Life Style


A man had shared his story on Reddit’s r/relationship_advice subreddit. The man had stated that his wife started to work with her ex from his home during the COVID, and after that they started to hang out in his home, as they eat, drink and watched movies. He was not happy with her relationship with ex, so he confronted with his wife.
He had explained that his wife had talked about her ex to her husband, before they met. “So ever since COVID started my wife has been working from home. My job never let us do that so I have still been driving to work everyday. She has a friend that she occasionally hangs out with. He’s been invited to hang out with both of us before too. He’s nice, fun to hang around and pretty cool. I’ve had no problem with this. My wife made me aware pretty early on that she dated him in high school.”
Then added that they only dated, and no intimate moments were happened between that. “She said that they dated their freshman and sophomore year. They never had sex but did mess around. They started reconnecting as friends during their senior year. At that tone he had a girlfriend and she was starting to see another guy as well. She claims that after they broke up there was never anything romantic between them again.”
As the COVID hit, she started to work from home, and stated that her friend may come once in a while, so they can work together. “When COVID started my wife said that she would be able to work from home. I was glad and happy for her as I knew it’d be easier and even save gas. She said that her friend was going to be able to work from home too so they may meet up sometimes to go over their work and help each other (they both work in a similar field).”
“One day I came home and noticed that he was there. I thought nothing of it really as my wife had told me about this. They both had their computers and liked liked they were working pretty hard. For a while it was like this.”
Then after a while, he noticed that his wife and her ex was having fun, “date” like work meetings. “Suddenly a few weeks in I would come home and they would casually be hanging out and having fun. Sometimes they would be playing a game, sometimes they would be drinking, sometimes they would be eating. I started finding this a little bit weird. It seemed as though he was getting more attention than me and that she was having a better time with him than me.”
The final thing that happened, and he decided to confront with his wife was, “Then one day when I came home it was the final straw. They were both on the couch and her head was in his lap while they were watching TV.”
Then he said to his wife, “I was fuming. I yelled at her and told her that their actions have been unacceptable and that there’s no reason that she should be laying with a friend like that. I expressed how I felt like she has been showing him more attention than her husband and that it seemed like they were having more fun together than we do. Not to mention that they had dated before and fooled around.”
Then his wife stated that they did nothing wrong. “She got really upset and said I had no right to tell her that she can no longer hang around someone. She was mad that I seemed to claim that she was cheating on me with him and swore that she was not and would not do that. She said that all they were doing was relaxing and that it was not wrong to lay her head on his lap.”
The man had concluded his post, as he wanted advice. “The last two days he has not been at the house when I got home. She says that she has not seen him since our talk. I apologized for being so angry about it. She doesn’t seem like she has really accepted my apology as she has been really quite around me ever since. How do I make things better? Is she cheating? How do I handle things between her and this friend?”
Here are some of the comments of the Redditors.
“I agree with you. When you said they had computers out and were working hard I felt it seemed innocent enough. However…a woman putting her head in some guy’s lap??? No no no….boundaries are being crossed. It is not appropriate and she knows it. Would she be okay if the situation was reversed?”
“You are wrong. She would never be okay with your ex coming over to work in your house. Also social distancing means no one comes over. You are being blind.”
“They work in “similar fields”. They dont even work in the same field, let alone the same company. They are not collaborating. They are hanging out. Even if it wasnt for COVID, having a friend of the opposite sex over alone is something that is only okay if both partners are 100% cool with it.”
What do you think? Let us know.

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