

A mother had shared her story on Reddit, as she stated that her husband wanted a maternity test from her, since he didn’t believe that the daughter was biologically from him. But the events revealed that there was another problem.

She had stated that she was shocked with the request of her husband, as she wrote, “This is not a troll post. I really wish that this was a troll post. I know that you’re sitting there thinking that nobody can be this dumb, but I assure you, this man is.”

Then she had described herself and her husband and her parents looks. “I gave birth to our daughter two weeks ago. I have red hair and blue eyes and my husband has blonde hair and blue eyes. Our daughter has grayish-brown eyes and a tuft of dark brown hair, and is a bit darker than my husband or I.”

“Both of my parents have very dark brown hair and brown eyes, as does the rest of my family (my mom’s parents are from Sicily and my dad immigrated from Greece, so on the darker side of white people) but I got the genetic mutation for red hair. This is only relevant because my husband apparently does not understand genetics.”

As her baby had a darked skin than both of them, her husband didn’t believe that the daughter belonged to him, so the mother had stated that he is free to take a paternity test, but the husband had a very strange request. “Now, to make this perfectly clear, I did not cheat on my husband. He is convinced that it is not his baby because of how much darker her complexion is. To ease his mind, I said I wouldn’t be offended if he wanted a paternity test (I’ve got nothing to hide), but then he started insisting that I should have to get a maternity test as well.”

She was shocked with his request, as she explained, “Yeah. In his words, he doesn’t even trust me enough to trust that I’m the mother. I’m very confused. I’ve tried to explain to him several times that he was there throughout all 38 weeks of my pregnancy.”

Then she added, “He watched me go from no bump to being very obviously pregnant. I asked him if he though that I had gotten someone else’s egg put into me and he just shrugged.”

With her mother-in-law, she tried to reason with her husband, but it was in vain. “I’m at a loss. I’ve been trying to explain genetics and why I don’t need a maternity test to prove that it’s my child for two weeks now. I just legitimately do not know how to get through to him. Even his mom tried to explain it.”

She had ended her post as she stated, “He’s usually very smart. He’s a software engineer. He has a masters degree and is planning on going back to school for his PhD. I swear that he usually isn’t this dumb. I just do not know what to do.”

Then she gave an update about the story, as she stated, “Long story short, my husband isn’t stupid, he was just having a mental breakdown. I guess the stress of being a new father just kind of got to him. He didn’t think (or want to acknowledge) that the baby was ours. He had his first therapy session for this yesterday, and hopefully that will help.”

She had concluded her post, as she informed that her husband couldn’t handle with the stress of a first born child, and had a mental breakdown. “Having a baby is obviously a really big change. Our sleep schedules are both messed up. Postpartum depression in men is a bigger issue than many people realize. I’m doing my best to provide him with a good support system while taking care of a newborn. I think he’ll be okay in due time. But for everyone wondering, to sum it up, he is not dumb and he is not cheating on me, he’s just going through a hard time right now.”

Here are some comments from the Redditors.

“Babies eyes change colour as they grow. Hair color also changes, my older brother and I were VERY blonde the first few years and now we’ve both got brown hair.”

“These are the exact stages my son went through. We thought he looked so much like me because I have black hair. A few months later only blonde peach fuzz was left. Still blonde 12 years later. His blonde ass mother has laughed about it ever since lol.”

“Even complexion changes, my daughter was born with very dark skin (both parents are very pale but we both have Mediterranean ancestors), very dark eyes and almost black hair. Now she’s a very pale little girl with bright blue eyes and light blonde hair.”

What do you think? Let us know.

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