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The couple, Anthony “Maz” Maslin and Marite “Rin” Norris, were on the verge of doing something terrible to themselves, after they lost their children in a plane crash.

The parents were devastated, and were incredibly traumatized that they thought of joining their kids. But they didn’t, since they didn’t wanted other people to mourn for them.

Their children, 12-year-old Mo, 10-year-old Evie, and eight-year-old Otis, were on their flight to Perth, to went their paternal grandfather, Nick Norris, as their parents stayed in Netherlands, to join them later.
The children were on the flight of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17, in 14th of July, 2014. After one and a half hour later, the watchtower lost the communication with the plane, and just 90 seconds later, the debris of the exploded aircraft hit the outskirts of Hrabove, a village in Ukraine.

The assistant of the couple called them numerous times, tried to wake them to learn that if the children were on the plane. As the parents learned the crash, they saw the wreckage on the internet.
They learned that the plane was shut down, as with the news, Maz fell to the ground.

With their children, the family had travelled around a lot, and their eldest, Mo, had 63 stamps in his passaport.
Rin was a makeup artist in London, while Mas was a stockbroker, and later he became an investor and entrepreneur.
Their children grew in a remote Muslim location, as Maz was working on the world’s first solar-powered water purification and bottling plant. Their children had seen lots of cultures, as they wanted for their children.

They had suffered a lot after the passing of their children. As they went back to their Scarborough home, they tried not be alone.
Their friends and family kept them company. The Australian soccer team, Mo was playing in, the Fremantle Dockers, paid tribute to the children before their game.
After some time, the bodies of the children, and Maz’s father, Nick were identified, and retreived the bodies to Netherlands.

They needed to work on their PTSD. They needed to accept the truth that their children were gone. As the people showed sympathy towards them, later they started to hate their looks.
When it was 2016, they welcomed their daughter, Violet May Maslin, after their late children, they decided to be parents again.

Maz said, “I’m the father of four beautiful children, and that’s a lucky guy in anyone’s language. You might not be able to see three of them but that doesn’t mean they aren’t here.”
Rin added, “We are so lucky that Mo, Evie and Otis were part of our lives and came into our world to teach us so many things. We are so lucky that we have Violet, that they sent her to us to allow us to be parents again to give us hope and joy.”

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