Life Style


George Miller was on his way to see his mother, Alivia, from Florida to Canada. After she called and texted him that she missed him, and didn’t see him for a while.
A textile millionaire, from Florida, George decided to went to his mother’s side, since he missed her too. But he wanted to drive, as he wanted to think a way of defend himself from the persuasive attacks of his mother regarding marriage.
On her last call, Alivia said to her son, “Georgie! You have everything that a woman would want. Why don’t you find a girl for yourself and settle down? If it’s too much trouble, I can look up some girls for you!”
“Ugh, mom…” George went silent, “You see, I am extremely busy with work right now, and you know after….”
“Busy? You have your whole life to do those things! Do you understand?” Alivia said.
“You’re coming home this weekend, and we’re talking to an agent for some marriage proposals. Mrs. Lawson, our neighbor… She told me about this matchmaker, and she said he’ll find you a partner in no time!”
“Uh..ok, mom…whatever you think is right,” he said to prevent himself from talking more about that subject.
He didn’t wanted to be married, but he didn’t wanted to reject his mother too, since she was lonely after his father’s passing.
As he was passing through a bus station, filled with people, he suddenly stopped, when he saw the woman with her child in her arms, as she was begging for help to drivers.
As other drivers rejected to help, she cried. George decided to go next to her and said, “Excuse me, may I help you?”
As the woman was scared, George said, “Don’t worry,”
“I will not harm you or your child. I just want to help you.”
The woman responded, “Could you please give us a lift to the city? My baby and I are stranded with nowhere to go.”
“Sure,” he said, smiling. “Please get in.”
As she gathered her belongings into the car, she said, “My name is Lily, and this is Amelia, my daughter. Thank you for helping us.”
Lily was a beautiful woman, and George was fallen for her beauty already. “That’s no problem, Lily,” he said as he smiled, “Your daughter is lovely, and she has a beautiful name.”
“She looks a lot like her father…If only he were with us today, we wouldn’t have to endure this,” she said, as she sobbed.
“Well, Lily,” he said to break the silence, “If you don’t mind, I can provide shelter for you and Amelia at my mother’s house. However, I need a favor from you.
Lily was scared, as she hugged to her daughter tightly, and said, “Look…you…I – I don’t want to do anything. Stop the car! I don’t want any help…I shouldn’t have trusted you…”
“Lily, please, listen to me,” George was afraid that she misunderstood him.
“Don’t misunderstand me! I just wanted to ask you to pretend to be my fiancée in front of my mother, that’s all!”
“What?” Lily was shocked. “Your fiancée?”
George said, “Yes, my mother… she’s desperately after me to get married. All I want is for you to pose as my fiancée in front of her! Can you please do it for me? I promise I’ll provide you and Amelia with the best facilities, and you two will never miss out on anything!”
After thinking, Lily accepted his offer, since she was homeless, and need a shelter for her baby. But she had no idea what was waiting for her at the George’s mother’s house.
As Alivia saw Lilly she shouted, “YOU?! What are you doing here?!”
“Mom, what’s wrong? Do you know Lily? I ran into her on the way, and she needed help, so….” George said.
“Georgie!” She said, “She – she is Max’s wife, Lily! Of course, I know her!”
George was shocked, “I’m sorry I refused your help, Mrs. Miller. I – I thought I could look after Amelia alone, but …I – I was wrong….” Lily said.
Alivia said, “It’s all right, honey,” and hugged her. “Come in. I told you to take my help, but the kids these days….”
George was incredibly shocked as he said, “Mom, what’s going on?”
“I don’t get it! What happened to Max? And what’s the deal with Lily and Amelia?”
Alivia said, “Oh my goodness, Georgie!”
“When Lily became pregnant a year ago, everything changed. Max divorced her and left. I knew that boy was a jerk from the moment he entered our home! But you know how I promised your stepfather that I’d look after him when he was diagnosed with cancer… I asked Lily to move in with me after everything that happened, but she said she would build a life for herself and her kid on her own, so I didn’t press too hard, but now that I see them, I regret not being more firm.”
George was shocked, as he didn’t heard from his stepbrother Max for years, he didn’t knew that he was married, and had a child.
Lily said to George, “I’m sorry your plan didn’t work out, George,”
“I wish I could be of more help, but….”
As George hugged Lily, he said, “I’m glad you and Amelia are safe, Lily, and that’s all I care about.”
Lily was surprised George was acting that way, but she liked it, as she started to feel something towards George. She hugged him back, and thanked him. As his mother saw that there was something growing between them, after few days later, she suggested that they should start a relationship, as they are seemingly fell for each other.
“Look, children,” Alivia said. “I know I’m old, but not too old not to see what’s going on. I think you two would be great parents to our little Amelia. She’s only one and deserves to have a happy family.”
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