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Graham Carlye changed his will before he passed away, and he was expecting his children to not to find out that the will was changed.

“What do you mean, we get nothing in the will?” His daughter Caroline said. “Who is he leaving it all to?”

Caroline was dating with Graham’s lawyer’s son, and he gave Caroline the news. Then she told her brother Ralph. They went to the orphanage to find out the truth.

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Kyran, Kevin, and Kyle Manovich were the new holders of the ingeritance, three orphan boys, who were onlu four. They were identical triplets.

“They’re dad’s kids!” Caroline said to her brother, as soon as she saw the triplets. “He cheated on Marcy!”

They were returning to the office. “Yes…Imagine Marcy’s reaction!” Ralph said. “The nuns said the boys were four, and that their mother died last year! The affair may have been ongoing…”

“Oh, I think daddy will do anything to keep his darling Marcy from finding out he knocked up another woman and leaving him. don’t you?” Caroline said.

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After their mother passed away, Graham got married with Marcy. She was 20 years younger than Graham, and they didn’t had any babies together.

Marcy was depressed after she found out that she couldn’t have babies. After they went to a doctor, and returned home, Caroline and Ralph welcomed Graham.

“My dear Caro, we were in meetings together almost the entire afternoon!” He said.

Caroline smiled, “Oh, I meant real father-daughter time! And Ralph’s missed you too!” While Ralph was waiting for his turn.

“So!” Graham said, “What do you two want? New cars? More personal time with the company jet? What’s up?”

“Well,” Caroline smiled. “We were just worried about your health daddy because my boyfriend mentioned you’d been to see his father and made a new will…”

“So that’s what this is about!” Graham became angry. “And I suppose he’s been snooping and told you you’re no longer my heirs!”

“How could you, dad? Caroline and I have slaved for you these last 12 years…”

“SLAVED?” Graham raised his voice. “You both hold VP positions and have fat salaries you do little to earn. Those positions and those salaries are safeguarded in my will. What more do you want?”

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“But…” Caroline said, “What about your grandchildren?”

“Grandchildren?” Graham asked. “Neither of you is married and have given no indication you have any interest in having children. When you do, we’ll talk about it.”

“But if something happens…” Caroline said.

“Then you support your children on your salary, and endeavor to make your own fortune as I did.” Graham cut Caroline’s words.

“We know those brats are your children,” Ralph said. “And if you don’t provide for our share we’ll tell Marcy!”

“I think you already did, Ralph.” Marcy said then. She was standing outside of the room with a cup of coffee in her hand.

“I came to bring you your coffee, Graham,” she said. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but now that I’m here, please enlighten me.”

“Out, both of you,” Graham sent his children away. “Marcy, love, please sit down. I can explain…”

“I think I’ll stand — but please do explain.” Marcy said as she was crying.

“Well…Do you remember when we came back from that trip to Geneva? I had to go to that conference in Lake Tahoe and you were ill…” Graham said.

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“You mean when I fell into a depression because we couldn’t have a baby?” Marcy responded.

Graham stuttered, “Well, yes…The thing is…I…had a bit too much to drink and there was this woman — a dancer — and one thing led to another…”

“I see. While I was grieving because I couldn’t give you a baby you were busy having an affair with another woman and SHE had no trouble falling pregnant! Is it a boy or a girl?” Marcy said then.

“Actually…three boys…identical triplets. But Marcy, I didn’t even know! I only found out three months ago — the woman died and her lawyer sent me a letter…” Graham continued.

“I see,” Marcy said. “Graham I think you’d better sleep in one of the guest bedrooms tonight.”

“Marcy,” Graham tried to stop her, “Please, it was only that once! I never cheated before or since…”

On that week, Marcy stayed away from Graham. One day, Graham came back home early, and heard children laughter coming from garden. He rushed there and saw Marcy with three children.

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“Marcy!” He was shocked. “What…”

“Graham: I hate your cheating, but I love you, so I love your children — all your children. And if you allow it, these boys can be my children too.” Marcy said.

Graham broke down in tears, “Forgive me, Marcy,” he said. “I know I’ve hurt you! I don’t deserve a woman as wonderful as you!”

“I know THAT Graham! But I do forgive you.” Marcy said.

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