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As the daughter-in-law was not happy with her relationship with her mother-in-law, she talked with her husband so he would talk with his mother, and she would be kind towards her daughter-in-law. As the wife had shared, mother-in-law was criticising everything she was doing, and constantly.
She had invited her to a dinner, so they would talk and make peace, as she had enough of her criticism. As she stated, the wife had prepared the table carefully, as she didn’t want to give her mother-in-law the chance to criticise her, but she would find no matter what she said.
As she wanted the support of her husband on the war that was coming, she stated that the life rarely follows the scenes that we create in our minds.
The dinner started quietly, as they drink some wine, eat some food. When it was time for the main course, the mother-in-law had started to criticise. She had talked about every food, in a rough way, but what shocked her, was the behaviour of her husband, as he had talked for the food, in a supportive way for his mother.

Old woman criticise younger | Shutterstock

She said that she still remembers the moments, where she stared them, as her heart was about to explode. Her head spinned a little, then she threw the wine at their faces. The glass his the wall and shattered into million pieces. Red stain was everywhere. She stated, “I stormed out, leaving behind a stunned silence.”
On the days to come, her husband had apologized, but she was not okay with his behaviour at the dinner, for the dinner was to make peace with her mother-in-law, not create another war. She just wanted his support in that matter, but he messed up.
A week later, the mother-in-law had invited them to her birthday party that was going to be held at an art gallery, where the mother-in-law was going to share her paintings. Then she wanted a revenge, and talked with Eric, who was her friend, and an art critic. She had explained the things that happened at the dinner she hosted, and wanted his help.
Eric had agreed to come, and stated that he would spit her art, in fron of every guest. She liked the idea. But as the time for the birthday came closer, she started to think that if she was doing the right thing. She said to herself that would mocking her art make her feel better, or she would be like her mother-in-law.
man argues to a woman | Shutterstock

As she went to the art gallery, she actually liked the paintings of her mother-in-law. They were rich in color, and emotions. Then she saw her friend Eric, who was taking notes on his notepad.
As Eric started to his speech, the mother-in-law was expecting good words, but eric had started as, “Art is a reflection of the artist’s soul, however, not all reflections are clear.” Then continued to spit at his art, as he stated that her art was not original, her technique was low, and there were no emotions in her sense of art.
She witnessed her mother-in-law’s face turning to a person who was incredibly hurt with the critic of Eric. Some guests started to agree with Eric, as they were talking with each other. The birthday turned into a terrible event for the mother-in-law.
As Eric finished his words, the whole gallery was silent. As her mother-in-law’s eyes started to get wet, she experienced the feeling of getting humiliated by someone. As she experienced the victory over her, she also felt that she did something wrong.
Man hugs woman | Shutterstock

Even though her mother-in-law was a terrible person, she didn’t deserved that public humiliation.
On the next day, she went to her mother-in-law’s house, after her work. She was thinking to confess, and wanted her forgiveness. When she went there, she saw that her husband was there too. As she started to talk about her apologize, her mother-in-law had stopped her, and asked for forgiveness, as she was humbled with the experience at the art gallery.
After that day, they finally became a family that are supportive of each other, and love one another.
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