

Jake sold the house of his mother, after he put her into a nursing home. He didn’t even visited her, until she passed away. After her passing, he went to the lawyer’s office to claim the inheritance.

Mr. Thompson, the lawyer had welcomed Jake, “I’m glad you could make it, Jake,”

“So what’s the deal, Mr. Thompson?” Jake asked, as he was anxious.

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“I’m hoping the will is going to be pretty straightforward as I expect Mom’s assets are going to be mine.”

“I’m afraid that’s not the case here, Jake,” Mr. Thompson said to him.

“I do understand your expectations, and that’s the reason I thought it was better to discuss this in person. Your mother’s will is quite…unusual. And she demanded that you know about it.”

“What? What do you mean?” Jake was surprised.

Lawyer sighed, as he said, “Well she has decided to leave her entire fortune to a foundation dedicated to psychiatry, making Mrs. McKinsey the trustee of her money. Here,” he presented the will of Jake’s mother.

“Are you kidding me? Who is this Mrs. McKinsey woman? I’ve never heard Mom even mention her!” Jake was furious.

“Mrs. McKinsey is the daughter of your mother’s old neighbor and a doctor at a psychiatric hospital, but I don’t know why she came to this decision.”

At that moment, Jake’s phone rang, but he didn’t cared about it. Then he saw the message on his lock screen, “If you don’t pay the money back in 72 hours, you are dead! Time is running out, loser!”

Jake, then screamed at lawyer, and insulted him. He left the office as he slammed the door. Get in his car, and went to the office of the doctor that received the inheritance.
He arrived at the Denver Psychiatric Hospital, to see the owner of his inheritance, Sarah McKinsey, the chief neurologist.

As he found her office, he went into it without knocking the door.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“I’m Jake, Rose’s son,” he said as he shaked her hand.

“Oh, I see. I think I know why you’re here, Jake,” Sarah said.

“Well, I’m glad you know,” Jake smiled.

“It’s only natural that your mother’s decision angers you,” Sarah started to talk.

“But you should know you have an older brother, Jake. He has autism. Your mother just wanted to ensure his well-being and safety.”

“What are you talking about? I’m an only child!” Jake was furious again.

“We’ve been treating him here for the last 25 years,” Sarah was serious about the matter.

“Ever since he accidentally poured scalding water on you when you were just a year old.”

Jake didn’t care, as he continued, “I don’t care what you do with him, but I want half the money. My share,”

“Sorry, Jake, but that’s not possible,” Sarah said, and continued, “The funds were assigned for your brother’s treatment and support. There’s nothing I can do to change that.”

Jake was incredibly angry, he threatened Sarah that he will sue her.

As he sat in his car, he was thinking about her mother, and couldn’t believe how she could do that, then he remembered that he sold her house, so that was why she did it.

A man approached to the car and said about the Jake’s convertable, “Arnie drove this car,”

“Every Saturday, when Arnie’s Mom visited him, she’d let Arnie see this car.”

Jake was shocked, his heart almost stopped. “What was Arnie’s mother’s name?” He asked.

“Arnie’s Mom is Rose. Rose.”

Jake understand who he was talking to. He said, “Let’s go for a drive, Arnie. It would be fun!”

“Really?” He said, as he quickly entered to the car.

Sarah had seen the events from the CCTV, and immediately called Jake. “What is wrong with you, Jake? Bring Arnie back!” Sarah shouted.

“Arnie sometimes experiences panic attacks and could easily injure himself or others. Just bring him back.”

Jake laughed, “C’mon, Sarah, you can do better than this,”

“If you’re so worried about the fool, take up my offer, and we can divide Mom’s assets fairly. Otherwise, I’ll get him to live with me, and the money will be all mine. Bye!”

As they had entered to a gas station, Jake’s brother said, “Arnie should get back two dollars and 85 cents. $2.85!”

“Well, looks like you’re faster than my machine!” Cashier smiled.

“Arnie is happy! Arnie is a genius! Genius,” he was celebrating, but then hit a toothpick container, and dropped it all. He became stressed, “No! No! No! Arnie dropped 92 toothpicks!”

“Wow,” Jake surprised. “You know what, I’ll have a pack of playing cards too.”

