

Chris Harvey was 87-year-old, when he was hospitalized. After he recovered, and went back to his home, to see that if everything was okay in the house, and saw that his belongings were outside of the house.

Chris’ daughter, Angelina said to her father, when Chris called her from the hospital, “Dad, don’t worry. I’m going to work something out. But I can’t visit you at all because I don’t have any more PTO at work,”

After he experienced a heart problem, he called the emergency number, as he was worried that something was happening.

As he was in the hospital, doctors wanted him to stay for a while, as they needed to run some tests on Chris.

As he was not able to return home, and needed help, Chris called his daughter, who is living in Miami, and asked for her to come to Austin, Texas, and help him.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

As she had no time from her work to come, Chris responded, “Ok, darling. I think the doctors are just worried about my health at my age, and they’ll tell me more soon enough,”

Then Angelina reached to her son, Peter, and said, “You need to go to Austin and check on your grandfather. He’s all alone,”

“I don’t know if I can, Mom,”

Angelina said, “Peter, you need to be there for your grandfather. Who knows how long he’s going to live after this, especially if his heart starts failing? And you’re his only grandson, remember that,”

“He always said you would inherit his house and his things when he passes. Maybe you should check the house and see what repairs it might need so he can live comfortably for however long he has left. And it’s a great time to bond with him too.” She continued.

After a little thinking, Peter said, “Ok, ok. I’ll go. Hannah will go with me. I think I can ask for some time off work since I haven’t taken a vacation in a long time.”

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Angelina responded, “Good. Thank you, son. My work wouldn’t budge, but I trust you to help your grandpa as best you can. I love you, dear,”

“I love you too, mom. Bye.”

As Angelina was happy that her son would keep company her father, she had no idea of Peter’s true intentions.

After several days at the hospital, Chris was released, as he received his treatment, and the tests were done about his health.

As he was aware that his grandson was coming to stay with him for a while, he didn’t had his phone to contact him. He was hoping that Peter would be in home. Then he entered to a cab, and took a ride back home.

When he arrived, he saw that his furnitures were on the front lawn. The door was slightly opened, but it was supposed to be closed.

As he entered to the house, he saw that it was empty. Everything was gone.

He tried to yell, “Hello?”

He heard some footsteps from the bedroom, “Grandpa?

Peter came out of the room, he was surprised.

“Peter! Oh, thank God! I thought someone had broken in and taken everything I owned. What is happening here, my dear boy?” He hugged to Peter.

“Oh, well. Yes. No one broke in,” Peter said.

“What’s going on then?” Chris asked.

“I… well, we actually wanted to surprise you,” Peter said.

“We?” Chris was surprised.

“Yes, Hannah and I. She’s here,” he stopped and called his wife, “Honey!”

“What?” She said, as she came out of the room.

Then she saw Chris, as she said, “Hmm, Mr. Harvey. Hello there.”

“Hello dear! It’s so nice to see you. I haven’t seen you since the wedding,” Chris hugged her too, then said, “So, tell me, what’s going on with my house?”

“We wanted to remodel it before you left the hospital. It was in serious need of some TLC, and we hoped this would make you feel better. But you’re out sooner than we expected.” Peter said.

As Chris smiled towards the young couple, he said, “That’s wonderful! Although I hope you guys are not spending much money.”

Hannah said, “Oh no, no. Don’t worry. I know a guy,”

“Cool. What about my stuff? Where are they?”

Peter and Hannah were acting strange. Peter said, “They’re currently in…. uh… storage, except a few things we want to replace as a gift. Those are outside waiting to be picked up by the garbage men. We had to put it there for the remodel,” after his pause, he continued as, “But the bedrooms still have everything. Don’t worry. We’ll be able to sleep well at night.”

Chris smiled and said, “Thank you! Thank you so much, my boy. You are amazing!” He hugged both of them, and said, “Now, listen. I have to get some prescriptions filled up, but I’ll be back soon.”

“Sure!” The couple said to Chris. As he returned from the pharmacy, he heard Peter and Hannah talking.

“What are we going to do, you idiot?” Hannah said to Peter.

“Hannah, calm down. It’s fine. It just messes with our plans for a bit,”

“A bit? A BIT? You told me he was dying, and this was going to be our house. That’s why we’re spending all this money on it. You think I was going to dip into my money and help fix someone else’s house when we still live on rent?”

Chris was shocked when he heard that. He kept listening.

“Hannah, it’s fine. The house will be mine one day or another, and he has tons of money saved up. Just think of it as an investment,”

“NO! We are not going to spend another dime, and I don’t care about him! Tomorrow, we’re getting on a plane and going home! This was a waste of time!” Hannah said.

“We can’t leave this house like this!”

“YES WE CAN AND WE WILL! That’s final!” Said Hannah, and opened the door. When Chris heard them, he pretended that he just arrived.

As he called them, the couple were acting as if they were doing nothing. As they were acting this way, Chris wanted to teach them a lesson, as he heard their true intentions.

“Peter, I wanted to talk to you about something important,” Chris said, as they were eating.

“I’ve been thinking about moving into a nursing home permanently. I don’t want another emergency to happen while I’m alone here. I think it’s the right choice, and I think you two should have the house.”

As Peter and Hannah were surprised, they saked, “Are you serious?”

“Yes, I’m serious.”

“Thank you, Grandpa! This is an honor! We’re going to get this house looking so good!”

And on the weeks to come, the couple kept remodelling the house. After they were done with the house, Chris wanted to throw a housewarming party.

As family and friends gathered in Texas, Chris wanted to talk. He said, “I would like to make a toast…to my grandson and his lovely wife,”

“I wanted to thank them for all the work they’ve done on my house… because I’m going to enjoy it for the rest of my life.”

Peter and Hannah were shocked, as they heard Chris, because they were thinking that he was going to leave the house.

“Did you know they came here under the impression that I was going to die soon? They remodeled the entire house, gave away some of my things, and started working on it thinking it was already their own. And when I returned from the hospital, which they didn’t expect, they were going to just up and leave me here with a half-remodeled, empty house.” Chris continued.

Peter tried to cut his words, “Grandpa, why don’t we speak privately for a second?”

Then Chris revealed the truth. “No need. I heard you two speaking that day. So you two came here, telling your mother you were going to take care of me but decided to take this house as your own instead. Well, that’s NEVER going to happen, Peter. I already revised my will. This house is going to charity when I’m gone,”

As they were shocked, Chris said, “Now…,” and started to shout, “EVERYONE GET OUT OF MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE!”

On the next day, Chris talked with his daughter, Angelina, and told her the situtaion.

As she listened her father, Angelina said, “You’re right, Dad. It’s your house. But are you comfortable severing your relationship with Peter just like that?”

“Honey, he severed it the day he decided to kill me prematurely and claim my house. Watch out because who knows what they might do with you,” Chris said.

After 11 years, Chris passed away at the age of 98. The house went to the charity as he wanted.

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