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When Kathy was 16, her father abandoned them while her mother was fighting with a disease. She was the oldest of the children, so she started to work as she needed to provide for her family. She started to work at a hair salon, where she was washing hair and sweeping the floor. Through time, she became a hair stylist.

She was talented in her profession, and that helped her to raise in her career.

Portrait of a young, beautiful mixed-race woman | Source: Getty Images

Later in life, she met with Stan at a music festival, where he was from another lifestyle for Kathy. He was graduated from Yale law, and sometimes he would look from above to Kathy, due to her progession.

At first, Stan was seemingly understanding towards Kathy and her profession, but as time passed, he started to mock her as he would make jokes about Kathy’s profession. At first, she was laughing at them, but later she started to get offended as the jokes became frequent.

He would sometimes compare their educational backgrounds as he was from an Ivy League college, while Kathy worked hard for her career.

After their engagement, they were eating with a group of Stan’s friends from his college. They were talking about law related stuff, as they were all from the same law school.

Interracial Couple Holding Hands and Diamond Engagement Ring, Close-Up | Source: Getty Images

Then one of the friends had asked about Kathy’s perspective about the matter they were talking about, and Stan intervened as, “Don’t bother asking her; she’s just a hairdresser. She doesn’t care about this kind of thing, right, honey?”

Stan’s words were dagger to Kathy’s heart, as she was hurt from her fiance’s words. The table went silent as they were aware of the situation.

As she was stunned with humiliation, Kathy said, “Okay, thanks, Stan, I’m so glad you made sure I didn’t embarrass you.” Kathy stayed silent for the rest of the night.

After that dinner, Kathy started to think about their relationship, and was sure that they needed a serious talk. Kathy realized that she wanted respect, not only from Stan, but everyone as she realized that she is deserving it.

Close up photo of an african woman expressing doubt | Source: Getty Images

She planned something, and called her clients as she explained the situation, and organized a dinner. Then she called her fiance, and invited him to that dinner. That night, she went to the restaurant with her fiance, and the table was filled with her customers.

As the night progressed, Stan was impressed with Kathy’s customer profile, and how much they were grateful for Kathy, who had helped them with their hairs. The customers of Kathy were from high society, and they were rich.

Stan also discovered that his boss, Mrs. Williams was one of Kathy’s customers. “Honey, how do you know Mrs. Williams? She’s my boss. I have to introduce myself; this could be the chance for a promotion,” Stan asked.

Then Kathy took her fiance to the group of women, where Mrs. Williams was talking, and said, “Hello ladies, I’ve been eager to introduce you to my fiancé. Meet Stan. Please be gentle with him; he’s an assistant and tends to get a bit anxious around influential women, right, sweetheart?”

Lunch with friends | Source: Getty Images

“No, no, I am a Yale Law graduate, I’ve worked in your firm for two years and am aiming to become a junior partner soon, and I—” Stan stuttered, and the women smiled towards Stan, while he was struggling.

After that, he took Kathy aside for a private conversation and said, “How could you do this to me? I looked like a fool, thanks to you, and felt so embarrassed.”

“Hurts, huh? I just showed you the same treatment you gave me at dinner with your friends. These people are my friends and listen to what I say,” Kathy said.

Couple, relationship and marriage problems while traveling together and spending time at the beach. Upset, unhappy and angry man and woman ignoring each other after a fight, arguing or quarrel | Source: Getty Images

After that night, they didn’t talked for a few days, and later Stan called and apologized as he cried over what he did. But Kathy was sure that she could no longer be with someone like Stan, and gave the engagement ring back.

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