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The phone ranged on the police station, “Hello,” an old woman’s voice was heard, “I wonder if you can help me. I can’t leave the house, and I haven’t eaten in three days…”

As the dispatcher was shocked, she immediately asked for the address and the name of the caller, and sent officers to the address. Officers, Steve Jones and Garret Franklin had went to the address.

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The officers were informed that what they were doing was a wellness check on an old lady who claimed that she was starving.

As the officers had arrived at the address, they found a beautiful house with a big front garden, in a luxury neighborhood.

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As one of the officers had ranged the doorbell, an old tiny lady opened the door, she was trembling.

“Good afternoon, ma’am,” officer Garret said, “We received a call for help from a Mrs. Hilda Ross. Is that you?”

“Yes,” the old lady said silently, “Please, come in.” The officers noticed that the old lady was patched her arm with a makeshift bandage.

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“Mrs. Ross,” officer Steve said, “Ma’am, are you hurt?”

“Yes,” the old woman said, “I fell off the ladder on the back porch. I was trimming the bougainvillea…”

“I see,” officer Steve said. “And you were all alone?”

“My son lives with me, but he’s on a business trip, and he won’t be back for another two weeks.” Mrs. Ross said.

“Ma’am, have you seen a doctor?” Officer Garret asked.

“Oh no,” the old woman started, “It’s just a painful sprain! The problem is that it hurts so much I can barely walk, and two days ago, I ran out of food.”

“You haven’t eaten in two days?” Officer Garret was shocked, “What about your neighbors?”

“We moved in a few months ago, and I don’t know anyone. I can’t walk to the store; it hurts so much… I didn’t tell my son because he’s just started this new job. I didn’t want to worry him.”

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“Mrs. Ross,” officer Steve said, “We are going to call you an ambulance to take you to the hospital.”

“No!” Mrs. Ross said, as she started tp cry, “Please don’t do that! I’ve been afraid of ambulances since my husband passed away. He died in one. Please!”

“Well, ma’am, it’s not the procedure, but how about we drive you to the hospital ourselves?”

“But all I need is some groceries,” the old lady said, “And I have money…”

“Come, ma’am,” officer Steve said, “We’ll just have you looked over, then we’ll take you grocery shopping, okay?”

Then the officers had helped Mrs. Ross to get in their car, so they would take her to the hospital, as she needed medical help.

At the emergency room, the doctor examinde and sent her to an X-ray, which the old lady said, “It’s only a sprain,” but the doctor was looking worried.

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“Mrs. Ross,” he said, “I know you’re hungry, but I’m going to ask you to wait a little longer until I see your X-rays.”

Then it turned out that there was a fracture in the old lady’s arm, and she immediately taken into a surgery. Few hours later the officers came back.

The doctor explained to the officers that the surgery went well, and that Mrs. Ross was resting in her room. “She was so hungry,” officer Steve said, “Had she eaten?”

“Not yet, because of the anesthesia, but she’s on an IV. When she wakes up, we’ll feed her.”

After that, officers contacted with the son of the old lady, and the man was shocked with the news of his mother’s injury and surgery. He explained that he was 3 days away from the nearest airport in Alaska. Then officers assured the man that they will take care of the old lady.

When they entered to her room, the old woman said, “Oh! You’re still here?”

“Yes,” officer Garret said, “We’ll be here until your son arrives. He’s on his way and very worried about you.”

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“He’s going to be scolding me…” The old lady said, “Well,” officer Steve started, “we’ll protect you! Now, the nurse said you can have a little soup if you feel like it.”

On the next three days, the officers became a familiar face on the hospital, where they were constantly visiting Mrs. Ross.

When her son arrived, the old lady was about to discharged from the hospital. “Mom,” her son rushed towards her, “I don’t think I can forgive myself for leaving you all alone!”

“I wasn’t alone, David,” the old lady said, “Steve and Garret have been visiting me twice a day every day.”

“Steve and Garret?” David asked, “Who are they? Neighbors?”

“They’re the police officers who answered my call for help,” the mother continued, “They’ve become dear friends.”

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When David met with the officers he was grateful. “Thank you,”he said, “You saved my mother’s life, and you’ve been so supportive. Thank you!”

“That’s all right, sir,” officer Steve said, “It’s all in a day’s work.”

“Just doing our job, serving and protecting the community,” Officer Garret said, “And besides, we know how stubborn mothers can be…So we kept an eye on her to keep her out of trouble.”

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