

Louis Newman had said, “Ugh! You can’t be serious! Are you really making her sit here?! Miss, you better do something about it!”, as he saw mother of three was coming towards her.

“I’m sorry, sir,” stewardess said.

“These seats have been assigned to Mrs. Debbie Brown and her children, and we can’t do anything about it. I’d request you to kindly cooperate with us.” Said, as she showed the tickets.

“You don’t understand, Miss! I have a crucial meeting with foreign investors. Her children will keep chit-chatting and making noises, and I cannot afford to lose this deal!” Louis had continued.

As the stewardess saying, “Sir….”, Debbie had cut her, “It’s all right. I can sit somewhere else if the other passengers are willing to swap seats with my children and me. That isn’t an issue for me.”

“Not at all, ma’am!” Stewardess said.

“You’re sitting here because you paid for it, and you have the right to be here! It makes no difference whether someone likes it or not, and sir,”

“I’d appreciate it if you could be patient until the flight is over.” She said to Louis.

Wealthy man, Louis was annoyed when the stewardess had ignored his demand. He didn’t liked to be sitting with Debbie, and her three children.

“Mom!” Said her daughter Stacey, as they were flying for the first time. “Look, we’re finally flying! Yay!”

Some other passengers had smiled towards Stacey, as they found her innocent.

“Listen,” said Louis to Debbie, “Could you please ask your children to be quiet? Because I missed my previous flight, I’m joining a meeting from here. I don’t want any kind of disruption.”

“I’m sorry,” answered Debbie.

“Do you mind if I ask you a question?” Said Debbie to Louis, as she had noticed that he was a businessman, working on fabrics, and designs.

As Louis didn’t want to have a conversation with her, he wanted to make fun with her ignorance, as he thought she was an ignorant.

“Umm…Yeah, sure, go ahead.”

“I noticed you had a handbook with fabric samples and designs. Do you work in the clothing industry?” Debbie asked.

“Uhhh…yeah, you could say that. I own a clothing company in New York. We just closed a deal. I hadn’t really hoped it would work, but it did.”

“Oh, that’s lovely. Congratulations! Actually, I run a small boutique in Texas. It’s more of a family affair. It was started by my in-laws in New York. We recently opened a unit in Texas. I was really impressed with the designs you were presenting.”

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Louis laughed at Debbie, as he was amused, “Thanks, lady! But the designs that my company makes are not like some local or family boutique thing; we hire some of the best designers, and we just cracked a deal with the best designing company in the world! A BOUTIQUE, SERIOUSLY?!”

Debbie was humiliated with his laugh. “Oh, well,” she said, “I – I understand. It must be something really huge for you.”

“Something huge?” Louis had laughed again. “A poor woman like you would never understand what it means, but it was a million-dollar deal! Let me ask you this again,”

“I mean, I saw your tickets and everything. I know you’re here flying business class with us, but trust me, you don’t look like someone who deserves to be here! Maybe try economy the next time and look for people who own boutiques like you?”
Debbie responded to him sternly, “Listen, sir,” she said.

“I understand; it’s my first time flying in business class, and I had trouble figuring out the check-in process and everything, but don’t you think you’re getting ahead of yourself? My husband is on the flight with us, but…”

As she was talking, the pilot of the plane had announced that they had arrived at JFK, and continued as, “Also I would like to thank every passenger on this flight, especially my wife Debbie Brown, who is flying with us today. Debbie, honey, I can’t tell you how much your support means to me.”

Then Louis had figured that the pilot of the plane, Captain Tyler Brown, was Debbie’s husband.

“This is my first time flying an A-class flight, and I was nervous. Thank you to my wife, who assured me that everything would be fine and decided to accompany me despite her fear of flying in order to put my mind at ease. Today is my first day back at work after a long period of unemployment. My wife and I have never had it easy, and we’ve seen a lot of struggles in our lives, but I’ve never heard Debbie complain about her situation. So, on this day, which also happens to be the day we first met, which I believe my wife has forgotten, I’d like to propose to her again on this flight. DEBBIE, I LOVE YOU, HONEY!” Captain Tyler Brown continued.

Tyler had left his cabin, and proposed to her, “Would you like to spend the rest of your life with me again, Mrs. Debbie Brown?”

Debbie shouted yes, as other passangers had cheered for them, went emotional with the occasion.

As they were leaving the plane, Debbie had approached to Louis and said, “A materialistic man like you, who only thinks about money, would never understand how it feels to have a loved one around you. And yes, my husband and I live a humble life, but we are very proud of it!”

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