

Paul Davis was a successful businessman. He had everything he could have wished for. He had a great family of loving wife and daughter. He had a beautiful house in San Francisco, California. Sadly, his happy life ended, when he lost his wife and daughter in a terrible plane crash.

Paul was in Texas, when he received the bad news of his daughter and wife’s passing. He immediately returned to California. He was devastated, he was so depressed with his loss that he stayed in bed for weeks. He was going bankrupt, as he had no intention to work again. He lost the most important thing in his life, his family. He was aimless.

His secretary, Mr. Jones visited him. “Mr. Davis,” he started, “I understand it’s difficult for you to let go of what happened, but you must. You can’t just throw everything away like that.”

“Mr. Jones,” Paul responded, “At this point, I don’t care about anything. I want my wife and daughter to return! We had such a lovely family! But it – it all…just…how could it…” He couldn’t keep talking.

Mr. Jones and Paul were working together for 15 years, since he started his business. So Mr. Jones knew Paul and he wanted to save him. He shouted, “Mr. Jones! These reports are utter nonsense! If the employees continue to work like this, we will go bankrupt!”

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“That’s right, sir,” Mr. Jones continued, as he was happy that he saw the old Paul. “You must be present in the office, sir. None of the employees are working properly. We need to do something about it!”

Then Paul started to work so hard that he became obsessed with his business. It was easy to reach back where his business was, but he didn’t stopped there. He was aiming to be a billionire, which he achieved in time. But he promised to himself. He was not involving love with his life again, since he was afraid of feeling the loss again.

But at the age of 81, he met with 23-year-old Laura, an intern in his company. She was looking like his late wife’s younger version. He fell hard for Laura. After few dates, they started to their relationship. And a year of travelling the world, they decided to get married. As Laura had no love against him, she was in love with his money. But Paul was madly in love with her, except he didn’t know that Laura was plotting something.

Then one day, Mr. Jones found out that Laura was cheating on Paul, and he informed him. Laura was cheating Paul with his business rival, Kevin. They were together for months.

As Paul was devastated, he couldn’t understand why Laura had cheated on him. He was happy for the first time since he lost his family.

One night, Paul heard Laura talking over the phone with Kevin. He learned that Laura was going to poison him, as she was going to bribe their waiter to put poison in his wine.

He directly went into bed that night. But on the next day, he was depressed again, which Mr. Jones noticed. He asked Paul to divorce Laura.

But Paul had another plans. He wanted to teach a lesson to her. Then Laura invited Paul to a date. He accepted it. They went to L’Ardoise Bistro.

After Paul drink from his wine, he fall to the ground, unconscious.

Laura called an ambulance, and then went to meet with Kevin. She was sure that Paul would left everything to her.

The doctors had stated that Paul was dead, due to a heart attack. The doctors stated that if she would like to conduct an autopsy, but Laura refused.

On the next day, the funeral was arranged at their big mansion in California.

She was standing next to the coffin of her husband, Paul. She turned to his coffin, and stated, “Paul, I loved you a lot, honey. You were the most wonderful husband. I was extremely fortunate to have met you,”

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

“I know we’re not physically together, but I hope you’re happy wherever you are,”

“I love you, honey, and I hope to see you again in the next life,”

As she stopped talking, a knocking sound came from the coffin. As she thought she misheard, another knock came.

“This….This can’t be….” She said, but the knocking sound come louder and louder. Then Mr. Jones opened the coffin. Laura was frozen with what she saw. Paul was alive. Mr. Jones helped Paul to step outside from the coffin, and then they confronted with Laura, in front of everyone.

“I’m sorry, everyone,” Paul started. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, but I had to do this to expose my wife, who is only interested in my money. My secretary suggested that I divorce her, but I wanted to teach her a lesson. So I devised a plan. My wife loved all the fame and money she got from me, so I figured I’d expose her in her own way, in front of the public.”

Then the officers came, and took Laura and Kevin. They were arrested for plotting to kill Paul. Then Paul explained that he changed his will, and his whole wealth would go to various charities and orphanages.

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