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A Redditor had shared his revenge story on r/ProRevenge. He had stated that his step-mother had took his inheritance and house, so he took revenge on her, as he destroyed her career.

He had stated that his mother lost her life, while giving birth to her. Then her aunt had raised her as she helped his father. “Dad says she was a good woman, and I believe him. He was a good dad, and raised me by himself with the help of my aunt until I was eleven. My aunt has her own kids that are a few years older than me, but we were all friends growing up and still are, which includes my aunt. Like my mom, my aunt is a good woman.”

As his father had married with Barbara, she had started to show her true self. “Once they got married, Barbara changed, at least toward me. She was no longer “big sis” like she tried to portray herself when she and my dad were dating, where she treated me as a peer, but now she was super strict and controling. She no longer let me help out around the shop like before. It’s not like Cinderella where the mom would force the kid to do all this work, but she did tend to isolate me from my father.”

“Over the next few years, she convinced my dad to sponsor all sorts of her relatives and friends to come over from China to live in America. He would set these people up with businesses because, even though my dad wasn’t rich, he was very bright and knew how to make money.” he had stated that his father had helped many people on her family.

As his father had lost his life, Barbara didn’t let him work on his father’s store. “When I was seventeen, my dad developed lung cancer due to smoking heavily ever since he was thirteen. He died only two years later at only fifty two. When I was a kid I always had in mind to one day take over my dad’s store when he retired. Now that I was nineteen, I was still too young to sell liquor, but I thought surely Barbara will let me work in the store now that my dad was gone.”

Cousins of Barbara had took the store. “No such luck. She had one of her adult cousins take over the store, and the guy hired only his own friends and family to work in it. So, the store my dad built from nothing was no longer part of my life.”

He had explained that Barbara took everything his father had. “Barbara also had my dad fix his will so that she got almost all of his money, which again, although he wasn’t Bill Gates rich, was several hundreds of thousands of dollars. I didn’t really care about the money, Barbara can have it, but it still sucks she got all his money and her family is already rich.”

Then she kicked him out of his father’s house, when he was 18. Her boyfriend had moved in with her, to his father’s house. “Also the minute I turned eighteen Barbara threw me out of the house my dad bought and paid for with his hard work. “This is not a place for you, you go now bye bye!” She owned it because she was his wife. And now that my dad was dead, Barbara could move her new boyfriend into the house in his place. Her new boyfriend was a big, fat scumbag from Taiwan who from what I hear was bigshot mobster in his home country, but in America he just played mahjong all day and lived off his wife’s money, in my dad’s house.”

Then he moved in with his aunt, who had raised him.

Then with his friend, he had a plan to take revenge from Barbara. They took a sex tape of Barbara. “So our plan we came up with was that Mike would set up his cellphone in an out of sight place in Barbara’s room while they had sex. Basically a sex tape without her knowledge. Mike didn’t care about his reputation in America and had plans to leave the country again anway and go back to China, as his own father had a business opportunity for him there.”

“The idea of being in a porn didn’t bother him at all. Having spent time in jail and also being part of a gang subculture, he also didn’t have any trouble scoring drugs, and evidently he did these drugs with Barbara all the time in her house. So on the day he made a porn at her house, he also made sure to show that Barbara was doing drugs. He minimized his role so that it appeared that it was Barbara who scored the drugs and was offering them to him.”

His friend had took the video, “Furthermore Mike added a special touch where, in the throes of sex, he made Barbara denounce her Taiwan boyfriend as a weakling and a fool, not a real man, that only Mike was capable of giving her an orgasm. Really hair-raising stuff LOL.”

“All of it was in Chinese, but that was okay as the audience would also be Chinese. Mike made sure that the video clearly showed Barbara’s face. The video was obviously not a professionally made porn, so thankfully we did not have to actually see any clear private parts, but it was very obvious what was going on in the film. All told, the video was twenty minutes long.”

He had concluded as, “Barbara’s porn .gif made the rounds on tons of people’s Facebooks before it got deleted because of community guidelines. Mike shared this “trailer” all over the internet to people he knows, and in our neighborhood everyone knows one another. Since it was only a few seconds, lots of people also posted it to their Instagram before it got deleted. Barbara’s life is pretty much nuked. The full length version got posted to various paysites but it hasn’t leaked to any free streaming services. This is according to Mike. Never misses an opportunity to make some cash.”

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