa’s father, Alan was a pastor which he had some strict rules in the house. Vanessa was not able to leave the house after sunset, and she couldn’t get a permission to go to parties.

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“By the way, I heard Dylan will be here tonight with his friends,” Carla said.

“It’s over between Dylan and me! Period! I don’t even want to talk about him,” Vanessa said.

While she was talking with Vanessa, “Hey there, gorgeous,” a man approached to her. “My name is Richard. Can I buy you a drink?”

“I’d be delighted!” Vanessa smiled, as she found Richard attractive.

That night, they had some intimate moments, and the night ended in the same bed. It was magical for both of them. After that, Richard dropped Vanessa at her house, and watched her get inside.

Few weeks later, Vanessa started to feel nauseous. As she talked with her stepmother Rebecca, she admitted that she had a one night stand which she was pregnant now.

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Then her stepmother had planned something, and pushed Vanessa tp reconcile with Dylan, and accuse him with being the father. But few months later as the child was born, it was clear that Dylan was not the father.


“…So I made a heartrending decision. I kissed my beautiful baby one last time before placing him for adoption and leaving town,” Vanessa said.

“Six months later, I accidentally met you again at an art exhibition in the new city I moved to, Richard. You know everything that happened after that!”

“Why didn’t you tell me the truth?” Richard asked as he was in shock. “We could’ve taken Simon back and raised him. Our son was out there…and you kept it a secret all these years? How could you? Is this why you never wanted children?”

“I wanted to confess everything when we rekindled our relationship. I went to the shelter…” Vanessa admitted. “But it was too late. A family had already adopted him and taken him abroad. I couldn’t bring myself to have another child.”

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Then he turned to Richard, “And how did you find us, Simon?”

“My dad told me I was adopted before his death,” Simon revealed. “He gave me details of my biological mother. I later checked the orphanage’s records. I searched for Mom for over six months. Two days ago, I met her for the first time!”

“Well…I never thought at 75, I would teach my 53-year-old son his first lesson!” Richard said. “I hope you now know it’s better to be truthful…and give people a second chance! This applies to your mother and me as well!”


As her husband, Frank, was spending so much time in the garage, Cheryl was suspicious that her husband was cheating on her. As she wanted to confront her husband, Frank, she said, “Where are you going? I thought we could watch a movie tonight, Frank,”

“I’ve got a few things to do at the garage,” Frank said.

“I won’t have time later, honey. I’m paying good money to rent that space, and I gotta use it as much as possible.”

“And when do we get to see your car finally?” Cheryl asked, as she was angry with the situation.

“When it’s ready.” Frank had kissed her and left.

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Cheryl had said to her daughter, “Have you ever seen Dad’s car?”

Annie, her 21-year-old daughter had said, “Just let it go, Mom,” she added, “Dad’s got a hobby, and you should get one too, Mom. I’m off to Sandra’s. We have a chem test coming up.”

That night, Cheryl decided to follow Frank, as she was suspicious that her husband was up to something. She had rented a car, and sit in it as she positioned it in front of the garage, and started to wait.

Cheryl had once thought that she caught a smell of a women’s cologne as she was suspicious, so she needed a proof to see that her husband was indeed cheating on her. She had started to record the entry of the garage.

A while later, a blonde woman had left the garage. Cheryl was shocked, but she didn’t see a point to rush in the garage, and shout at her husband.

She went back home as she decided to take a revenge on her husband.

After a few days later, she had invited her ex to a bar.

“I can’t believe you called me,” he said to Cheryl, as he ordered some drinks.

As flirty Cheryl was, she said, “Well, it’s just been so long,”

“I had no idea what I wanted back then, but I now realize I made a mistake when I didn’t pick you,”

“Are you married to someone? Was this the wrong time to call?” She asked.

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“No, no, Cheryl. I’ve dated here and there, but no one has ever compared to you,” Adam, her ex, had said.

“But…what about your husband, Frank?”

“Our marriage…it’s not working,” Cheryl said.

“He’s boring and awful. I would’ve left him sooner if we didn’t have a child.” She had added.

“So you’re getting separated?” Adam had asked to Cheryl.

“Yes, and I know it’s been years, but do you think we could—” Cheryl smiled seductively to Adam, as he cut her, “yes”.

After a week from her date at the bar, she had suggested to meet at the rental, on dinner time, as she knew that Frank would come after a little while.

“This is Frank’s garage. He apparently comes here to work on his vintage car. Don’t know where that is, but I’ve had this fantasy about having a little tryst in here,” Cheryl said to Adam, in a seductive way.

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Adam smiled too, ”Really?”

“You remember how I was when you worked on your motorcycle,” she said, as she moved closer to Adam.

”How I would sneak up behind you and touch your back…your shoulders…” she continued, as she started to touch Adam’s body.

At that moment, Adam had held her, and started to kiss her, as she was leaned to the wall.

In seconds, they heard a car outside. Cheryl wanted to arrange the time so perfectly for her husband would see Adam leaving the garage, as she saw the blonde lady.