As they entered to their car, Jake wanted to test Arnie’s memory, then he talked about Blackjack.

“Arnie, this is getting pretty impressive,” as he witnessed his talents.

“Hey, buddy. Let’s go to a place where we could use this gift you have and make crazy money, alright?”

They went into a casino, and sat on a Blackjack table.

“Alright, Arnie, remember what we talked about in the car,” Jake whispered to the ear of Arnie.

“You make your calculations or whatever you do, and then you quietly tell me what move I must make.”

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“Win big…move. Yes, Arnie remembers.”

“Great. Now focus.” Jake said.

After the perfect support of Arnie, Jake won $100,000.

After he felt the weird looks of the other people in the casino, Jake decided to leave the place.

“Arnie, it’s time to cash out. We’ve had a lot of fun here, but it’s time to go.” He said.

“Cash out…Time to leave. Arnie understands.”

“Arnie, you nailed it! Let’s get a beer together!” Jake said.

They went to a bar to celebrate, and there, a woman had approached to them.

“Well, you two looked too secluded,” she said, as she put her arm to Jake’s shoulder, seductively.

“So, what are we celebrating here?”
Arnie moved back a little, and fixed his eyes towards the woman. “Arnie and Jake—”

“Uh, Arnie, it’s okay,” Jake cut him.

“Nothing big. We just got lucky at a game earlier and thought of having fun. It’s even better now that we’ve caught the attention of a gorgeous lady.”

“Pretty…says Arnie. Pretty.”

“I’m flattered…and I’d be delighted to join. I’m Samantha,” The woman said.

“I’m Jake, and that’s my brother, Arnie.”

As Samantha continued to talk, seductively, she offered some drinks to brothers.

“Don’t move, handsome,” she said to Arnie, as she kissed his cheek.

“Looks like someone’s in love,” Jake joked to Arnie, “Hey, Arnie, have you ever dated someone?”

Arnie shook his head as he said no.

“What? Never? It may be time to change that, okay?” Jake said.

“Change? Arnie wants a change. Does Jake want a change?”

“Uh, for now, I want you to experience life, Arnie,” Jake said.

“I’m gonna arrange your first date ever! You can thank me later, buddy.”

Then Jake went to Samantha, and offered her $6,000 for a night with Arnie. She accepted the offer.

As they went to a hotel, Arnie said, “Arnie nervous…Arnie wants Jake to stay,”

“Uh, don’t worry, Arnie. I’ll be right outside in the hallway,” Jake said.

As he was drunk, he fell asleep on the couch that was sitting in hallway. Then he woke to a scream. The sounds were coming inside of the room.

A man was pointing a shotgun towards Arnie as Jake shouted, “What the hell is going on here? Point that gun away!”

“How dare he sleep with my wife, huh?! And who are you?” The man kept screaming.

“Honey, please, calm down,” Samantha said.

“Man, we didn’t mean you any harm. Let’s talk this through.”

“Jake, you can pay him off!” Samantha said.

“OK, take the money, but don’t harm anyone, alright? Please.”

“Place that bag on the bed!” The man shouted.

At that moment, Arnie had attacked to the man, “Arnie doesn’t want to be here! Bad people. Pain. Hurting.” He said, as he threw him out of the window.

“God, no! Arnie!” Jake shouted, and pulled Arnie out of the room.

“Oh, God, I’m so sorry, Arnie. Please. Please, relax,” Jake was crying.

As Jake raised his head, he saw that Samantha and the man were not there.

As he retuned his brother to the hospital, he said, “It was fun having you around, Arnie. And I’m sorry for all the problems I caused,”

Sarah ran towards them, as she said, “You’d never get his custody because of the kind of prank you pulled on your own autistic brother, Jake, by kidnapping him from the hospital. But I’m willing to help you.”

“Why?” Jake said.

“Because you would’ve never brought Arnie back here if you didn’t prioritize your brother’s well-being over your needs,” Sarah said, as she handed over a check to him.

“Oh, God. Thank you, Sarah. I didn’t expect this.”

With that money, he was able to cover his payments.

“Can I come and visit Arnie?” he asked. Samantha answered, “Anytime.”

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