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A teenager had stated that she took the legal action against her mother, when her mother took the money she inherited from her late grandfather. She shared her story on Reddit, and wanted some advice from Redditors.
She had stated that her late grandfather had left to her $125,000, and when she was looking through her bank account, she saw a problem. “I (18AFAB) have a… complicated relationship with my parents. As I’ve gotten older, it’s gotten worse. Recently I received a sum of money from my deceased grandpa (about 125k, all for college). When I was told I inherited it, I was excited that I would be able to afford my dream school. When I tried to get the money transferred to my college savings, I encountered a problem. My mother.”
Her mother had stated that she should pay her back everything, including her birth expenses. “She has this idea that since I was the oldest, I would have to pay her back everything (including all of the medical shit I went through before I was even 4). So, that would be a lot. I went to ask her to transfer the money into my college savings account, but she refused, claiming that it was rightfully hers because of all that she has done for me. To say I was mad, was an understatement. All through my life she would go into my room and steal whatever cash I had, and even destroy the safe my grandfather had bought me. Any sort of money that I had won from different sporting competitions, she would cash it in for herself.”
She had stated that since she was 13, she had stated that she kept the records of her savings. “So I waited a few days to talk to her again but used my time widely. When I was 13 I had decided to start keeping a notebook of all of the money I had earned. She doesn’t do any of this to my siblings, only to me. Well when I added everything up and included the 125k from my grandpa, it was about 250k that I had recorded. That’s a lot of money for an 18 year-old to imagine but I saw everything as purely college savings.”
Then she confronted with her mother, as she shared, “Three days ago I went to her with my notebook, records of all transactions she made through my account, and went through everything with her. At first she was confused, but when I said the magical grand total, she went nuts. She started yelling that all of that was hers, since she had spent more than that on my medical bills. I tried to stay calm but I’ve had enough of her dumb excuses. So, I told her that she doesn’t do any of this to my siblings, which she only said that it was my job as the oldest to pay her.”
Then she had confronted with her mother, stated that she wanted the money her mother had stole from her, or else she would take the legal action. “I’ve seen enough of situations like this, so I had copied everything into a file on my laptop. When she took my notebook and papers to destroy, I just added on what the notebook, folder, and papers had cost to the total. Two days ago I sent her an email, laying out that I either wanted everything that she had stolen from me (Not worrying about interest because that’s too complicated right now) or I would be going the legal route, suing her for more than what she has stolen from me, which included all of my therapy.”
Here are some of the comments the Redditors had made.
“NTA. I want to say this nicely but mom is full of shit. Paying for the medical needs of a 4 year old kid is what a parent is supposed to do and a duty.”
“I want to add that I come from a culture emphasizing filial piety where children pretty much have a duty to take care of the parents too. Yet no one will say that a parent is in the right for taking $250k from the child and definitely not the inheritance from the grandpa. If anything, a bigger question is where is the mom’s share of the inheritance? If she did not receive an inheritance, why not?”
“Sue her ass off. If your grandfather left you money, it is a crime for your mother to keep any of it from you.”
What do you think? Let us know.

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