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A confused woman with her hands pointed up | Source: Shutterstock

A 32-year-old Redditor shared her story on the Reddit’s “AITA” subreddit, in the October of 2022. The Redditor stated that he was together with her boyfriend for 9 months, and that he had two children. Her boyfriend’s children loved eating out, and they would occasionally go outside for a dinner or a lunch.

“We go out once a week and each time he happens to forget his credit card to make a payment. I’d obviously end up paying since we had the kids with us. But honestly it left me broke this month and the month before.”

“I just recieved my payment for my 2nd job (part time). We agreed to go out together with the kids and I even sent him a text reminding him to not forget his credit card. He laughed it off.”

“At the restaurant we had ordered dinner and he let the kids order lots of new stuff on the menu which was expensive. Before we started eating I mentioned his credit card just to make sure he didn’t forget it. He looked at me shocked and then started searching his pockets for a while.”

A woman holding an empty wallet | Source: Shutterstock

“He then looked at me in a sorry way and said “Guess I forgot it in the other pair of jeans that I thought I was going to wear” then asked me to foot the bill “just this time”. The food was on the table but I didn’t even get a bit. I grabbed my stuff and got up. He freaked out asking where I was going. I told him I wouldn’t be paying “this time AGAIN” and to enjoy his dinner with the kids. Then I walked out.”

“He called me later and absolutely lost it on me. He said that he couldn’t believe I’d walk and leave him and the KIDS in this situation. I said I wasn’t going to pay for him and the kids food every single time! it’s unfair! he said he forgot, FORGOT (he yelled like that) and that I did not show sympathy for him and the kids and he had to cancel and go home with the kids hungry since he couldn’t pay right there and then.”


A couple at home | Source: Pexels

A Redditor shared a story on Reddit’s “AITA” subreddit, in the September of 2022. The 33-year-old woman said that her 37-year-old fiance wanted her to pay for the whole table, and he was doing it for a while until the Redditor decided to stand up for herself.

“I got a raise on my salary. now I earn 30% more than he does and I noticed that he’s been using this to ask me to pay for him and his friends. Whenever I say “no” or “why should I pay for this?” he’d respond with “the 30% that’s why”. He acts as if the 30% is unfair or that I’m not deserving of it.”

“Last tuesday, he asked me to join him and his buddies for dinner. I told him from the start I wasn’t paying for their food and he shouldn’t expect me to. He said he “got this” and “no worries.””

“We got to the restaurant. Met his friends, ordered food. And in the middle of the meal he leaned in and whispered that I would be paying for everything he and his friends ordered. I got so mad I whispered back “noooo” but he probably relied on me not causing a scene in public and infront of his friends. He said “you have enough money you could pay for everyone’s food, 30% remember?””

Friends sharing a meal together | Source: Pexels

As OP went mad, she decided to pay for only herself. She excused herself to the bathroom, paid for only herself and left the restaurant.

“I started getting phonecalls from my fiance then texts asking where I was. I texted back saying I didn’t appreciate how he put me in this situation and basically tricking me into paying for his and his friends food. I told him I went home then stopped replying. An hour later he came and started yelling at me calling me selfish, irrational, cheapskate and childish for sneaking out like that and leaving him stuck with a bill he could not pay (He had to call his brother for help). We had a loud argument then he walked out.”

“His friends didn’t speak to me on this but he told me they’re disappointed in my behavior and are telling him to take time and “reflect” on the type of woman he’s gonna be married to.”


A young woman giving a determined look | Source: Shutterstock

A 28-year-old Redditor shared a story on Reddit’s “AITA” subreddit, in the August of 2022. The Redditor stated that she was constantly having problems with her sister-in-law she called “Amy.”

When Amy was visiting the town, she would stay in with OP’s family, instead of booking herself a hotel room. She was also would like to be taken to high-end restaurants.

“She always conveniently forgets her wallet, or comes up with some excuses as to why she can’t pay her share,” the Redditor wrote in her post.

Glasses raised during a meal | Source: Unsplash

As OP and her husband were not earning the same amount of money, and OP was receiving more, Amy would imply that the Redditor should be the one paying the bill.

One day, Amy had a restaurant reservation, again for an expensive place. And this time, OP didn’t wanted to be the one who is paying the bill.

“She had made a reservation at an extremely expensive restaurant last night, and before we left, I made it clear that I wouldn’t be paying her bill,” the Redditor said.

As they get ready for the restaurant, OP’s husband and his sister, Amy, went into the car. OP stayed behind for a while, and saw that her sister-in-law again “forgot” to take her wallet with her. She took the wallet in her bag and went to the car.

A woman checking her purse | Source: Unsplash

When the bill arrived, Amy once again explained that she forgot her wallet, but this time OP pulled Amy’s wallet out of her bag and said, “This wallet?”


A family enjoying each others company at dinner. | Source: Getty Images

A 37-year-old woman had shared a story on Reddit’s “AITA” subreddit, in the April of 2023. The Redditor stated that her in-laws would invite them to dinner outside, and would leave them with the bill.

“A few months ago, my in laws invited us out to a resturant they liked near their house. We hadn’t ever been, and even though it wasn’t a place we normally would have chosen, we figured it was their way of “joining the fun” and showing us something new like we had shown them. After dinner, my MIL slid the bill over to my husband without looking at it. He looked surprised, but dinner wasn’t expensive, so we paid it without saying anything. A few weeks later, my in laws invited us out again, to a moderately expensive place we had taken them once before, and did the same thing.” The Redditor said.

A turkey dinner spread. | Source: Getty Images

“Recently, while on a call with his Mom, my husband mentioned that I had gotten an award at work. His mother immediately suggested we all go out to a very fancy resturant nearby to celebrate. I quietly asked if we were going to have to pay for it, and my husband stated glaring daggers at me. He ended the call quickly, and called me rude. I told him I didn’t think we should have to pay every time his parents wanted to go to dinner, and that they were using my award (which really wasn’t a big deal at all) to get a fancy night out.”

“He said we could afford it and they couldn’t (this is true), and I was an asshole for refusing to pay for them. Later, after he had spoken to his dad, he told me I had embarrassed his parents and made them feel like moochers. They want an apology, and to make up for it, he said we should just take them out to the fancy resturant they want. No pretense of celebrating my award this time.”

A woman looking annoyed while a couple fights behind her. | Source: Getty Images

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