

A Redditor, u/Cormorant11 shared his story on Reddit’s r/prettyrevenge subreddit. The Redditor stated that the school bus driver which he was going to school with, was bullying him. As he had enough one day, the Redditor had bravely talked back, and stopped the bullying of his bus driver.

The OP stated that he was a shy kid, as he was following his brother on the bus. As he was behin his brother all the time, all of his friends were bigger than him, they were his brother’s friends. As time passed, and OP started his fifth grade, his bus driver changed, as OP described the man as, “mean, incredibly obese, and absolutely set on segregating the bus by age.”

A boy carrying a backpack as he’s about to board a school bus | Source: Pixabay

The driver was yelling at OP, because he was sitting with his brother. After he was yelled by the bus driver for couple of times, he started to sit alone, in the front seats of the bus, reading his books in peace. OP stated that he was an introvert, as he still is. He was having problems with communicating with other children of his age.

As time passed, the bus driver started to mock with his readings, as he was constantly reading during his time in the bus. The driver was calling OP as the book boy. OP shared, “Every time I would get on the bus he’d say “Heya book boy, whatcha reading today?” or “Why don’t you have any friends? You need to put down Harry Potter.”

What hurted him the most was, one time the Driver had talked from the intercom, as everyone in the bus heard, “Will someone come sit with book boy? He needs to make some friends.”

OP was devastated, as he was only ten at that time. He recalled that he went home, and cried for a day because of that experience. When he talked about the issue with his mother, she stated that OP was a smart boy, while the driver was just a dumb driver.

Then his mother continued with saying that the driver was just an old man who had failed himself, and trying to hurt others so he would find comfort with his life, and OP shouldn’t mind his gibberish.

And on the next day, OP was at the bus again, but this time, he was more confident. He kept reading his book, on the front seat, and when the driver said, “So book boy, why are you always reading so much?” OP had an answer this time. Before he stepped out of the bus, OP said, “So I don’t grow up to be a bus driver.”

A little boy reading a books | Source: Pixabay

OP didn’t even looked back after what he said. One of the kids who were living on the same street with OP, talked with him later and stated that what he did to the driver was hilarious. OP explained that he became good friends with that kid. And after that incident, the bus driver never bothered the OP again.

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