

Laurie was excited for her wedding, since it was one of the biggest days of her life. Her mother had abandoned her 24 years ago, while she was a newborn. And at her wedding day she showed up, as if nothing happened.

Laurie was holding her father’s hand, as they were walking down the aisle together. In that moment, her mother walked in, as Laurie and everyone was shocked. Laurie said, “Mom, what are you doing here?”

Her mother, Gina said, “There is no wedding without your mother, sweetheart. Give your mommy a hug,”

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Laurie said, “I don’t have a mother. My dad raised me on his own, and he is my only parent. Now please, leave the church so I can continue on with my wedding,” as she rejected her mother.

Gina didn’t leave as she said, “Mike isn’t even your biological father,” which shocked Laurie.

“He was so boring that I couldn’t stand being near him. I had an affair and it led to you.”

Gina wanted to break her heart, as she said that out loud. As Laurie was sad, as she should be happy in her big day, she looked at her husband-to-be, Adam, and rushed outside in tears.

Her father, Mike said, “Look what you’ve done!”

Adam and Mike, together, went outside to chase after Laurie.

When they found her, Mike said, “Don’t listen to your mother, sweetheart. We can still make this the best day of your life,” but Laurie was so sad that she shook her head.

Laurie cried, as she messed her makeup, “How can I be happy when she just told me you weren’t my dad? My whole life has been a lie,”

Adam tried to comfort her as he said, “We can always postpone the wedding, babe. Whatever makes you happy, I’m all for it. Don’t worry about the guests. I’m sure they’ll understand.”

As Laurie accepted Adam’s offer, she said, “I’m sorry, Adam. I want to be at my best when we get married, and I’m just not capable of that now,”

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Few days later, Mike and Laurie took a DNA test, and it was true, Mike was not her father.

As he was crying, Mike said, “No. I love you so much, my daughter, and no piece of paper can change that,”

Laurie hugged to her father as she said, “I know, dad. I feel the same way. I’m thankful that you raised me to be who I am today, and I’m grateful for all the wonderful memories we’ve shared together as father and daughter. Nothing can ever change that,”

As she was sure that nothing would change her father, who was Mike for her, she was curious about her biological father.

When she asked her father, Mike said, “Well, there’s only one person who can tell you that, sweetheart,”

She went to talk with her mother, about her biological father. When she asked, Gina said, “That was years ago, darling. I can hardly remember the man,”

And Gina said, without shame, “Well, maybe with a couple thousand dollars, I can refresh my memory.”

As Laurie had no other option, she gave her the money. Then Gina gave her an adress, as she stated that in there she would find her biological father.

She found a mansion on the other day. A man in fancy clothes opened the door. He had the same eyes and same blonde hair as Laurie.

As Laurie explained the situation, the man said, “This is incredible. I’ve dreamt of having a daughter my whole life,”

He was a wealthy businessman, who had no family. As she stated that she was not after his wealth, she wanted a DNA test. But her biological father, Nathan said that there is no need since they were looking same.

Nathan said, “One look at us can give it away. We’re so similar that I’m sure you’re my daughter,”

As Nathan was emotional, in tears, he stated that he wanted to make up the time of his absence in her life. He was happy to learn that he was a father.

After they talked for long hours, and he learned that his daughter was marrying, he stated that he will give her the wedding of her dreams. He said, “I will arrange the wedding of your dreams, Laurie. I will be happy to walk you down the aisle,”

As she didn’t wanted to upset her biological father, she didn’t refused, but she was sad. She went home to her father, Mike.

As he saw that his daughter was sad, he said, “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

“Did he send you away?”

“Dad, I don’t know what to do,” Laurie said. “Nathan wants to walk me down the aisle too.”

Mike was hurt when he heard that. He said angrily, “I was there since your birth. I was the one who heard you say your first word, I stood by you every time you were ill, and I raised you to become who you are today. I am your real father, no matter what other people say!”

Laurie said, “Dad, I thank you for loving me and for taking care of me all these years. I am confused, and I don’t know what to do,”

As she didn’t made her mind about who will walk with her down the aisle, her mother came to her bridal room, with a glass of wine. “Thanks for inviting me this time around,”

“I invited you so that you don’t ruin the wedding again. Please, don’t make a scene,” Laurie said.

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“Relax, honey. Mommy won’t ruin anything,” she said, as she was using her mocking tone.

“You already have. You only let me know now that I have two fathers. I don’t want to hurt any of them,” Laurie said.

Gina laughed, “Silly you. Take my advice and choose the richest one to walk you down the aisle. Use him! He will give you his money,”

“Of course, you’ll end up giving me some. Get rid of your useless father. He’s no use for you anymore,”

Laurie said, “That’s not nice at all. You are a horrible person. You got rid of me once too, didn’t you?”

Then the wedding planner entered, as he said, “Have you decided who’s going to walk you down the aisle, Laurie?”

She smiled, and nodded her head. The she appeared with Mike on her one hand, and Nathan on the other. Together, they walked down the aisle.

Laurie said to her fathers, “I don’t have a mother, but I’m lucky and grateful to have two fathers,”

Gina heard it, she was surprised, “What?!” She said.

Laurie said with a smile, “Well, I followed your advice. I got rid of the one who causes trouble.”

As her mother, Gina was kicked out from the wedding, they had great time at the wedding. Nathan, Mike, Laurie and Adam had filed a restraining order against Gina. They kept her away from their peaceful and happy lives.

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