

A woman had wanted advice on Reddit, as she stated that her husband is a momma’s boy, and stated that she wants her husband to be more into their marriage and help her.

She had stated that she is pregnant, and needed some help from her husband, as her husband was talking to his mom for hours on the phone. As she shared, “I F26 and my husband M32 is a compete mommas boy. He’ll call his mother for hours and talk to her and spend time with her more than he does with me. I recently hit my 6 month mark in my pregnancy, and asked my husband to help me get ready with all sorts of things the baby. He said that would interfere with time spent with his mom and replied with “yeah it might, but I need you more right now and would you if you did some other time”.”

Credit / Ian Waldie / Getty.

Then her husband said something that shocked her. “He gave me an offended look and said “you know my mom comes before you”? I was kind of shocked but I explained to him that we just needed to get ready with a few things here and there and that I wouldn’t need more help later in the week. He just ignored me and went to his mom’s house.”

And when her mother-in-love called her from his mother’s house, he again did some unpleasant things that made her angrier. “After a while, she called me and said “I won”, in a snarky voice and I just bite my tongue and said “maybe I’ll win next time”and she hanged up. I could hear my husband laughing in the background and that just angered me for while and I was walking around lifting my fold up upstairs. It hurt like hell, by got it done. I decided to paint the nursery walls another day.”

And when their anniversary came, again he did something that would be really upsetting, “Our anniversary rolls around the corner a couple weeks later and I woke up and got my husband’s gift ready that day and cooked his favorite meal. He came back from work and I was upstairs in the bathroom and he left. I got all eager and happy that he was bringing some sort of surprise and waited in the living room. 30 minutes go by and I call him saying where are you. He replies with “oh I’m at my moms house”.”

She had concluded that in the end, she had talked with both of her husband and mother-in-law, and she came out as the wrong one on their eyes. “I don’t appreciate what I said about this so don’t go to hard in the comments. “ She might as well be having your kid you clearly seem like your with her”. I hung up the phone and it was probably in speaker phone and minutes later I get a bunch of text from them saying that I shouldn’t be jealous, I shouldn’t respect my mother in law, and that I should maybe find something to do instead of being a bitter asshole. AITA?”

Then she had talked with her husband alone which made him cry, as she shared, “I talked to him again and I said that I felt like he treated his mom more than a wife he did me. I told him that he either had to stop that or I wouldn’t be in this marriage with him anymore. He started to cry and said that he would change. Part of me felt bad that he would cry infront of me like that but also that was good.”

Then concluded as, “I’m 6 months pregnant for fucks sake and I need him in me and my babies life and as for my MIL she completely denied taking away her son’s attention from me even though she’s been the one to initiate every time he goes to her house. I’ve spoken to her about what she’s been doing and that I don’t appreciate her taking my husband away when I need him in my life during the pregnancy. She just laughed and said you won’t win that easily. I told her there is no winning or losing. I said that if I had to compete with her for my husbands presence and attention, I wouldn’t be calling her my MIL and that my baby wouldn’t be around her for those reasons as well.”

Here are some of the advices that the Redditors had gave to troubled woman.

“YTA to yourself. He’s told you and showed you many times that you and the is baby are not important. Why are you still there hoping for change?”

“NTA. “He gave me an offended look and said “you know my mom comes before you”? It’s over and everyone in your life needs to know why.”

“NTA!! Its time to get a good divorce lawyer and look into getting primary custody cause I have a feeling he would try to take the baby away from you so him and his mom can raise the baby together.”

“You are a fool if you stay with this man. You were robbing yourself and your child of the life you could have. Even if you never find someone else to love, you could have a life of being respected and treated as a worthy person and not be second class in your own home. Dump his sorry ass and make a life for yourself and your child that doesn’t include his mother.”

What do you think? Let us know.

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