

As Prince Williams had founded the Earthshot Prize in 2020, he is travelling around to be there when the Prize needs him. This year, he went to US, with his wife, Kate Middleton.

As he had cancelled his trip, when the Queen Elizabeth passed away, Prince William had stated a message as, “Protecting the environment was a cause close to my grandmother’s heart. And I know she would have been delighted to hear about this event and the support you’re all giving our Earthshot finalists, the next generation of environmental pioneers,”

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

But later, they had went for the Prize, with Kate Middleton. It is their first time being on US, since their visit to Boston, in 2014.

As they were travelling on commerical flight, people had praised them for not using private jets.

Jonathan Wood, a passenger, “As soon as people saw them get on you could tell there was a buzz on the airplane,” said.

“It was a wild experience, but it was great.”

Another passanger, Jo Atkins had stated, “Surprising … you assume they’d have a private jet,”

“[William is] a lot slimmer… can I say that? He’s very slight. She’s beautiful, obviously, as one would expect. I didn’t expect that getting on the plane.”

Luke Howard, said, “Well look, they’re coming for Earthshot. It’s an environmental thing, right, so being on a commercial flight makes sense,”

There were many people outside of the airport, where Middleton and Prince William had landed. One of them was 8-year-old Henry Dynov-Teixeira.

Henry had stated, “I am going to scream and tell my best friend that I am now famous,”

“We bought it in London in the summer and he wore it for Halloween.” said his mother, Irina, about the Buckingham Palace Dress that Henry was wearing.
A 20-year-old woman, Ashley Langan was holding a board that was written, “Welcome to Boston, Your Highness.”

“It’s a dream come true, really it is. If I had told myself ten years ago that this would happen, I wouldn’t have believed me. I love them as a couple and the work they do,” Ashley had stated.


A body language expert had examined the trip of the royal couple, Judi James.

As they were making a speech, the royals had adressed that, “looking forward to spending the next few days learning about the innovative ways the people of Massachusetts are tackling climate change.”

“The normally tactile-shy couple are using three key tie-signs or cues to suggest a mutual need to register unusually high signals of love, support, and togetherness,” James had said for the royals.

“Their arms are pressed together from just above the elbow to the wrists and when William stops leaning away to chat they will likely be pinned at the shoulders, too.”

“She has done this PDA before but it has been more of a fleeting gesture but here it is getting validation from William’s reciprocal response. He places his own hand on top of hers and even curls his fingers around her hand to keep it in place,”

Paul Edwards – Pool/Getty Images

As Queen Elizabeth had passed, the duties of the royals had changed, and improved, as the reports are suggesting. And the pressure Kate Middleton was feeling rised too.

“Kate’s smile has been as immaculate as usual in Boston but here she sucks her lips in,” James said.

“This is another sensory trick. Lips have the densest concentration of nerve endings of any part of the body and pressing and sucking them in like this can be a self-comfort ritual under pressure.”


James also stated that Middleton had helped Camilla to calm down, on the Rememberence Day service.

“Watching from the balcony Camilla combined signals of regal duty with some rituals of anxiety. Standing beside Kate, she performed a subtle smile of acknowledgment as her wreath was laid, and as she turned to Kate on their way from the balcony she threw a rather fond smile as Kate spoke to her,”

“Camilla smiled at Kate for a second time before nodding, again in a gesture of acknowledgment as she walked ahead of Kate in her new role of Queen. Otherwise, though, there were gestures of open anxiety from Camilla. She looked unable to keep totally still and spoke to Kate at one point but while looking straight ahead rather than turning to her.”

“Kate turned her head quickly in a gesture of polite concern. Kate’s calm and very still body language was in contrast to Camilla’s nervous movements that showed the most in the fluttering of her hymn sheet as her two hands fiddled with it throughout.” said James.

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