Life Style


Andrew was 17 years old, as he was spoiled with his wealthy family, who put everything in front of him, whenever he wanted.
“Do you think he’ll be okay?” His wife said to Steven, as they were wathcing their son, who was walting towards to the boarding gate.
“Of course Andrew will be okay,” said Steven, and added, “I hope this new school can help him learn some humility.”
“But what if they treat him badly in the dorms?” His wife was worried.
“He’s never been to boarding school before.”
Steven said, “That’s the point. Andrew has become spoiled and he needs to learn some tough lessons about life.”
A few months later, Andrew was on his way back to his family, as he was coming for the holiday on the semester of his school. It was a terrible experience for him, as he hated every second of it, and was incredibly happy that he was coming home.
As he was sitting in the plane, he called a stewardess.
“Hey, you.”
“How can I help you, sir?” The stewardess with red hair had smiled towards him.
Andrew threw the pack at her, as he said, “You can get me something better to snack on than these peanuts.”
“Sir, please don’t throw things at me.” The stewardess was stern.
Andrew said, “I’ll do what I like,”
“You’re here to serve me, so stop complaining and do your job.”
An older man that was close to him said, “Don’t talk to her like that.”
“Just because it’s her job to serve us doesn’t mean you can disrespect her.”
Andrew was annoyed, “I’m still waiting for my snack.”
Stewardess went away, as she nod at the old man.
“Your parents must be so disappointed in you,” the old man had continued.
“Nobody asked you, old man.” Andrew responded, as he was looking through the computed on his seat.
“Here you go, sir,” the stewardess arrived with a pretzel.
“If there’s anything else —” Andrew cut her, as he slapped the pretzel that she was holding.
“I don’t want a pretzel!”
“Peanuts and pretzels are the only snacks we serve on this flight.” Said the stewardess, as her eyes started to get wet.
“That’s pathetic, just like you.” Said Andrew, “Go and fetch me a proper snack, now!”
“How dare you talk to her like that?” Another passenger, a woman had said to Andrew.
“If she did her job then I wouldn’t have to.” Andrew shouted.
“She’s a servant, and a bad one too.”
As the stewardess cried, some passengers tried to comfort her, as they embraced her.
“Somebody ought to give you a hiding, young man.” Said the old man next to him.
“I agree.” Said someone, as he placed his hand on his shoulder. Andrew knew that voice, it was his father’s voice. He got shocked, as he found out that his father was in the plane.
“Dad, what are you doing here?”
Steven said, “Flying home from a business trip,”
“I hoped we might meet on the plane, but I never imagined it would be like this. Apologize to this young lady and the other passengers immediately.”
Andrew had murmured some stuff, as he apologized unwillingly, as he was afraid of his father.
As they went home, Steven had talked with Andrew. “This comes to an end right now.”
“Your behavior is disgusting. I hoped that you might learn manners in boarding school, but it seems I was wrong.”
Andrew said, “Why are you making such a big deal out of this?”
“She’s just a flight attendant. It’s not like she’s important.”
“And that’s your problem, Andrew. You think you’re better than others because you were born into a wealthy family, and that you can treat others badly because of that.” Steven was disappointed.
“That’s going to change.” He said.
“What does that mean?” Said Andrew.
“You won’t be going back to that school. You’ll finish your education at a public school, and you’re going to spend your holiday working.”
“Working?” Andrew stand up. “Are you giving me a job at your company?”
“You could say that. I’m going to give you a job in my cleaning company, as a janitor.” Steven smiled.
“I won’t do it!” Andrew was distraught.
“You will because I’m also cutting off all your privileges. I’m taking your bank cards, your computer, your car, and your cell phone. I’m even taking your branded clothes.” Steven said.
“You’re going to find out what it means to respect people.”
Without any other option, Andrew started to work at the airport on the next day, as the new janitor.
The old woman who was his supervisor had laughed at him, as he didn’t knew how to sweep or mop.
As she laughed, Andrew went mad, and shouted that he will make his father fire her, as the old woman responded, “No, you won’t. Your father warned me about you, now get to work. These floors don’t clean themselves.”
As he was cleaning the trash cans, he felt something hit him, and he turned and saw that someon had threw him a carton cup.
“Hey!” Andrew screamed to the old man who threw the carton.
“How dare you throw that at me.”
As the man had ignored him, Andrew ran and hold his arm. “I’m talking to you,”
“Get your filthy hands off me, you dirty janitor.” Said the man, as he shook Andrew off, and made him fall to the ground.
As he was on the ground, freezed and frustrated, another woman had kicked him. “Get out of the way, you lazy bum.”
“I’m going to report you for sleeping on the job.”
Eventually, Andrew had learned that his behaviours towards to the people were wrong, and she had found the number of the stewardess, and called her.
“I’m so sorry, I treated you so badly.” Andrew said to the woman.
The stewardess responded, “I’m glad you’ve learned the error of your ways.”
What do you think? Let us know.

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