

As usual, Lucas was driving his bus to Orlando from Miami. The only difference of the day was that there was a baby, who kept crying the whole journey.

Lucas was having trouble believing that the passengers are saying nothing against the noice the baby was making, because usually there is a person that starts an argument over the baby noise.

The journey was for three hours. The baby was crying since the bus had started to work. He didn’t mind at first, since every baby cries, but it has been a while and there were no interruptions on the cries of the baby.

And since it was an protocol bus, he couldn’t stop whenever he wants, so he would check on the baby and the parents. There were spesific locations in Orlando and in Miami to stop.

As he started to hope that a passenger would say something to the parents, so they would stop the crying of the baby. And at that moment, he was relieved that he had reached to the stop of the bus.

He moved back side of the bus and said, “Hello, passengers. Can someone tell me who the crying baby’s parents are?”

As the passengers relieved that finally someone said something about the issue, Lucas spoke again against the silence, “Hello? Who are the baby’s parents?”

As he was waiting a response from the parents, another passanger said, “Sir, I think that baby is alone,”

Lucas was shocked with the response, as he said, “Are you sure? Could her mother be in the bathroom?”

Passenger continued, “I don’t know. I only noticed that the baby was alone when she started crying. But I’m not good with babies so I just ignored it,”

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Lucas was worried about the situation, “That’s crazy! Did someone abandon their baby on a bus from Miami to Orlando? What is going on?”
A lady passenger had said then, “I can watch her for a while. I have grandbabies, and I can put them to sleep. I didn’t say anything earlier because I had no idea what was going on, but I can help,”

Lucas said, “Thank you, ma’am. We’ll find out what’s going on soon, hopefully,” and went back to the driver’s seat.

Lucas decided to contact to the central office, and inform them regarding the situation. He learned that the mother was left behind, as she left her baby on the seat, in order to help an old woman to get off the bus. Then she was left behind, when the bus moved forward.

“Jesus, that’s crazy!” Lucas said, to the secretary at the office, Maria.

“So what happens now?”

Maria said, “Unfortunately, yours was the last bus to Orlando today so the lady won’t be able to get to her daughter soon. Lucas, you’re going to have to keep the baby until her mother picks her up tomorrow,”

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Lucas was shocked again, he said, “No, Maria! That’s crazy! She’s a stranger’s child! I can call social services or something. I can’t handle babies!”

Maria asked his cooperation about the issue, “Lucas, you can’t do that. She’ll get in trouble and it wasn’t her fault. She seems like a lovely lady. She was so worried. Please, can you help her out? I’ll give her your address. She’ll take the first bus to Orlando tomorrow. Please? Sometimes, we have to help each other out, right?”

After Lucas finished his route, he went back to his home, with the baby in his arms. When his wife had welcomed him home, she was shocked with the sight of a baby in her husband’s arms.

As Julie wanted to be a parent, Lucas was against it, since he didn’t like children. As Julie wanted the opposite of her husband, she stayed silent because of the love she was feeling towards her husband.

“What’s going on?” Asked Julie. As Lucas told her the story, she smiled and said, “Wow, darling. I’m shocked. I can’t believe you agreed to something like that,”

“I know, right? But well, Maria convinced me that it was the right thing to do, and I mean, it’s my day off tomorrow. I can certainly wait for that mother to come pick her up,” Lucas continued.

That night became the greatest night Lucas and Julie ever had. They had attended to the needs of the baby, and watched her sleep. It was beautiful.

Cynthia, the mother of the baby girl had arrived early in the next morning, as she had tears in her eyes.

“Thank you! Thank you so much! I’m such an idiot! She’s a newborn, for God’s sake! I shouldn’t have traveled, but I wanted to visit my mother. Then I saw a woman struggling to get off the bus with her groceries, and I couldn’t help myself, I wanted to help her,” Cynthia said, as she was devastated.

Julie tried to comfort the mother as she said, “Don’t worry. Your baby is a delight, although Lucas said she cried on the bus so much,”

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“What’s her name, by the way?” Julie asked.

“Oh, it’s Darla,” answered Cynthia.

“Yeah, she was fine as long as someone paid attention to her. But then, she fell right asleep,” Lucas smiled.

The mother had thanked to the couple again, and left. As Lucas closed the door behind Cynthia, he smiled towards his wife and said, “You know… having a baby wouldn’t be so bad….”

Julie was shocked, and hugged to her husband as she was incredibly happy, after all these years.

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