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A wife and mother, the Redditor u/Fresh-Ad9433, had shared her Christmas’s story on Reddit’s r/AITA subreddit. She explained that she is a stay at home mother, and was unemployed. So her husband gave her $600 as Christmas gift, and she bought him an item from his list, but he was disappointed.
The OP explained that her husband is giving her the money for buying groceries and her personal hygiene products. She is not getting more money than what house and children needs.
But when Christmas came, she explained that he gave $600 to her, as a Christmas gift. She wanted to get him a decent gift, since she had money, so she looked at her husband’s Wishlist, and decided to buy him the $180 shoes.
When it was time for opening the gifts, at her mother-in-law’s house, her husband was disappointed with her gift. OP explained, “he opened the gift, saw the sneakers and looked extremely extremely upset like he was about to blow up. I asked what’s up and he asked why “in the blue hell” I decided to “waste money” and get him sneakers aka: the cheapest gift on his Wishlist.”
Then OP stated that she couldn’t only afford that shoes, and her husband yelled as, “I gave you $600 dollars that’s about the right price for a new gaming console and it was right there at the top of my Wishlist!”.”
And they were in front of their parents, so she felt horrible. As she wanted to leave, she said that she was sorry, but she needed to buy some stuff for herself too, and the money wasn’t enough for the gift. Then her husband felt if she was blaming him for not giving her enough money.
Then he started to yell again as OP shared, “how wasteful and financially irresponsible I am otherwise I wouldn’t be struggling with money for long.”
Then OP defended herself, as she stated she doesn’t have a salary because she was struggling with her health, and said that she could get the console himself. But her husband yelled again, as she explained, “he got all dramatic and ranted about how he wouldn’t because then he’ll be judged for getting anything for himself.”
Then the parents tried to stop the argument, but her husband kept stating the disappointment he had, and said that she ruined the Christmas for her.
The Redditors who read the story stated that OP shouls consider divorcing from a toxic husband, as they said that she is living like a worker in her own house, and marriage doesn’t work like this, if she is the stay at home mother.
They stated that the money he earned belongs to both of them, as he is working at his job, and she is working at their house, and her husband comes to home, to prepared food, cleaned house.
What do you think? Let us know.

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