Life Style


The rich old couple, Marge and Bartholomew Taylor, were the owners of an empire of business. They had one son, 21-year-old Robert.
The parents had raised their son to be the one who will receive the business they had started.
At the college, he met with numerous of people, and since he was raised to be a humble man, he did not boasted with his family background.
He was not that type of person, who would talk about the wealth he was born into. He was a simple man, who was raised with good values.
One day, he wanted to talk with his parents, “Mom, dad, you might want to sit down for what I’m about to say,
“What is it, Robert? You’re scaring me,”
“Well, you see, I have a girlfriend. Her name is Elizabeth,”
“That’s great, son! What is her family name, and what company does her family own?” Bartholomew said.
Robert did not said anything, as he was aware that his parents would expect him to introduce them with someone who was coming from a wealthy family.
“Elizabeth’s parents don’t own a company, dad. They work as employees,” Robert said.
“Anyway, that’s not what I came here to tell you. There’s something else,”
“What could be more surprising than what you’ve just told us, Robert? You chose to date someone who isn’t of the same social class. That will lead to so many problems!” Marge said, as she was insulted.
“Well, Elizabeth is pregnant, and I’ve decided to marry her.”
“Oh, god. Bartholomew, I’m going to faint. I am going to faint! Robert! How could you be so reckless?!” Marge continued.
“I’m sorry, mom. I really love her, and I’m certain she’s the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with,”
“You’re 21! I bet she only slept with you because she knew you were rich. How could you, Robert?” Marge said.
“That’s not true, mom. I’ve never told her about our family background. She doesn’t even know we own a company. I told her you and dad worked in the corporate world. What we have is real,” Robert added.
“Okay, then. To see if what you have is real, we’re going to test your girlfriend and her family. We’re going to meet them, but in the guise of provincials,” Marge said. As Robert didn’t wanted, Marge had the final words.
“If your bride does not pass the test, we will call off the wedding, and we will cut you out completely,” Bartholomew added.
They immediately took their clothes from a flea market, and Bartholomew even bought a cane, to make himself look like a lame man.
Robert talked with Elizabeth, and informed that his family wanted to meet her family. Elizabeth was surprised when Robert and his parents arrived at their house.
“Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, it’s so nice to finally meet you,” she said, as she welcomed them inside with a smile.
“Thank you so much for taking the time to come over. Please, come in.”
The parents immediately started to check the house out, they saw the oldness of the house, and tried to stay in their character.
“Thank you, dear,” Marge said, “I’m sorry we could not bring anything for you. You see, we’re a bit short on cash right now.”
“Oh, dear. You didn’t need to bring anything in the first place, Mrs. Taylor. Please, feel at home. My mom is cooking us a meal that we can enjoy as a family,” Elizabeth smiled towards them.
As she saw that Bartholomew was limping, she supported his arm, as she helped him to walk inside. Elizabeth was emotional, after she saw the state of Robert’s family.
Some moments later, Matthew and Elsa, Elizabeth’s parents came inside from the kitchen. “It’s so nice to see you here! Thank you for taking time to meet with us. We love Robert a whole lot, so it’s nice to finally meet his parents,” her father said.
As Marge and Bartholomew felt sad that they were playing against them, Marge had thought, “Maybe they’re just putting up a front,”
But as time passed, and the night moved forward, they understood that Elizabeth and her parents were decent people.
As they were eating dinner, Marge decided to reveal the truth, as she felt bad for pretending.
“I can’t do this anymore,” Marge started. “I’m sorry, Elizabeth, Matthew, and Elsa. The truth is, we are not actually poor. We own a multi-million company that has been around for over a decade. We came here dressed as provincials thinking you were fooling our son into marriage for our money. Now I feel guilty because that’s not true at all. You are all such lovely and kind people. It’s true what Robert said – their love is real,”
As Elizabeth and her parents were shocked, the parents were hurt with the play Marge and Barholomew were playing against them.
“It’s okay, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. I know how surprising and overwhelming it must be to learn that your son is getting married and about to become a father, especially since you’ve never met me. I’m sorry that we disappointed you,” Elizabeth responded.
“No, dear. We’re sorry for misjudging you. You have a lovely home filled with love, and that is what matters. To start off your marriage on the right foot, Bartholomew and I would love to give you two a new home where you, too, can build a loving home filled with love.” Marge said.
“Ah, how generous of you, Marge, but you know, these young kids need to learn how to earn money for themselves,” Elsa said.
“Only with hard work do you start appreciating what you have.” Matthew added.
“You’re right,” Marge said with a smile, “Just know that as your parents, we will always be here to support you and guide you as you start your own family.”
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