

Sarah was happily working in her job as a waitress, at the hotel restaurant. She was meeting with many people, from different cultures, as there were many people staying at the hotel she was working for.

One day, a man and his teen son had arrived at the hotel. Sarah saw them as they entered to the restaurant. The father and his son ordered the house special, but there was something seemingly off about the teen boy, which he was looking sad.

As Sarah brought the food they ordered, she went away, and kept observing them. As the father was eating with appetite, the boy was not touching the food, as he was pushing things on his plate with his fork.

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Sarah approached, and said, “Wasn’t the pie good?”

As the boy didn’t answered, his father started, “The pie is great, it’s just that Kyle isn’t very hungry today.”

Sarah smiled, and said to boy, “You’d better have more appetite for lunch tomorrow ’cause we are having our barbecue special!”

“We’ll do our best!” The father said. After few minutes later, he helped his son, on their way to their room.

Later on that day, he saw the father, while he was talking to the manager. The father was looking worried, and serious.

As he turned his head, he saw Sarah. He approached to her, and said, “Could I have a word with you?”

“Of course,” said Sarah.

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The father said, “My son. He has leukemia, and he is here to undergo chemotherapy at the institute,”

“Tonight he wants to shave his head so he won’t feel the cancer is winning when his hair starts to fall out.”

“I’ll be shaving my head too, so what I wanted to ask you is that you don’t comment on it. Please just act normal…” The father continued.

Sarah responded, “Of course. Please don’t worry. I’ll talk to the rest of the staff too.”

“Thank you! I’m Oscar, by the way!” The father said.

“I’m Sarah… See you tomorrow!” Said Sarah, and left.

As the father and son went inside to the restaurant with their bald heads in the morning, for the breakfast, they were shocked, when they saw that Sarah had shaved her head too.

She walked towards them, and said, “I thought I’d join the club!”

The teen boy, Kyle, laughed as he said, “You look so funny!”

Sarah laughed, and continued, “FUNNY? I’ll have you know that this is what the best heads are wearing in Paris this season. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!”

As they were laughing, Oscar stated that Kyle was seven, when he was diagnosed. He was a single father, as he raised his son alone after his wife was passed away.

As they were leaving the restaurant, Oscar apporached to Sarah, and said, “Thank you,”

“You have no idea what your gesture has meant for Kyle and for me. You sacrificed your beautiful hair…”

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Sarah smiled, and said, “It was no sacrifice,” she explained. “I lost my mother to cancer when I was very young, and I remember her courage. She taught me everything I know about love. I just wanted to pass it on.”

As Oscar was crying, he hugged Sarah. After that day, Sarah kept staying in touch with them, as Kyle proceeded with his treatment.

Luckily, Kyle’s treatment worked and his cancer went into remission. “But we’re coming back soon!” Kyle said to Sarah.

“Yes, we’ll be back in two months,” Oscar said.

“Another treatment?” Sarah asked.

“No, it’s a vacation and we…I mean…I was wondering if you could take time off to be with me?” Oscar said.

“I’d love to…” Sarah accepted, as she smiled.

After a year later, they got engaged. At their wedding, Kyle was the best man. To honor their meeting, they all shaved their heads at the wedding.

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