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A Redditor shared her story on Reddit’s r/AITA subreddit. She stated that her father left her with his whole wealth, and $100 each for OP’s stepsiblings and stepmother. She wanted to learn why her father left all his wealth to her, as they didn’t had a great relationship.
OP shared that when she was a newborn, her father was an addict, and she was three years old, when he left her mother and OP. As her mother had another relationship with another man, she had a halfsister, but they were not great with each other too, and since her mother was working hard, she was all alone.
She lost her mother in 2011, and her grandmother took OP under her care. And she started a different, better life under her grandmother’s wings. OP explained, “I miss my mom every day, but my grandma provided a much healthier environment for me.”
It was 2018, when her father tried to contact OP, through her grandmother, but she didn’t wanted. As OP stated that she didn’t wanted to see or talk with her father, she learned that her father had gathered himself up, as he stopped his bad habits and created a family.
But he didn’t had any other biological kids, and he was diagnosed with stage five pancreatic cancer, and that was why he wanted to meet with her. OP shared, “I didn’t want anything to do with him. I never contacted him back.”
After some time later, she learned that her father was passed away. She found out about that, when her “stepmother” called about the inheritance he left. She learned that she received everything her father had. OP shared, “he made me beneficiary of his life insurance $100,000, left me his savings, $35,000, and his house, which in this market I could sell for around $400,000.”
She stated that with that money, she could pay for her college, buy her own house and still have great amount of money left to invest or save it for bad days. Her “stepmother” gave her lawyer’s number, and stated that she should split the money into four, as her “siblings” could benefit from it too.
Stepmother reasoned that way because OP never responded to her father’s efforts to contact.
OP shared, “I contacted the lawyer and everything is cut and dry, he left his wife and step kids $100 each and left everything else to me, but I’m starting to feel bad for his wife.”
Then she started to her search to find the reason why her father left his family out of the will. OP talked with her grandmother, her father’s mother, and learned that she hated her son’s new wife, since she was the one kept her father away from her, as her stepmother tried to convince her father to not contact with OP. She would say to her father, “if he got in touch with anyone from his junkie days he would relapse.”
And she learned that they were not legally married, as there were no signed papers about their marriage, because he was still married with OP’s mother at that time. And also, she was cheating on her father too, but he couldn’t prove it.
OP shared, “Basically, it was a dysfunctional “marriage” and by the end of everything he didn’t have the energy to deal with her, so he just let her be.”
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