

A woman shared her story on Reddit. The OP stated that her mother-in-law is not treating her good, and her husband is silent against the bad behaviour of his mother. The woman is not happy with that situation, and later on, the mother-in-law stated that she is a cheater, since their child doesn’t look like her son.

The OP, stated, “Basically accusing me of sleeping around. This, rightfully so upset me. Sorry, my genes are strong what do I tell you. I was short with my husband because he didn’t address how out of pocket and disrespectful this whole thing is.”

Then her husband came to her next week, stating that he will be doing a paternity test, not for himself, but to shut his mother down. The OP stated the she had no concerns about the test, but she was feeling terrible, as she was being accused of cheating.

The OP stated that she didn’t said anything his request of paternity test, and started to look for an apartment, as she said that she had enough of her mother-in-law, and unsupportive husband.

She explained that she is far than enough that she could stand on her own, as she is financially stable, and working. She stated that in two weeks, the results will be released, and then she will get the microphone in her hand, and speak the truth.

As the OP said that she is sad, because her son will have to live through their divorce, as she is sure that she can’t handle more harrasment from her mother-in-law, and the can’t stand to her husband anymore.

And when the test results arrived, she had invited the whole family to their house. As her husband received the results, he called the OP and stated that he will sent the results to his mother, and so she would be sure that he is the father, but she stated that he doesn’t need to since she invited everyone, and said that she had enough, and she wants to leave.

OP wrote, “He called, and I basically told him that this is not working for me anymore. I’ve already talked to an attorney, filed for divorce, and it might be more expensive than a paternity test, but it would be more effective making his mother happy.”

Her husband rushed home, and they had a pretty big fight. Her husband stated, “He said that I am not thinking about my son and I am overreacting because it’s not like he went behind my back. And if he knew that I was this upset, he wouldn’t have done it.”

And he didn’t signed the divorce papers, as he stated that his mother will apologize as well as himself too. But things didn’t changed when the mother-in-law arrived, as she said, “She has nothing to apologize for. She wouldn’t apologize for having suspicions. She didn’t accuse me of anything and I can leave if I want to.”

The OP left the house that night, as she was sure that things will go worse. Then her husband said that he will go to their house from time to time, and they will not come to his house to hurt his wife.

As the OP and her husband talked a lot, they decided on not to divorce, and try couple’s counseling. Her husband said that he doesn’t want his son and wife to leave. But OP stated that if any word reaches to her, from the mother-in-law, she will leave immediately, as she stated that she had enough of the immature attacks of her mother-in-law.

Here is some comments from Readers;

User comment on Reddit story dated October 4, 2023. | Source: reddit.com/user/SituationFluid6098
User comment on Reddit story dated September 29, 2023. | Source: reddit.com/user/SituationFluid6098
User comment on Reddit story dated September 29, 2023. | Source: reddit.com/user/SituationFluid6098

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