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A woman had stated that after the birth of their second child, her husband got mad with the skin color of the baby, and wanted a DNA test.
The woman had shared her story on Reddit and wanted some advice from the people on the internet.

OP married her husband three years after dating him | Source: Unsplash

She had described their marriage and that she is white and her husband is black. “My husband and I have been together six years, married for three. Our relationship has always had a bit of trust issues from both sides, I figured no one is perfect and it never seemed that big of a problem. But obviously now with this situation I feel like I missed a huge red flag. And by the way, this is relevant, I am white and my husband is black.”
Then explained that their firs born, daughter was the mixture of two of them, and how different her husband had reacted when they had welcomed their son. “We had our first child two years ago, things were great, my husband is a wonderful father and very involved and supportive. Our daughter looks like a perfect mix of the two of us. Our daughter was a planned pregnancy but our son less so, although we were pretty careless with condoms around the time I conceived.”
And stated that how supportive her husband was during the time of her pregnancy, but after their son was born, he was avoidin his wife and son. “My husband was just as great during the pregnancy and he did a lot with our daughter to give me breaks when I was sick. He took the week of my due date off and pampered me the whole time. Literally the minute he saw our son that all changed. He actually walked out of the delivery room. I wasn’t really focused on him at the moment but it was tearing me up until I saw him again, which was when he brought our daughter to visit. He basically ignored me and our son the whole time.”
OP’s husband cared for her during both pregnancies | Source: Unsplash

Then she had learnt that her husband was furious that their son was white, and thinking that she had cheated on her, so her son is not his child. He had demanded a DNA test. “I knew something was wrong but I really couldn’t figure it out. I thought maybe he had been hit with crazy new father-son feelings and was wrestling with them so I left him alone for a while. Finally last night I asked him what was going on and he said he’d email me because he was too angry to talk about it!! This morning I received his email and it was basically him saying our son is a white baby and he is clearly not the father. He told me he won’t be involved in me or our son’s lives until he gets a paternity test proving he is the father.”
Then she had stated that her husband is not talking to her until the DNA test takes place, and how she doesn’t want a test. “This really blew me away. I haven’t told anyone I know yet because it’s so new. I am kind of hoping he’s being a crazy dad and we will laugh about this soon so I don’t want to tell anyone and taint their image of him. At the same time I am pissed because he is saying he thinks I cheated and he can’t even talk to me about it. And right now I think he’s really stupid. Our son is much lighter than our daughter but he still looks like his dad.”
The woman felt her husband was ignoring her after the delivery | Source: Unsplash

She had concluded her post and wanted advice from the Redditors as, “I am NOT doing the test but I don’t know how to reply to his email other than with a big, “F*** you.” I feel like if I say no he will just divorce me and I don’t want this to tear up an otherwise happy family.”
“tl;dr My husband thinks our son isn’t his, how do I refuse a paternity test without ending our marriage?”
Here are some of the advices from the Redditors;
“Get the test and an appointment for couples counselling. This is a symptom of bigger problems.”
People suggested OP let her husband take the paternity test | Source: Unsplash

“Does he know that mixed race babies don’t always come out a perfect blend of the two skin colors? Does he think making a baby is the same as mixing paint?”
“Get the test. And tell him he owes you a huge apology. It is an insult, but take it, and let him know that you are not bending to this behavior a second time.”
Some people advised OP to go for couples therapy | Source: Unsplash

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