

Legendary actor, Kurt Russel was born in 1951, and he might be a professional baseball player, as he loved while the actor was a child. For his father, baseball was a passion and as Russel had said, “He loved passing on his knowledge of the game,”

“Baseball was what we were going to do. That was it. We had a batting cage in our backyard. In fact, that was our backyard. For my family, baseball was a year-round thing. Acting was a business for me like it was for my dad. I made money, but I wanted to play baseball. That was the pursuit.” Russel added.

But as an actor, Bing Russel, Kurt’s father, had showed his son the world of acting. When Kurt was 12, he had a part in The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters, and later on, when he was studying in high school, he had a deal of 10 years with Disney.

“One time I got close to the edge of it and he looked at me, because he really trusted me, and went ‘…stay on the pad’. What a nice guy he was. Yeah. He was 27 years old,” he remembered his scene with the king, Elvis Presley.

“He was really cool. An incredibly nice guy,” said Russel for Presley.

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As he was signed a deal with Disney for ten years, he had acted in “Follow Me, Boys!”, “The One and Only”, “Genuine”, “Original Family Band”, “The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes” and “Now You See Him, Now You Don’t”

Kurt was still a teen when the legendary Walt Disney had passed away in 1966, which later it is stated that the last words of Walt was “Kurt Russel.”

“They pulled me into the office a couple years after he died, and this woman — who I don’t believe it was his secretary, but it might’ve been, I don’t know ― pointed to [something he wrote] and she said, ‘Do you know what that’s about?’ And I said, ‘No, I don’t.’ [She said], ‘Because he wrote something after it. But then he went back up and he wrote your name. That was the last thing he wrote.’ And I said, ‘Oh gee. I don’t know what it’s connected to,” Russel had stated.

“She was pointing out that that’s the last thing he wrote. That’s the only thing I know.”

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““I was very comfortable around him, and I had a great time with him, great relationship, and it was very important. He said to me, ‘Baseball might not be something that you end up doing as a career.’ He said, ‘I think you might want to look at things in this business because I think you’re going to have a long career.’ So he did have a strong effect on me,” Kurt Russel had continued about the subject.

Actually, if he was not injured while playing baseball, we might not see Russel as an actor.

He had explained that as, “I found out it was over from a doctor who had a terrible bedside manner. He examined me and said, ‘Aren’t you an actor too?’ I said, ‘Yeah, yeah.’ And he said, ‘Well, you’re an actor all the time now.’ [Laughs] That was it. He just walked out of the room. I sat there for like ten minutes, not knowing what to do. I was like, ‘Is that it?’ A nurse had to come in and get me. I was just devastated,”

And maybe, he might not met with the love of his life, Goldie Hawn. Hawn recalled their first meeting as, “I was 21, and he was 16,”

“I thought he was adorable, but he was much too young. Then, years later, we met up again, and I remembered that I liked him very much when I first met him. We both said we would never go out with another actor, so it just shows you never can tell.”

They had started their relationship in 1093, as Russel had said to Hawn, “Man, you’ve got a great figure.”

“I was severely hungover and I didn’t know Goldie at all outside of having worked with her those many years before,” Russel explained in 2017, to Conan O’Brien.

“I just didn’t have in my mind what I was going to see, and she had a great body. So the first thing that came out was, ‘Man, you’ve got a great figure.’ It came out quickly and it could’ve gone wrong, and she said, ‘Why thank you.’”

And recently, fans of Kurt Russel got all hyped up with the pictures from his new movie, Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, from Godzilla franchise.

Their son, Wyatt is in the movie too, and therefore the movie is holding a special place for Kurt and his family.

The director of the movie, Matt Shakman had talked about, Wyatt’s role as the younger version of Kurt’s character, as, “It just felt like, ‘What an amazing idea,’ and it’s so rare. I mean, two actors who are extraordinary on their own, two actors who bear an uncanny resemblance to each other because they’re father and son playing the same part, just felt like an idea that we had to run wholeheartedly at, and they were excited to do it,”

“Also, it’s such a unique fit because Kurt Russell stars in all the movies I love, and since I was a kid, I’ve been watching him on screen,” Shakman said.

“The idea of Kurt Russell plus Godzilla just feels absolutely, 100% right. He occupies the same awesome space. Then the fact that Wyatt could work so beautifully as the young version of that same character, it just was serendipity, you know, things that we couldn’t have planned that the fates made possible for us.”

Here are the reactions of his fans from social media;

Youtube/IGN Movie Trailers

“That’s actually excellent casting,”

“ohhhhh i did not know this, I will be seated,”

“Probably awesome to act alongside your own father.”

“Very interesting! Can’t wait to see this,”

What do you think? Let us know.

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