

Her sister was thinking that she couldn’t raise her daughter, so the infertile woman had adopted her niece. Years later, her sister wanted her daughter back, which she got shocked with the news. The woman had shared her story on Reddit’s r/AITA subreddit.

She had explained that she was infertile, and her sister became pregnant with a one night stand. “My (36) sister N (29) got pregnant at 18. I am infertile and knew I couldn’t have kids so when N said she was giving her baby for adoption, I decided to be her mom. N went no contact 5 months after giving birth. For a bit of background, N got pregnant by a one night stand and she apparently didn’t remember or know the father at the time of birth but when V was 2, a man T (35) messaged me on social media claiming to be the father of my child.”

Then she had stated that she married with the father of her adopted daughter. As years passed, her sister had contacted with her and stated that she was married, and her husband was infertile. “N had run into him at a club and drunkenly confessed to the pregnancy. We met up, he bonded with his daughter and well that man is now my husband of 7 years. Coming back to my sister, she called me yesterday. Although I was surprised at her call, I picked up. We made some small talk, then she said she had just gotten married a year back and both of them wanted children but couldn’t because her husband was infertile but really wanted kids.”

Then her sister had wanted her daughter that she gave away back. “I asked her if she wanted to adopt and she said she would just need to get her baby back. I was speechless for a few moments before replying that if she wants to meet my child as an aunt she is welcome to and we both can sit V down and explain the reason for her absence but she can’t just ask me to give up my child.”

A young woman holds her daughter | Source: Freepik

Then she had talked with her husband about the issue, where her sister had called mean names to her. “She said she’ll sue me as she’s the birth mother. I told her she was out of her mind and I told her about T. She exploded. Calling me names and saying I stole her life. I got too emotional and hung up. T came home from work and on explaining to him, he was beyond furious.”

Then, her family got involved, and accused her with stoling her sister’s life. “I then got a call from my parents saying I was an asshole for telling N she couldn’t she her baby. I said I never said that and I welcomed her to bond with V but they refused to listen and said I was being insensitive and harsh and flaunting my family.”

A young woman kissing her daughter on the head | Source: Freepik

She had concluded her post as she said that they were very close with her sister once. “I now feel bad because me and N were very close as sisters and I feel quite close to her situation since I know the struggles of infertility. T said there was no way he was letting my sister have full time and I agree but I want to know if am the asshole for being too harsh and telling her about T.”

Here are some of the comments of Redditors.

“So let me get this straight, your child is now ~11 years old & your sister thinks she can just swoop in and become her Mom? NTA”

“Even if the adoption wasn’t 100% proper… this woman hasn’t seen or spoken her child in 11 years. That’s abandonment in the eyes of the law. Nevermind that OP is married to the biological father. But yeah… absolutely get a lawyer, if only to drive that point home with extreme prejudice.”

“The adoption is irrelevant anyway. The adoptive mum is married to the biological father. That would play a huge part in any decisions”

What do you think? Let us know.

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