

It’ been ten years, since they last saw each other, and when Robert Carson entered to the place, his classmates couldn’t recognize him, since he had changed so much.

At first, he looked for Jack Wilson, the popular boy of their school, who was the attraction point of the girls, with his athletic build.

Then he saw Linda Moseley, the popular cheerleader of the school, who was the only classmate of Robert, who was kind to him. They were not looking same.

Jack was a fat man now, he was not the same athletic boy, when they were in school together. And it was same for Linda too. She had a great shape when they were in school, but now, she was an overweight woman.

But her kind eyes remained same. As he was standing on his own, a roll call started. He learned that some of his classmates didn’t came, as these gatherings were not for everyone.

Than some voice raised, as he learned that the popular kid, David Lawson arrived. They were the ultimate bulliers of Robert. As they entered David said,

“Hey guys, look, it’s that cheap dude, Robert the dumbo again. Why don’t you just go to a community school or something…This school isn’t for losers like you!”

If he was not a smart boy, he would already attack David, but Robert was smart. The only wish he had was to save his family from the financial struggle they are in.

His father was a bus driver, who couldn’t afford the education of his son, as Robert received scholarship. He was not wearing expensive clothes, or getting new phones every year.

And that situation led him to be bullied by his classmates, as he was not wealthy as them. He was the poor one.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

Once David said, “FOR CHRIST’S SAKE, MAN!”

“Are you going to stand in front of us like this? Hey, Rob, clean yourself up.”

David was left an egg on Robert’s seat, and as he didn’t noticed it, Robert sat on it. It ruined his pants, and that was why David mocked him.

They were mostly bullying Robert for the clothes he was wearing. Also his family background. So that was why Robert was curious about. He was wondering what he was going to do, when they see him.

As they started to went to have dinner, Robert slowly approached to his classmates, and started to hear them.

Frank said, “I can’t tell you how difficult these days are for me, man,”

“I mean, look at my boss! He’s such a jerk! He makes me work for so many hours for so little pay! I swear I feel like slamming his head against the wall at times!”

David responded, “Oh, man, that’s so true!”

“I mean, I’ve been looking for work for so long, and I’m just sending emails to anyone and everyone I can, but it’s so difficult these days. It’s just like….”

Then Linda responded, “Oh, thankfully, it’s been a little easy for me,”

“My husband and I own a small car rental business, and while the pandemic did cause losses, we think we can still get by. Plus, I have two beautiful children, and I love looking after them.”

Then, Frank laughed, “Hey David, how about losing a few pounds and finding yourself a sugar mama! That’s an easy way out, I mean. You can make her happy, and she can make you happy… what’s say?”

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

David was annoyed, “It’s not funny, Frank!”

“I have a wife and a daughter, and my main concern right now is finding work. For God’s sake, Frank, we are no longer those irresponsible teenagers! I have a family to support, and I need to get a job to do so.”

“Hey, hey, hey, man. Relax. I was only…” Frank stopped when he saw Robert. Robert approached, and said to David, “Hello, David. Would you like to join me at my firm?”

Then everyone turned to Robert, in shock. Everyone was in their tuxedo, except Robert, who was wearing a casual tee and blue jeans. They couldn’t recognize him, and they were looking as they were confused.

Robert smiled towards them as he said, “Ahh…come on, boys. I’m Robert – Robert Carson,”

“Robert…you….” Frank couldn’t believe his eyes.

“Yeah, the bus driver’s son, remember? I hope you guys haven’t forgotten me.”

Linda hugged and kissed Robert on the cheek, “Oh, no way, Robert, how are you these days?”

“Well, I just….” David cut him, “So you run your own business?”

“Ya… I mean, it’s not huge or anything, but we’re a good, close-knit team. We’re primarily an IT firm that I founded. I took my job a little too seriously, so I haven’t married yet, but I do have a girlfriend. I apologize for my unappealing appearance, but I came straight from the office… Anyway, this is my business card,”

“If you change your mind, just give me a call. I’m going to leave now. It was great to see you all again.” Robert continued.

Everyone was shocked, as they couldn’t believe that Robert was a CEO and a company founder. They were believing that he would struggle to work in a regular job.

They were shocked even more, when they went to parking lot together, as he went in to his expensive car. They couldn’t believe it, since they were thinking that he would be living with his parents, and living unemployed.

As he approached to his car, a lovely woman got out of the car, kissed Robert, and went into the passanger seat.

Robert’s classmates looked after he left, in shock. After few weeks later, David went to Robert’s company, and got a job in it, as Robert didn’t looked at the past, and to show him that the present matters.

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