

The girl explained that her mother passed away five years ago, and then her father married with a woman named Monica. Monica started as a nice person, but slowly, she changed to her true self. When her father was around them, Monica was acting as if she was the best mother in the world, but when her father was gone, Monica was turning into a monster.

Monica was reading the teenager girl’s diary, and spill some details from it to her father. Monica was constantly lying about the OP, to her father. And whenever she tries to defend herself, Monica turned into the most dotting stepmother, and the most naive person ever existed.

As the OP had enough, she wanted to show the true colors of her stepmother, Monica. She started to gather evidence about the lies and manipulative thing Monica says. When the Christmas came, OP was ready to reveal who Monica really was. The whole family were there, her randparents, uncles, aunts, dad’s friends, Monica’s relatives.

She set a video inside a flash drive, and put it into a decorated box. She gave the box to Monica, with a card, which was written, “You do so much for me. I want everyone to know that you’re the best stepmom ever.”

As Monica opened the box, and take the drive, they started to watch the video. At first, Monica was hugging and kissing the OP, then it stated, “A YEAR LATER,” and the whole things what Monica did to OP was revealed. The OP had recorded everything what Monica did to her, for a month.

She had taped everything with her mobile phone, and now it was time to reveal.

As the room was shocked and in silence, Monica break it, as she said to OP, “You, little brat…”

A young woman is ashamed | Source: Shutterstock

As her father was shocked, and emotionally broken with the video, Monica tried to convince him that OP was lying, and manipulating, her father didn’t take it.

“You lied to me, manipulated me, and treated my daughter this way?” He shouted.

“I won’t stand for it.”

“This is ridiculous! None of it is true, and she’s just trying to make me look bad!” Monica shouted.

After Monica left, OP said to her father, “Dad, I tried to tell you,”

Her father responded as, “Ellie, I’m so sorry. I should have believed you. I should have seen through her lies,”

Dad hugs his daughter | Source: Shutterstock

“I love you, Ellie, and I hate that I allowed this to happen,”

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