Life Style


The legendary Actress Jane Fonda, recently revealed that she was diagnosed with cancer, from her social media account. As diagnosing with cancer is scary, Fonda said, her cancer is cureable, Fonda said, “80% of people survive, so I feel very lucky.”
She also explained that she started her chemo sessions, and added, “Cancer is a teacher.”
She stated that the cancer taught her that she was not alone in that rough journey of treatment.

And another thing she learned was, even though she is 86, she needs to adapt to new things in life, as she does currently, with her diagnosis. As she was living alone before her cancer diagnosis, she still does, and goes on with her work out routines, as she would in her normal pre-cancer life.
After her work out, she enters her Zoom meetings, writes articles, does her reading, goes to social media, and as she said, “works on Fire Drill Friday stuff.”
The hardest part of her life currently was that she couldn’t see her grandson, Leon, and her friends, as Fonda explained.
She was trying to build a stronger connection with her children, as she wanted to make up for her past unfortunates.
Fonda had her breakthrough with Barbarella, the 1968 movie. She met with her husband, Roger Vadim, thanks to that movie too. The couple got married in 1965, and had their daughter, Vanessa, in 1968, which was when the movie was released.
Her husband was the director of the movie, but Fonda was having different emotions for the movie, and for her character. She explained that her character, Barbarella needed to get a spacecraft to an evil planet, which she was thinking that it was feminist for that time.
But her mission changed, and it turned to “making love and having strange sexual adventures,” as she said, which she was feeling that she was objectified.

After the movie, she moved to US, and left her husband, Vadim, as she became a feminist. Even though the movie received success, she ignored it for a time.
Days after she divorced from Vadim, she married with her second husband, Tom Hayden, in 1973.
The couple had their son in 1973, Troy, and in 1988, they adopted a teenager daughter, Mary Williams.
Mary Williams was living at the dangerous parts of Oakland, California, along with her five other siblings. After her father was arrested, for he was the member of “militaristic hierarchy” of a newspaper called The Black Panthe.
After her father was arrested, he died not long ago in prison. Then her mother stopped her job at the newspaper too, and Williams learned that she was expelled from her school, as she was six years old.
She was staying at a camp, when she first met with Fonda, and after four years alted, Fonda adopted Williams.
After 17 years of marriage, Hayden divorced from Fonda, as he stated that he fell in love with another woman. As Fonda was devastated from that split, she stated that she missed her husband a lot.
She later married with Ted Turner, but again, she divorced from him in 2001.

Later on, she became a grandmother, which it was the happiest role of her life time, as she said. She said that she was not the best mother, but she was trying to be the best grandmother for her grandkids.
She was at the age of 62, when her daughter, Vanessa had made her a grandmother, with her son, Malcolm.
“When my first grandchild was born, and I held him in my arms, I understood intimacy. I felt a love I had never felt before.”
Then her son, Troy gave Fonda another grandchild, last year. As she wished to be a better mother to her children, she is trying her best as a grandmother.
“When I die, I want my family to be around me. I want them to love me, and I have to earn that. I’m still working at it.” Fonda said.
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