

It was night, when a 911 dispatcher had received a call from a little boy. The boy said, “Hello, can somebody help me? I haven’t had a proper meal in three days, and I’m getting dizzy,”

Immediately, the officers had rushed to the location the phone call received. The officers found the traile the boy was living in.

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“Please come help me. I don’t know how much time I have left,” the boy added.

Dispatcher said, “Help is on the way, sweetheart. Go back to your trailer and stay there until the cops arrive, okay?”

An officer, Jason Parker said, “This better not be one of those prank calls again,”

As he approached to the trailer, he knocked the door and said, “Officer Parker here responding to a 911 call. Is anybody home?”

As nobody had responded to his knocking, he heard a weak noise which was coming from inside of the trailer, “Help me.” As he opened the door by force, Parker saw the small boy lying on the ground, clutching his stomach.

As officer Parker looked inside of the trailer, she saw an adult woman was sleeping next to the boy, he tried to call her, “Ma’am?” But she was unresponsive.

“What is your name, young boy?” Officer asked, while he was checking the vitals of the mother.

“My name is Adam. My mom’s name is Lisa,”

“How long have you and your mother been here? What happened?” Officer asked.

“Mommy lost her job at the factory four days ago. Since she doesn’t have work, we have not been able to eat these past three days,” Adam said while crying.

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“My mom is weak and does not want to wake up. We need to help her.”

Officer Parker immediately called a medical team for Lisa, as he wanted to take her to a hospital.

As the ambulance arrived at the scene, Adam went with officer Parker. He said to the little boy, “Your mom will be alright, Adam. Don’t worry about it,”

The doctors stated that the mother was malnourished, and stated that she wasn’t feeding well for a while, even before she lost her job. They informed the officer that the mother needed to stay in the hospital for a while.

“What’s going to happen to me while mommy is in the hospital?” Adam asked, after he learned that his mother was going to stay at the hospital for a while.

Officer Parker said, “There are social workers here who can take you to a foster family for the time being. When your mom has recovered, you’ll be able to see her again,”

Adam cried, when he heard that, “A foster family? I don’t want to be sent there! Please, Officer Parker, do something!”

As officer Parker was living alone, he thought that he could care for the kid until his mother was recovered, for a few weeks. He asked to the social workers, and they had prepared the necessary papers for the occasion.

“You must be very hungry. How about a good meal at a restaurant?” Officer Parker asked to Adam, as they were waiting for the papers.

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“Yes! Thank you, Officer Parker,” Adam said. Officer Parker carefully informed the chef at the restaurant, and they had arranged a balanced table for Adam, with protein, carbs, and vegetables.

Adam stated that his father had left them when he was an infant. He was living with his mother in that trailer. After a budget cut at his mother’s workplace, she was let go. Adam said, “I’m happy you came to get us, Officer Parker. I was so hungry and I was so scared my mommy would die!”

As officer Parker was saddened with Adam’s story, he promised Adam that he would help them after his mother was recovered. After their food was finished, they returned to the hospital. At there, officer Parker learned that the paper work was over, and he was ready to go with him to their house.

As Adam talked with his mother, they returned to officer Parker’s house. Jason had created a space for Adam in his spare bedroom.

On the next morning, Jason woke early to make food for Adam and Lisa. Adam was surprised, when he saw food on the table, as he said, “Thank you, Officer Parker!”

“You don’t need to call me Officer Parker. Just call me Jason,” Jason said.

As they went back to the hospital, they saw that Lisa was recovering too. “Mom!” Adam shouted, as he rushed towards her to hug her.

“Hey, sweetie,” Lisa said to her son, “I’m so happy to see you.”

“Mom, this is Officer Parker… I mean Jason! He took care of me after he found us at home. He made you some food, too!”

“Thank you so much for your kindness, Jason,” Lisa said, as she was smiling. Jason thought that Lisa was a beautiful woman, as he realized with the shock of the situation.

“You’re welcome. It’s no problem. You have a sweet boy. Don’t worry about him. I’ll take care of him – just focus on getting well,” Jason said, as he smiled too.

Everyday until lisa recovered, Jason took Adam to the hospital, and he made food for Adam, as he helped with his school.

After Lisa was recovered, Adam was sad that he was no longer going to see Jason, but Jason promised that he would visit Adam.

And he did too. At every visit, Lisa and Jason were spending more and more time, which that led to a romantic relationship. As they fell in love, they married in short notice, in their civil ceremony.

After a year later, Jason was helding his daughter. He said to Lisa, “I can’t believe a response to a 911 call would lead me to find a family,”

“Who would have thought?” Lisa said, as she laughed, “I can’t believe I’m fortunate enough to have someone as kind, caring, and generous as you as my partner for life.”

“No matter how bad life gets, always remember that people will be ready to help you. I’ll always be here for you and Adam,” said Jason, as he hugged to her.

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