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I was the evening, when Walter came back from his work. As he opened the door, the house was shaking with the screams of his son, Logan. His wife, Abby was in the kitchen, as she was stressed as she couldn’t stop the crying of her son.
“Oh, honey,” Walter said, as he hugged his wife. “How long has he been crying like that?”
As her husband hugged her, Abby started to cry. “I’ve tried everything, Walter!”
“He’s been fed, changed, bathed, and burped! I even took his temperature! I don’t know what to do now. He keeps crying!”
It was going like this, from time to time, since Logan was born.
“Come, we’ll figure this out together,” Walter said to his wife, as he moved towards to the Logan’s room.

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As he approached to Logan’s crib, he found a note and a dictaphone. He closed the dictaphone and the cries were stopped, but Logan was not there.
“I warned you that you’d regret being rude to me. If you want to see your baby again, leave $200,000 in the luggage storage lockers near the pier. If you go to the police, you’ll never see him again.” Was written on the note.
“Oh my God! What does it mean? Was I rude to someone? Were you? Who would kidnap Logan?” Abby was shocked.
He remembered that the janitor of the hospital and Walter had an argument, when he had tripped to his broom, and dropped the pot he was bringing to his wife.
Walter said, “We’ll have to go to the police, honey,”
“It must be him!”
“What? The note says we’ll never see Logan again if we go to the police, Walter. We should just pay the ransom!” Abby said.
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“We don’t know if he’ll return Logan if we do that. Think about it, honey. This guy is a janitor… there’s no way he’d know if we went to the police, and since we know where he works, they might be able to go straight to the maternity hospital, arrest him, and bring Logan home to us.”
As they were entering the precinct, Walter’s phone ranged, and a message arrived. “This is your first and last warning. If you enter that police station, your kid’s going into the bay. Get the money to the location mentioned below.”
As Walter saw the message, he looked around, but there were too many people. He decided to go to the bank to get some money from their account.
“Don’t hate me for it, honey, but that’s the best for you,” he said to Abby, for he wanted to bring her back to the house, as she threw up twice on the road.
“Fine…But Walter…does that kidnapper even know about caring for a newborn?” She asked as she was crying.
After he dropped his wife, he rushed to the bank, then went to the storage and left the money. He hid and waited for the janitor to arrive, but there were too many people around.
As he spotted the janitor, a crowd had entered between them. “Move it!” Walter shouted. After they moved, the janitor was gone.
As he tried to spot him again, he couldn’t, since the crowd was pretty big. As he was walking around to see the janitor, he saw him again as he was crossing the road, while carrying the money Walter had dropped.
As the janitor had entered to anotler locker storage, and left the money in a locker, Walter was waiting behind him. As he turned, Walter punched the janitor.
“Where is my son? I’ve done everything you asked, you jerk; now return Logan to me!”
“Look, I was offered $100 to collect the package and then drop it off here, I don’t know about your son!” Janitor said.
“Don’t you dare lie!” Walter shouted.
“I’m not! Some guy paid me to deliver the package! I ran into him in the parking lot after work one day, but he was standing with the light behind him, so I didn’t see his face. I have two kids of my own. I’d never hurt someone else’s child.”
Walter believed the janitor, and let him go. Then opened the locker, but the money was gone. The behind of the locker was cut, and someone took the money.
He looked around but couldn’t see anyone with a bag of money.
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Walter was devastated, as Logan was their only child after long trials of treatment, and expecting. He didn’t knew how to tell his wife that he couldn’t get their Logan.
As he entered home, Abby was not there. He checked the bedroom, and her belongings were gone too. Then he thought that she was captured too. He called her many times, and she never opened her phone.
As he slowly noticed that everyting that belonged to Abby was missing, he slowly figured it out that it was Abby who abducted the baby, and tricked him to give her the money.
He was devastated again. He decided to go to the hospital they had their son, and talk to their doctor.
“Hi,” Walter said to the doctor. “I hope you can help me. I need someone to call my wife—” the doctor cut him, “I’m not a phone service,”
Walter continued, “You don’t understand. I’m willing to pay you handsomely for your assistance, doctor, and your silence.”
As Walter explained further, doctor decided to help him.
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“Okay, we have a deal. Come with me!” Said the doctor.
Then the doctor called Abby. “Good morning, Mrs. Taylor; this is Dr. Jones from the maternity hospital. I’m calling to inform you that we just discovered something very serious in one of the routine tests we performed on your son after he was born. He needs to come in for treatment immediately.”
Walter heard that Abby was crying over the phone, but couldn’t understand what she was saying.
Then the doctor said, “I’m sorry, but I can’t discuss the details over the phone. All I can say for now is that he has a rare genetic condition. I’m sure he does seem fine now, but that could change at any moment. He’s at a higher risk for SIDS and several other life-threatening conditions. You really need to bring him in today, Mrs. Taylor.”
As the phone was down, the doctor said, “She’s going to bring the baby in ASAP.”
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“I did my bit. Now it’s time for you to pay up.” He wanted the money.
After paying to the doctor, Walter went downstairs and waited for Abby to come. After a few minutes, his phone ranged, and Walter was shocked when he saw the caller.
“You have some nerve to phone me after what you did, Abby,” he said.
“Where’s Logan? I demand you bring him back.”
“Says the man who doesn’t even care enough about him to pay the ransom!” Abby said.
“That money was all fake, you tight-fisted jerk. Logan needs to see a doctor urgently, and I can’t take him because of you. Where’s the real money, Walter?”
“In my account, where it’s been all along. What’s wrong with Logan, or is this just another scheme to get my money?” Walter said.
“I told you; he’s sick! You’ve got to send me the money so he can receive treatment. He’ll die without it.” She said.
“I won’t let my son die! I’ll pay,” Walter said, and hung.
It broke his heart to confirm that Abby had kidnapped their son, but he was ready to wait for her arrival with his son.
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Then he had sent the money to his wife. After a while, he saw that his brother James was holding Logan, with his wife Abby. He was shocked, and devastated with the things he saw.
Walter had called the authorities too, before they arrived, so there were many FBI agents in the lobby of the hospital.
“You’re under arrest for kidnapping!” The FBI force called, “Hand the child over, nice and slowly, and raise your hands.”
“Get away from us!” Abby said, as she moved in between the police and Logan. “My son is sick. He needs to see a doctor.”
“No, he isn’t,” Walter shouted, as he come forward. “There’s nothing wrong with Logan at all.”
Abby turned red with anger, she had rushed towards him to attack, but couldn’t since the police had tackled her.
“You think you’ve won? Logan isn’t even yours! You couldn’t get me pregnant, remember? But whatever’s wrong with you clearly doesn’t run in the family!” Abby shouted as she was on the ground.
Walter froze with shock, he looked at his brother, who couldn’t even raise his head to look back at him, and said, “I will adopt him if that’s what I have to do!”
“I will watch him grow up while you two rot behind bars!”
What do you think? Let us know.

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