Life Style


Alex Batty was eleven, when he went missing during the trip with his mother and grandfather in 2017. The French authorities had announced that Alex is in a youth center in Toulouse, and is going to return to the UK, to his grandmother.
The officers stated that a delivery driver found Alex on a roadside in the Pyrenees foothills, and delivered him to the authorities on the 13th of December.
The delivery driver, Fabien Accidini stated, “I typed his name into the internet and saw that he was being looked for.”
Alex wanted to reach to the UK embassy to receive help, as he contacted to his grandmother from Fabien’s Facebook account, where he sent a message to his grandmother, “Hello Grandma, it’s me, Alex. I’m in France, Toulouse. I truly hope that you receive this message. I love you, and I want to come home.”
Grandmother of the 17-year-old boy, Susan Caruana stated, “I am so happy. I have spoken to [Alex], and he is well. He is currently with the authorities in France. It is such a shock. I don’t know where his mum is. It is great news. I am just waiting for him to come home – I am thrilled.”
Alex stated, “My mother kidnapped me when I was 12 years old.”
Fabien had stated how he found Alex as, “[Alex] was walking while the rain fell in heavy drops. The second time I passed him, I decided to offer to drop him off somewhere.”
“He was quite tall and blond, dressed in black jeans, a white sweater, and had a backpack. He also carried a skateboard under his arm and a flashlight for lighting.” Fabien described Alex.
Fabien Accidini stated, “During the first few minutes, [Alex] seemed a little shy. We tried to speak in French, but I noticed that he had not mastered the language. I decided to communicate in English,”
“When I asked him his name, he pretended his name was Zach, and then we continued chatting. We talked for over three hours! Very quickly, he gave me his real identity – Alex Batty – before telling me his story.”
After they reached to the police station, Accidini stated, “When he arrived, Alex seemed very tired… He lay down on the ground.”
After the authorities confirmed Alex’s identity, they started to the procedures. They learned that Alex was residing in France for the last two years, even he went missing at the Port of Malaga.
Fabien stated, “[Alex] had no animosity towards [his mom] but really wanted to find his grandmother. He missed his loved ones,”
Alex’s grandmother, Susan Caruana stated in 2018 that her daughter, Melanie Batty, and her husband, David Batty took Alex to a spiritual community out of UK, as they were on a spiritual journey to see people with alternative lifestyles.
The family stated that they left UK in 30th of September in 2017, for a week of vacation, and Alex was last seen in 8th of October, in the Port of Malaga.
At their time in Spain, Alex had called his grandmother, but his mother, Melnie stated that he should stop contacting to his grandmother. Susan Caruana stated, “And obviously, at that point, I just knew that they’re not coming back,”
After that incident, Melanie called Susan and stated that they are not bringing Alex back. The authorities had thought at that time that Alex started to a new life with a Moroccan commune.
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