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Into the first three months of their marriage, Elly found out that her husband was having an affair with her cousin Yvonne. She saw the text on the tablet when it got synced with her husband’s phone.

As Yvonne didn’t know that Elly found out about the affair, she invited Elly to her birthday, and it was also conciding with her graduation, so there was two things to celebrate.

A shirt with a lipstick stain on the collar | Source: Getty Images

Elly went there, as she was pretending to be there to help. She made a presentation with the text messages.

As the birthday arrived, while Yvonne was talking about the virtues her family taught her, the messages were shown in the presentation, and turned the celebration into a tragedy. Elly went back to her grandparents’ house, and filed for divorce.

A couple going through a divorce | Source: Getty Images

The prenup protected Elly, and Yvonne was cast out of the family, and left her husband devastated with his mistake.

The grandparents had pulled their financial support from Yvonne, and Elly’s aunt and uncle had blamed her for destroying Yvonne’s academical efforts.


When it was Aunt Carol’s retirement celebration, Sally was excited for the party they would throw, but little did she know, she wasn’t invited, as the family needed a babysitter.

A shot of people dangling their legs over the edge of a boat | Source: Getty Images

Sally talked with her sister, about getting a gift to her Aunt Carol.

“Should I get her a gift?”

“Yeah, grab her something. We’ll give it to her on the cruise,” her sister responded.

“A cruise? I wasn’t invited!” Sally said.

“We assumed you were staying to watch our babies for us…”

Sally had no idea that she was assigned as the babysitter to her cousin’s toddler, and her sister’s two-year-old and the newborn twins, while her family was going to have a vacation.

An exasperated woman babysitting kids | Source: Getty Images

As she protested, they didn’t listened Sally. She wanted to be there, in the family portrait, but they already decided. The tickets were taken, and Sally had no place.

But Sally thought that she could still fly to Hawaii with her own money. As she was angry, she decided not to play along with their plans. She took her boyfriend, her son and planned their own vacation.

The family arrived on Sally’s house, with the hope of leaving their children in there. Sally didn’t said anything before leaving, so they went to an empty house.

After Sally and her friend returned from their trip, the athmosphere was thick, and her family was disappointed, as they were angry against her.

A family whose vacation plans have been canceled | Source: Getty Images

Jessica, her cousin, even said that she was lucky they didn’t called the police for abandoning their children.

After Sally confronted her family, about leaving her behind for Aunt Carol’s retirement vacation, she stated that what happened was not her fault. They didn’t even asked her to babysit the children.

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