

8-year-old Lucas Adam, learned from his mother, Evelyn, that they were going on a family trip, to their external family.

As Lucas was away from the family, for Evelyn, it was a golden chance to make him familiar with her family, throught this trip.

At the Universal Orlando Resort, Lucas would be met with his uncles, aunts, cousins, and grandparents. Everyone was happy that there will be a gathering, so there were no problems.

The whole family couldn’t wait to saw eachother again, and Lucas was one of them too. He was nervous at the departing day, as he was waiting to meet them.

To overcome his nervousness, he started to run around his family, and started to talk about he would like to see, and the things he had seen.

After driving for a while, they were at the airport. The place was crowded. As they went in to the sea of people, Lucas made a mistake, as he let go of his mother’s hand. He was sucked into the crowd, and it was too late when he figured that he was lost.

As he was trying to find his parents, he thought he saw them boarding a plane, then he rushed to the gate. As he was embarrassed, he decided not to talk, and sat quietly on the plane.

The stewardess didn’t said anything, as she thought that little boy was with the family she led in.

As he was happily waiting, looking out of the window, the seat belt light was on, so he thought that his mother would come and fasten his belt. Lucas waited for a while, for his mother to come, but no one approached to him.

He got scared, so he decided to take a loot inside the plane, but he didn’t saw any faces that he knows.

As he was walking, his eyes started to got wet, and a man yelled at the boy, “Get out of my face kid,”

After a little while later, Lucas went back to his seat, and started to sob. He was sitting next to a man, and that man saw that Lucas was crying, to not give him attention, he dived into his phone.

A woman noticed the sobbing of Lucas, as she was the woman that Lucas seen from afar, and thought as his mother.

“Why are you crying little darling?” The woman said, but Lucas didn’t responded, as he kept crying. Then the woman asked to man next to Lucas to change seats, and came closer to Lucas.

When she sat, Lucas said, “I can’t find my parents,”

Woman asked, “Where are they?”

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“I thought you were my mom when you passed by with your family so I followed you into the plane. You’re going to Florida too?”

Woman surprised, “What? Florida?”

“We are headed to California —” she stopped, as she figure it out. The boy was on the wrong plane.

“Oh boy,” she said to herself.

And at that time, the flight to Florida was detained, because a family were searching for their 8-year-old boy.

As the woman figure it out the situation, she talked with the flight attendant, and then the pilot of the plane learned, and decided to contact with the family from the airport.

After the search for the Florida flight was over, and decided that it is clear to take off, the plane left the airport, without Lucas’ family.

After some hours had passed, an official came to the family, and stated, “He got on the wrong plane,”

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

As few hours had passed, and Lucas reunited with his family, after he was boarded to the plane to his parents, from California.

As her son was returned, Evelyn was happy that her son returned to her, safe and sound. From that day on, Lucas never let his mother’s hand go, until he was a grown up.

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