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As one of the best from his era, Jake Gyllenhaal, is proved that he is worth to be called as one of the best in the industry. With his handsome look, and talented acting, there is no denying that anyone wouldn’t like to see his movies.
In his acting, he is versitale in many ways, as he had acted in many different roles, for long years. His fans are not loving him for no reason.
As successful, and talented, here are 53 quotes from Jake Gyllenhaal, and from the characters he gave life in the movies.
“Being a star doesn’t last. That’s not what life should be about. It’s a complete illusion that really has nothing to do with you. For me, finding out about life is the most important thing.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“In a perfect world, I would love to do one play for every three movies.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“I admire actors and artists who devote just as much time to their life as they do to their work.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“The truth is most of the films that make a lot of money no one remembers, and I’m not interested in making films that no one remembers.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“We live in a sad time where actors are politicians and politicians are actors.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“It’s only appropriate as an indulgent actor to think about quitting ’cause it’s such an intense job.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“The biggest mistake that I’ve made is not really admitting to myself that filmmaking is a director’s medium. We all get into situations where we’re working with people, and we try to control that. But I realized once I’m gone it’s going to be the director’s vision from here on out.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“The way you behave with everybody is more important than the work you do. Generosity, kindness, and patience will get you so far: that’s the biggest lesson I’ve learned.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“Without contact lenses, I’m practically blind. This is where the mystery of my weird view of things comes from.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“I think we’re living in a particularly scary time. But I’m Jewish, so I have a tendency towards anxiety. With my work, no matter how much time and preparation I’ve had, I’m always scared. But I know what a privilege it is to do the job that I do. I know how amazing it is to be able to choose the work that I do.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“Don’t listen to what anybody says except the people who encourage you. If it’s what you want to do and it’s within yourself, then keep going and try to do it for the rest of your life.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“When you have a lot of opportunities, which I am blessed to have had in terms of my work, you get into the habit of not paying attention to certain specifics. And as we get busy, anything we do is the same thing.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“The idea of competition, particularly in a creative atmosphere, is always there. And, if you don’t acknowledge that, you are doing yourself and the process a disservice.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“Theater has given me a different perspective on the way I approach films.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“Even as an actor, I think like a storyteller. My parents raised us to look at the script.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“I have a mentor. I have… guides. I have a lot of guides. Not a lot, but people whose opinions I really respect and who I will turn to.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“Ask yourself why a red carpet is red. It could be any color.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“I think that more and more there’s a sense that the best performances I can give are the ones that are the truest to who I am. The further I move away from who I am, the worse they are.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“I love movies that are saying things that people might find odd at times. I don’t find them odd at all. They give me comfort.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“I think that we all have within us the potential for almost anything. If we play close attention to our lives, then we can get at it somehow.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“In work, never have any regrets and always leave everything on the field.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“Really, contrary to popular belief, I like to have a good time and not take myself too seriously.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“I have an overactive brain, and as a result of that, I can really get in my own mind. So I like to try and exercise it to the point of exhaustion.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“I don’t think I’m sharp enough to not prepare and come on set and kill it.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“I like the idea of the adventurer’s spirit. I think that is very much what a man searches for, in a certain way.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“Crazy people don’t sit around wondering if they’re nuts.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“Do you know what fear stands for? False Evidence Appearing Real.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“Romance is important, but to have a friend you can use as a mirror, who can give you an objective response, that’s what’s really important.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“By cool, I don’t mean cool. I mean vulnerable and a mess.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“I’m open to whatever people want to call me.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“There are a lot of different things that are spinning and connecting when your family sees what you do.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“Oftentimes it’s really hard for me to articulate why I connect to something.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“I had not spent a ton of time around animals as a kid.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“I didn’t know many classes where I could try and relate the thing that I really loved and wanted to do into an intellectual idea.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“Masculinity is, nowadays and generationally, confusing. What is honor, what is protection, what is being a man? It’s evolving. But I believe having an open heart – and a strong mind to protect that – is the idea.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“You can’t just lump things into two categories. Things aren’t that simple.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“I’m superstitious a little bit.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“I’m more Baskin-Robbins style myself.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“They’re the darkest people I know, comedians.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“I hope I’m a spiritual person. I’m trying to be a spiritual person.” — Jake Gyllenhaal
“Don’t ever apologize for being the smartest one in the room.” — Mysterio/Quentin Beck, “Spider-Man: Far from Home”
“My motto is if you want to win the lottery, you’ve got to make money to get a ticket.” — Lou Bloom, “Nightcrawler”
“Why you pursue something is equally as important as what you pursue.” — Lou Bloom, “Nightcrawler”
“As long as you can say you hit rock bottom, you haven’t.” — Holden Worther, “The Good Girl”
“Screw that. I want my kid to have an honest job. Like a politician.” — Brian Taylor, “End of Watch”
“Just because you can’t prove it doesn’t mean it isn’t true.” — Robert Graysmith, “Zodiac”
“When you love someone, you have to be careful with it. You might never get it again.” — Tony Hastings, “Nocturnal Animals”
“I guess it’s a way of keeping things alive. You know, saving things that Will eventually die. If I write it down, then … It’ll last forever.” — Tony Hastings, “Nocturnal Animals”
“It’s not the altitude, it’s the attitude.” — Scott Fischer, “Everest”
“Destruction is a form of creation.” — “Donnie Darko”
“Those who are happy are not without pain, they just know how not to be controlled by it.” — Jamie Randall, “Love & Other Drugs”
“I wish I knew how to quit you.” — Jack Twist, “Brokeback Mountain”
“Critique is so limiting and emotionally draining.” — Morf Vandewalt, “Velvet Buzzsaw”
Along in his journey, with his career, Gyllenhaal had worked with many star names as, Heath Ledger, Tom Holland, and Anne Hathaway, he had shined as he was a star too.
In his work, it is clear to see that he is humble, yet confident, and puts his soul into his work, and even with the stardom of Hollywood, he is still a simple humanbeing.
What do you think? Let us know.

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