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Larissa had a dream wedding with her husband Toby, and her mother-in-law Julia was a great woman against her, which she was always supporting Toby and Larissa whenever they needed.

Whe she was talking with her husband about Julia, “I told you,” Toby said. “She’s loved you since the beginning, Larissa.”

A bride leaning on a woman | Source: Pexels

Julia was an incredibly alive woman who was constantly moving. She was always making food for them, whenever they would come together. “I just want to feed you guys,” she would say.”I don’t have anything else to do besides meet the ladies for drinks.”

They would eat dinner a lot, as they would enjoy each other’s presence in the house and in the kitchen.

Larissa’s family were on the other side of the country, as Larissa was now living in the state she went for college. She would video call her family, but it was never the same, but thankfully, Julia was acting like her mother.

Three years after their marriage, they were ready for a baby. “I’m ready if you are,” Toby would say. “I think it’s time now.”

For months, after many tries, they were not expecting, and Larissa started to believe that maybe they were not meant to have a biological child.

“What do you want to do?” She asked to her husband. “Keep trying?”

As her husband nodded, she had no other option, as she was aware that Toby wanted to be a father.

When she talked with her mother-in-law about the matter, “Maybe your body is just not rested enough,” she said. “Maybe you just need to give your body the best chance possible at this.”

“Do you think that it was a bit unnecessary?” Larissa asked to her husband when they were about to try on their new mattress.

“Normally, I would have said yes,” Toby responded. “But maybe there’s something to what Mom said. Our mattress was horrible before. Maybe it will make a difference.”

And it actually did, as Larissa learned a month later that they were pregnant.

A pregnant couple | Source: Pexels

“Thank goodness,” Toby said when he learned. “Finally!”

On their second trimester, they shared the news with their family. Even though her mother was not with her, Julia was not letting her alone, as she was acting like her own mother. But what Toby found out, changed Larissa’s perspective over Julia.

After Maddie was born, one night, they didn’t mind that Maddia was in their bed, as Larissa wasn’t walking to her room to feed her.

“You sort the baby out,” Toby said, “I’ll sort the bed out.”

As she took her daughter to change her diaper, “Sweet girl, you just have to make life difficult for Dad and me, huh?”

While Toby was dealing with the bed, he noticed something under the mattress.

“Oh, honey,” Toby said as he saw his wife, “We cannot use this anymore.”

“What do you mean?” Larissa asked, “What do you mean?”

“No, it’s not that,” Toby said in a nervous tone.

“What are you talking about? It’s just a mattress, we’ll clean it–”

“No, Larissa,” he cut her words. “It’s not just a mattress.”

“What?” She asked then.

“Look what I found,” he said and showed a silk bag, and inside there were herbs which Larissa never had seen before.

Herbs on a table | Source: Unsplash

“What is this? Where did you find it?”

“It was pinned to the mattress. It was under the mattress protector, so I think we just didn’t notice it before.”

“Fine, but what is it for?”

“It’s fertility herbs, it has to be!”

Larissa was confused. “Listen, I don’t know if this is true or not, but I do know that my mother believes in old wives’ tales. What if this is one of those tales?”

“She would never do that,” Larissa continued, “No way!”

“Then where else did it come from?” Toby asked.

That night, they went to sleep in the guest room, where Julia would sleep when she would come over. But Larissa couldn’t sleep at all, with what Toby found.

Through the morning, she fell asleep, and she was awaken with the smell of gas, where Toby was burning the mattress and the herbs. “What are you doing?” She asked.

Two pink gas bottles | Source: Unsplash

“We couldn’t keep it, honey. We just couldn’t,” Toby said.

Later, when Julia come over, they asked about the mattress and the herbs. “Mom, why didn’t you tell us about the mattress? About the herbs?” Toby asked.

“I just wanted to help. I knew that you were having trouble conceiving, and I thought that if it worked, you wouldn’t care how. I never meant to hurt either of you. Especially not my granddaughter.” Julia said.

“What else did you do? What’s in the bag? Other than the herbs?” Toby asked then.

“Nothing!” Julia said, “It’s just dried herbs. I can give you a list of them. I’ll take you both to the store where I got them from. It’s a sweet little apothecary next to my dentist. It’s a store all about natural wellness.”

“You could have just told us,” Larissa said. “How we can trust anything you do now? How do we know if our baby is a miracle baby or just an outcome of your herbs?”

“Does that matter?” Julia asked with tears on her eyes. “Maddie is here and she’s ours.”

“I’m sorry,” she continued. “I really am.”

“We need to start over, Mom,” Toby responded. “If you plan on doing anything like this again, you have to tell us first. We need to know what’s going on in our own homes.”

A crying old woman | Source: Pexels

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