

As Winerset, Iowa was a small town, everyone knew each other. Father Harris was the priest of the communty, which he grew inside. He was surprised, when he was informed about a small boy, who was begging for food.

At Sunday, Mrs. Santiago said to Father Harris, “Yes, Father. A little boy named Bobby comes to my house every couple of days asking for food. He can’t be older than seven or eight years old,”

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“Can we do something to help him?”

“He only asks you for food?” Father Harris said.

Mrs. Santiago said, “Yes, I always give him a little something. He said it was for his sick mom who couldn’t work anymore. But when I asked him where he lived, he said ‘There,’ and pointed in a random direction. I don’t think he has a home, but I can’t be sure,”

“Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Mrs. Santiago. I’ll ask around and see if others know more about this boy,” Father Harris said.

Mr. Jenkins stated that he saw the boy on the bus station, crying. As he tried to talk with the boy, he ran away.

But Bobby was only coming to people’s houses, and ran away after receiving some food. After people stated that Bobby was scared, after people offered to go and help his sick mother, Father Harris wanted to follow the boy.

He saw Bobby one day, as he was walking with bags of food, while heading towards to the outs of the town.

As Winterset was not the coldest place in the country, during that period of time, Winterset was pretty cold. As he tried to follow the boy, he lost sight of him. Then he heard a dog, which he moved towards the noice.

Dog started to bark again, after it spotted Father Harris. Then Bobby rushed outside of his hut to see what was happening.
“Don’t worry, Bobby. I’m here to help. People around town told me about you. Is your mother inside? May I talk to her?” Father Harris tried to approach to Bobby.

“Can you really help us?” Bobby asked. As Bobby decided to put his trust in Father Harris, he went inside, and come out with his sister.

“Is this your sister, Bobby?”

“Yes. We don’t have a mom anymore. Mom died some time ago, and our dad disappeared even before that. I was afraid mean adults would separate us. We ran here with Sparkie. He protected us. But people are nice here,” Bobby explained.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“Of course, people are nice here, Bobby. Everyone is worried about you, and they want to help you,” Father Harris said, as he was petting Sparkie.

Bobby said, “But we can stay here together. I want to find a job. I can take care of my sister,”

“Bobby, you have taken care of your sister already. But you also need someone to help you out. It will get too cold this time of the year. You need proper shelter. But I can promise you that no one will ever separate you,” Father Harris tried to gain Bobby’s trust.

Then his sister spoke, “What about Sparkie?”

Father Harris turned to little girl, and asked, “What’s your name?”


“Ok, Rosie. I also promise that Sparkie will be with you guys. Don’t worry. He’s part of your family too,” Father talked to Rosie, “Now, will you come with me to the church? I have nice warm food for all of you, including Sparkie.”

As Bobby agreed to come, he comforted his sister, and took the leash of Sparkie. They arrived at the utility room of the church, where Father Harris prepared a room for the siblings.

After they filled their bellies, they fell asleep. Sparkie didn’t left their side, and he too went to sleep under their feet. Father Harris later learned that the siblings lost their mother three months ago, and the CPS were looking for theö.

Then he called CPS, and a social worker stated that they will find a foster home for the children, as soon as possible.

Mrs. Santiago said to Father, “The McCarthys are so nice. They would be wonderful parents, and I know they love dogs too,” as she suggested to Father to talk with the family.

As Father talked with the family and the social workers, they had arrenged a meeting with McCarthys and after two weeks later, the siblings were officially their children, where they were happy and loved.

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