“It must be for another rental,” she said, as she proceeded to pull of his shirt, as she wanted to be caught in a more compromising situation.

“I know where you keep your shoes,” she heard the voice of her daughter. She was shocked, as she froze.

“Oh, God! No! Get in the closet! It’s my daughter!” She said.

“Mom? What are you doing here?” She said as Annie had opened the door.

“I came here coz I know your dad is hiding something!” Cheryl said.

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“Where’s the car? And what are women’s shoes and vanity doing in here?”

“Well, I’m—I came here to pick up shoes for him,” Annie said.

“So you knew? You knew he was cheating?”

Annie said, as she shook her head, “You need to come with me, Mom. He’s not cheating on you.”

After an hour later, they were at a bar, and ordered a few drinks, as Cheryl asked, ”Annie, I still don’t understand why we’re here,”

”This is why we’re here,” Annie as she pointed the stage. She saw the blonde lady that left the garage.

”You brought me to see your dad’s mistress?” Cheryl screamed to her daughter.

”God, Mom!” Annie said, “Look closer!”

As she looked more closer, she saw that she was actually her husband, Frank, with a wig and women clothes.

”Frank?” She asked.

”How long has this been going on?”

”Well, the show has only been happening for a few months, but I think it may have been a latent desire or a hidden talent,” Annie said.

“Frank’s a drag queen?” she gasped. “Oh god!”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, Mom. But I only discovered it by chance when I was here with my friends one night.” Annie said.

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“Can we meet him?” Cheryl asked to her daughter, as they had apporached to the backstage.

Frank was shocked, as he saw his daughter and wife. “Keep the wig, Frank,” Cheryl said.

“God, you scared me. I thought you were cheating. But I’m glad I know the truth now.”

Cheryl said the first thing, while they were driving back to home, in silence. “So, did you wear my shoes?”

“At first,” Frank said, and added, “But they didn’t fit. Your feet are too small.”

“Does this—whatever you’re doing—so are you a woman now?”

“No! Jesus!” Frank said, as he was shocked.

“Drag queens are not transgender women, honey. That’s their identity. I only dress as a woman and perform for entertainment. But I know I’m a man and love you and Annie and our lives together.”

“But how did you end up in that club?” Cheryl asked.

“Money has been tough since Annie started college,” he said.

“Initially, I took the job of arranging the stage and handling equipment like a roadie. But then I was entranced by the shows, found myself singing along, and guess the other queens told the manager. He offered me the job, and I couldn’t say no. Better pay and we don’t have to worry for a while now since people seem to like me,”

Cherly was shocked, ”I didn’t know we were in trouble,”

“Besides, why didn’t you tell me anything at all? I thought you were cheating and went crazy. Compared to that…this is pretty great. I can accept this.” She said, as she held Frank’s arm.

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Frank responded, “I never knew you’d be so open to this, Cheryl. And hey, we’re not in trouble. But I was just dying at my regular job. But now, I can enjoy it because I get to do something amazing at night, and I’m earning more for our family. It gave me peace of mind, and it’s like a whole new world opened up.”

“That sounds exciting,” Chery said, as she smiled towards her husband.

As they were having breakfast on the next morning, the door got knocked, and she was shocked, when she saw who was knocking it.

“What are you doing here?” Cheryl said to Adam, who was waiting other side of the door.

“Look, I’m sorry we forgot you in the closet, but just leave. We can’t be seen here together.”

“Don’t send me away again, Cheryl! You told me he was the wrong choice…unless it was all a lie? Were you manipulating me?” Adam asked.

“Shush…they’ll hear you! Okay, let’s meet later. Give me your address,” she said, and then send adam away.

Then she went to the Adam’s apartment, as she lied to her family that she was going to their neighbor.

“Getting a divorce is hard and expensive. I’ll pay for the lawyer,” Adam said, as he didn’t listened Chery at first.

“I love you, Adam. It’s as if I can’t live without you. But Frank is my daughter’s father.”

“Hey, I was just worried… that you wouldn’t pick me again if the divorce were too hard,” Adam said, as he approached to her.

“We can get to know your daughter…figure something out.”

”That’s a good idea, baby,” Cheryl had touched his face, as she went along with him in her play.

As she excused herself to the bathroom, she saw some sleeping pills in the cabinet, and decided to use them to make Adam sleep. She had dumped them into the wine of Adam.

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As he fell asleep, she decided to leave him alone, as she didn’t called 911.

In few days, Frank took his wife to a trip, to their favorite cabin. As they were at the airport check-in, Frank said, ”Let me help you with your carry-on,” then he had held the luggage of Cheryl.

At that moment, officers had arrived and stopped them. ”There she is!” Said one of them, as he was pointing Cheryl.

He walked towards Cheryl, and said, “Mrs. Smith, you’re under arrest for attempted murder.” as she didn’t said anything, the officers had explained Frank the situation with Adam, and how he had survived and accused Cheryl with attempt to murder.

What do you think? Let us know.

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