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Jacob was a single father, who lost his wife during the childbirth. As he was both working and caring for his newborn daughter, he was having problems with his work. One day, his boss Mr. Clemens approached and said, “Jacob, your job is on the line. We have been patient with everything you have gone through, but your performance at work has been less than ok. We are officially placing you on probation.”

As he missed some work, “Mr. Clemens, I assure you. I’ll work something out. I just have to figure out what to do about Gigi,” Jacob said.

Then Jacob had hired a nanny, as he needed to work to care for his daughter, but this time he was having problems with money. His daughter, Gigi was a crying baby which she wouldn’t stop once she starts to cry.

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He was wishing that Rita, his wife was alive to help him. He was missing her so much. It was the worst experience he ever had, as he lost his wife at the childbirth. As his daughter was crying a lot, a car ride would calm Gigi. One night, he took his daughter out for a ride to calm her down, so she would sleep peacefully.

As they returned, his daughter truly slept silently. He laid on the couch next to the crib of his daughter, and fell asleep.

When he was awaken, his daughter was silent. She was awake and she wasn’t crying which was a surprise for Jacob. He went to prepare the breakfast.

After that he took his daughter from her crib, and he noticed something. There was a silver pin in the crib. He never left something pointy inside the crib of his daughter, which would be a dangerous thing to do.

“I’m going to have a talk with Sabrina about this,” Jacob said, as he was thinking about the nanny.

Then the door got knocked, “Mrs. Neal, good morning,” jacob said to his next door neighbor.

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“Hello, Jacob. I need to tell you something,” the old woman said, which Jacob thought that his daughter’s cries had annoyed them.

“Oh, no. Did the baby cry last night? I didn’t wake up once, but it’s entirely possible. I know it’s probably been hard on you all these months, Mrs. Neal,” Jacob started to apologize from the old woman.

“Jacob, Jacob. Listen. I’m not upset. Not anymore, at least,” his neighnor said, “Last night, I heard Gigi crying terribly. It was 2 a.m. and she wouldn’t seem to stop. I came here and knocked on your door several times. I was actually pretty angry. You didn’t answer. But your door was unlocked, so I came in.”

“Oh no! I left the door unlocked! What is wrong with me?” Jacon was angry at himself. He was frustrated and shocked. As he went inside and sat on the couch, Mrs. Neal came inside too.

“It’s ok. It was only me, and I tried to close it well when I left. But anyway, I picked up Gigi last night and rocked her to sleep as best I could. She settled after about an hour, and all my anger melted away. I just wanted to let you know,” the old lady said, as she was sitting in front of Jacob.

“Thank you, Mrs. Neal. She could’ve cried all night. I don’t understand how I didn’t hear her,” Jacob said, “I’m a terrible father.”

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“You’re not. You just need help, and I came here to offer it after what I witnessed yesterday. I’ve noticed that you sometimes have a nanny, but I know it’s hard to pay for one these days. Why don’t I watch Gigi while you go to work? I can do it every day for free,” Mrs. Neal had offered to Jacob.

“I couldn’t burden you like that.” Jacob thought that he couldn’t accept the offer.

“It’s no burden. Sometimes, son, you have to accept help, even if you don’t want to admit you need it.” The old woman responded.

“I know… it’s just… wait a minute… is this yours?” Jacob asked then, as he brought the pin he found inside the crib.

“Oh dear. I left that here. I’m sorry,” the old lady said, and took the pin. “I had lost a button yesterday and used it to keep my shirt in place.”

“Thank God. I thought I was going crazy because it was in Gigi’s crib,” Jacob said, “I think I’m going to take you up on that offer. I don’t really trust my nanny, and I could use all the help I can get. Are you sure it’s not too much?”

“I’m completely sure. All my kids are grown-ups with their own babies, but they don’t visit Florida that much. So Gigi can be my grandbaby in their stead,” the old woman said, as she smiled.

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“Thank you. Thank you so much,” Jacob said, as his eyes were teared up.

As Mrs. Neal was able to help Jacob, he was able to get back up in his job, and received a promotion soon after his hard work. As Gigi grew, she though and loved Mrs. Neal as her grandmother.

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