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A man had stated that his wife didn’t like her son’s bride, so she wore white in their wedding. Then she got what she deserved, and the man who shared the story on Reddit had asked that if he should intervene or he did good, as he stayed passive.
The man had stated that his wife sometimes can be a menace to the people she doesn’t like. “I love my wife. she is the best thing that ever happened to me. She is also not a super nice person, and can be something of a bully. Her son got married recently and she hates the bride, no actual reason, just hates her. She kept joking about wearing white to the wedding, and the poor bride who doesn’t know her very well, though she was just joking.”
Then she had really did her joke, and arrived to the wedding with a white dress. “he wasn’t. She wore a floor length white lace gown to the wedding, just to be a bitch. I told my wife that this was a terrible idea, and that she was making herself look crazy, but she would not be reasoned with. When the bride saw her she teared up a little (this is after a lot of bad blood between them)”
Then people had pranked her bad intentions, as they put cupcake on to her chair. “During the reception, my stepson bribed his wife’s nephews. One distracted my wife. She loves kids so got up to play with him, and the other one put the chocolate frosting off of a cupcake on her seat. Honestly I didn’t say anything, because I told her ahead of time that she was going to deserve whatever she got. She didn’t notice for hours until my stepson said something before he left.”
Then she got mad at him, she stated that he should have told her about the cupcake. “Somehow she isn’t mad at him, isn’t mad at the kids, but is furious with me and says that I should have told her, and I am supposed to be on her side. I thought this drama was over, but my stepson posted a picture of his wife on social media this morning, and the shit looking stain is pretty clear in the background, so my wife is mad at me again.”
Here are some of the comments of the Redditors.
“NTA for letting her dress get frosting on it.
But Y T A for not actually standing up to her at all and leaving the responsibility on literal children to put a grown ass woman in her place. Like Jesus Christ man, you say the bride almost started crying at her own wedding as a freaking throw away line, where is your empathy and compassion? You stop standing by your partner when they do bad shit like ruining someone’s wedding day for no fucking reason.”
“Y T A for not telling the bride and groom she was serious and letting her potentially ruin the wedding, but NTA for letting her embarrass herself. Honestly she sounds horrible”
“You should have flat out refused to go with your wife to the wedding. Called your stepson and explained the situation to him and advise him to have friends meet your wife at the door and forbid her entry. You’re the ahole for not taking a stand from the beginning.”
“You are also the ahole for not telling your wife about the stain. You were there. She sat down (which I admit I would have let happen and feigned ignorance) but then when she got up you should have come forward and told her she sat in something and it makes her look like she shit herself. It’s less about “having your wife’s back” in actuality and more that was your ticket to get such horrible person away from the place.”
What do you think? Let us know.

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