

As Jennifer was preparing her wedding, she wanted an empty chair for her son, Rowley, who passed away at a motorcyle accident, few years back.

Jennifer asked to her fiance, “I think we’ll leave this seat at the front for Rowley. What do you think, John?” While she was making the seating chart for their wedding. As Rowley had a special place in her heart, she wanted a special place for her son at her wedding too.

Jennifer conceived her son, Rowley, when she was 16, as he became the miracle of her life. As he always had a thing for bikes, he passed away on his 18th birthday, after he had a crash in Texas. He was declared brain-dead.

As he was an organ donor, Jennifer always believed that a part of her son was alive, in some context. She was happy that her son saved lives, even in his death.

As she was in grief, she met with John, who loved and stood by her through thick and thin. As she found love in him, she wished her son would meet with him too.

Two years passed since she lost her son, and she was now planning her wedding, but her only wish was that her son would be there with her, to see her happiness. So she kept an empty seat for her son at her wedding.

John said, “That sounds great, honey. Let’s do that. You can put him next to your parents since that’s where he would be anyway,” John was a great man, as he always supported Jennifer, and helped her with her late son’s memory.

As he was incredibly emotional in her big day, she came close to crying many times. But she was happy, when she saw her parents, her family and friends, and believed that her son was with her too.

As she was walking down the aisle with her father, when she started to come closer to the front bench, she saw that someone was sitting on the place she left for in the name of her late son. The young man who was sitting there was no older than his 20s, and she had no idea who he wasç

She whispered to her father, “Dad, who is that?”
“Hush, darling. Look at John and smile,” her father said, as Jennifer was confused, so she asked again, “Do you know who he is?”

Then father said, “Focus, Jen,” she felt as if he was trying to escape from that question. As they walked, and her father gave his daughter to John, she was holding herself to not to ruin her wedding, as she was mad that some unknown man was sitting on the seat of her late son.

As their ceremony started and they changed their vows, and kisses, she asked her husband, as they were moving to their car, “John, do you know who was sitting on Rowley’s spot? My dad didn’t want to answer me,”

John said, “I do know, my love. But I want to introduce you to him at the reception,”

Jennifer didn’t wanted to wait, as she said, “John, you know how important that spot was for me today. I worried about that all throughout the ceremony. Please, just tell me,”

John couldn’t handle the sad eyes of his wife, and couldn’t keep the secret any more longer. He said, “Okay, okay. His name is Dave, and darling, he was the recipient of Rowley’s heart,”

“Honey, you literally had your son’s heart right on the spot you planned for him.”

“Are you serious?” As she couldn’t breath, as her heart skipped a beat.

John said, “Yes, darling. It was my surprise for you, and Dave is dying to meet you. His mother is also here. I wanted you to have a part of Rowley in the wedding, and this is the best I could do,” which made Jennifer cry, as she couldn’t hold herself.

“My makeup is going to be ruined, but I’m so glad I know now,” she hugged to her husband.

At their reception, his husband introduced Dave to his wife, and Dave’s mother hugged to Jennifer as she said, “I don’t know how to thank you for your sacrifice. But I’ll be grateful forever,” with tears from her eyes.

“Thank you for coming here,” Jennifer said to the woman, as she was crying too.

While they were on the dinner table, Dave approached to Jennifer, and gave her a stethoscope, so she could listen the heart of her late son. She cried again, and hugged to Dave, as if she was hugging Rowley.

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