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A woman had threatened her husband that she is going to leave, if is he doesn’t choose her over his son. She had stated that his son was mean and harmful towards her, and shared her story on Reddit, asking for advice.
“I (39f) am married to Dave (44m), and he has a son named Avery (19m) and an ex wife named Dianna (42f.) Avery has always been hostile towards me, and blamed me for his parents’ divorce, despite his dad not meeting me until three years after. I have tried my best to spend time with Avery, and I’ve been respectful of all the boundaries he set with me. Avery still hates me. It was fine with me, as long as he didn’t treat me like shit because he hates me.” she had started her story, as said that her stepson is harmful towards her, even though she is trying to bond with him, the 19-year-old boy still hating her.
When he found out that they were marrying, Avery raised his hate towards the woman. “Well, Avery started treating me like shit when he found out his dad was marrying me. He threw a fit, saying his dad needed his permission before marrying me, and that he wouldn’t come to the wedding. His dad and I let it slide, and sat down with Avery and Dianna to try and figure out why he was upset. It didn’t work, and Avery refused to see us until the wedding.
On their wedding, Avery had shouted that she had broke the marriage of his parents, and she was a terrible person. “At Dave and I’s wedding, Avery objected to us being married in front of everyone, and asked to make a speech in front of everyone later in the night. In his ‘speech,’ he told everyone what a horrible person I was, and that I was responsible for his parents’ divorce, and that I was a dirty homewrecker. Dave drove Avery back to Dianna’s, but the damage was done, and several wedding guests assumed Avery was telling the truth. My wedding night was ruined because of this, and a good part of my family refuses to speak to me despite me explaining to them that this was not the case.”
She had explained the mean things her stepson had did, “Avery has continued to treat me like shit since then. He got mad at me once, so he dropped my cat off at a shelter two towns over, and refused to tell me where he was until he’d been put down. I wanted to keep my wedding dress after the wedding, and he tore it to shreds. (Just two examples, I’ll give more if anyone wants them)”
“Finally, Wednesday, Dave and I had Avery over for dinner because Avery actually wanted to come. Long story short, when I went to get dessert and Dave wasn’t there, Avery confronted me in the kitchen and began screaming at me and told me that I was a horrible person, as well as some other not-so-nice things. Dave eventually came in, Avery left, and I got pissed. I told Dave that I was tired of his son constantly attacking me and treating me like shit because of something he knows didn’t happen, and that I’d put up with his bullshit for the last six years.” then her stepson had confronted her and screamed at her face. Then she had the talk with her husband.
“I told him that he had to make a choice between me and Avery, because I wasn’t putting up with Avery’s shit any longer, and if it was a requirement of being married to Dave, I’d be filing for divorce. Dave told me it wasn’t fair to make him make this decision, and I told him it might not have been fair, but it wasn’t fair of him to let his son harass and attack me for years.”
Here are some of the advices given to the troubled woman by Redditors.
“He took your cat to a shelter and had it be put down? That’s some sociopathic behaviour, having an innocent animal get killed to get at you. How did your husband react to that? How has he reacted to Avery’s other outbursts? What exactly is your husband doing to protect you from his son?”
“NTA but I also think it is unfair to say he has to choose between you and his child. However his son should not be allowed in your house again, even when you are not home. That should be a new boundary, and I hope your husband can support you on that. His son has done some extremely hurtful and horrible things to you, and that should absolutely not be allowed to continue.”
“When I read the title, I thought that you’d be the asshole for sure. But the truth is, he’s abusive. He’s caused your cat his life. Literally this kid is a fucking mess. I’d be packing my bags now if your husbands gonna be a wimp about it. I’d also suggest that if he ever does become violent towards you, don’t hesitate to press charges.”
What do you think? Let us know.

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