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17-year-old Andrew was returning to his house for the holiday, from his boarding school which his father sent to thinking that his mean behaviour would change.

“Can you move it faster?” He said to the old man, who was receiving help from a flight attendant since he was having trouble walking, as he was walking towards the gate at the airport.

When the plane took off, Andrew was only dreaming about being at home. His first semester at the boarding school was over.

The plane took off after the pre-flight safety demonstration. | Source: Getty Images

Then the flight attendant, who was helping to the old man had approached to Andrew. “Your bag is popping out. You didn’t close the overhead bin properly, sir.” She said.

“Then do it instead of just standing there. It’s not my job,” Andrew responded terribly.

As he started to eat some peanuts, he immediately spat them at the attendant. “These peanuts taste awful! Get me something better than these disgusting nuts!” He shouted.

“Sir, please calm down and don’t throw things at me.” The attendant said, as she was upset.

“I’ll do what I like!” Andrew kept nagging. “You’re here to serve me. Just go and get me something nice to eat, not some crappy junk like these peanuts. Now, go!”

He was bored on the long-haul flight. | Source: Pixabay

Then the old man which Andrew pushed before flight had talked. “Young man, don’t talk to her like that,” the man said. “Just because it’s her job to serve us doesn’t mean you can disrespect her. She’s here to do her work, and she’s doing it well so far. It would be nice if you were kind to her and stopped shouting at her.”

“Why should I be kind to someone who can’t do her job?” Andrew responded. “Hurry up with my snack! Don’t just stand here and stare at me like a statue!”

“Your parents must be so disappointed in you,” the old man said then.

“Mind your own business, old man!” Andrew yelled. “I paid for this flight; I deserve good service.”

The senior citizen was annoyed by the boy’s behavior. | Source: Pexels

As the stewardess brought a tray of pretzels, Andrew throw the tray away. “I want something better!” He shouted.

“That’s all we have, sir,” The stewardess said as she was in tears.

“How dare you speak to her like that? Show some respect!” Another passenger said to Andrew.

“If she did her job well, I wouldn’t be complaining!” Andrew responded. “She’s just a terrible servant!”

“Somebody ought to give you a hiding, young man,” the old man beside Andrew responded. “I’ve been watching you all along, and this is not how you talk to people.”

“I agree,” another man said. He was sitting behind Andrew, and was wearing an expensive suit.

“You’ve been so annoying and rude to her. She’s doing her job well, but I guess you don’t know how to be polite and respectful, boy.”

As Andrew turned and looked at the man, “DAD?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??”

Steven was equally startled and a tingle rushed across his skin. | Source: Getty Images

“ANDREW??” Steven was also shocked that it was his son who was mocking the stewardess.

“I had to take this economy flight back to New York due to a last-minute delay in the booking. I thought I heard your voice, but I was busy checking the company’s annual report. I can’t believe it would be you making a scene here!” Steven said, as he was mad to his son.

“But…dad…” Andrew couldn’t speak.

“Shut up and APOLOGIZE TO HER right now!” Steven yelled, “I’ll teach you good manners first thing when we get home. Now say sorry to her!”

“Sorry!” Andrew yelled at the stewardess, as he was annoyed with his apology. After the flight, Andrew followed his father to their mansion.

“You made me so proud today,” Steven mocked his son. “Is this why I sent you to boarding school? To become irresponsible and disrespectful?”

“I’m disappointed, Andrew. Your behavior must change,” Steven continued.

“I don’t see the big deal, Dad,” Andrew responded. “It’s not like she’s important or anything! She’s paid to serve us, and she wasn’t doing her job well!”

“How she does her job is not your problem, Andrew. Being wealthy doesn’t give you the right to mistreat others,” Steven said.

“And son, you’re nothing without my wealth and support! You need a reality check.”

“What does that mean now?!” Andrew said.

“You’re not returning to the boarding school. You’ll attend public school and work for a living during the break.”

Steven slammed the door shut and turned around, pointing at Andrew. | Source: Getty Images

“Work? Are you kidding?” Andrew was surprised with his father’s respond.

“No, I’m not kidding. You’ll work as a janitor in my cleaning services company!”

“A JANITOR? No way, Dad. I can’t do that!”

“You don’t have a choice. I’m cutting off all your privileges – bank cards, laptop, car, phone, and even your branded clothes. You’ll wear simple clothes and earn your living,” Steven said.

“I should’ve spent time teaching you some manners instead of only making money after your mother died,” Steven added. “It’s high time you learned how hard it is to survive in the world. It’s now or never…You must stop looking down upon others and learn to respect people.”

“But Dad, why a janitor? My friends will laugh at me,” Andrew said.

“This is the consequence of your actions, Andrew. You need to learn respect,” the father added, “And if you quit the job, you’ll lose all privileges!”

On the next day, Andrew was working at the airport, as the janitor. “How silly! That’s not how you hold a mopstick,” his supervisor, an old woman had laughed.

“Stop laughing! I’m not used to this,” Andrew shouted back. “And do your job, or I’ll get you fired!”

Andrew was already mad, and now he was seething with anger. | Source: Pexels

“You won’t,” the woman responded. “I know your dad well. He wants me to straighten you out. Now, work! These floors won’t mop themselves!”

“Even sloths are faster. Pick up the pace; there’s lots to do!” The woman said, as Andrew was slowly working.

As he was working, a man had throw an empty bottle at him, as he was next to the trash bin. “Hey, watch it, dude! How dare you throw that at me??” He shouted.

As the man was wearing earphones, he didn’t heard him. When Andrew confronted with the man, he was pushed to the ground. Then the man said, “filthy janitor.”

As he was working again, a woman called for Andrew, to make him clean the vomit of her son. Hey you, janitor, come here,” the woman shouted.

“WHAT??! Are you kidding me, lady? I cannot touch that…Eeewww! No way!” Andrew responded.

“It’s your job, and you must do it,” the woman said.

“Don’t tell me what my job is. I am not touching that thing! I feel like throwing up…it stinks….”

“If you don’t clean it now, I’ll report you and get you fired!” The woman said.

“Give me a break, lady…I’m tired,” Andrew said, “I’m a human, not a robot. I need to breathe.”

That whole day, Andrew barely got any time for himself. | Source: Getty Images

“We are here to work, not rest,” the supervisor of Andrew said, “Clear the bins now…Up! Up!”

“Get out of the way, you lazy fool,” a woman kicked Andrew next. “I’m going to report you for sleeping on the job.”

“I was not sleeping,” Andrew said, “I’ll make sure you get fired. How dare you back answer me?” the woman responded.

After a little while later, Andrew saw the woman he mocked on the flight. He ran after her, “Hey!” he said.

“You? Oh god, not you again! What are you doing here in a cleaner’s uniform? You work here?” The woman said.


“I treated you so badly. I insulted you. But you still served me with a smile. I’m so ashamed of myself, and I promise I’ll not be rude to anybody again. Please forgive me, alright?”

He saw the flight attendant he’d mocked on the plane. | Source: Pexels

“I’m glad you’ve realized your mistake,” the woman said, “But I still don’t understand what you’re doing here.” As Andrew explained the situation, he shared his apology again as he understood his mistake. Then he kept on his work.

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