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Stephen was married with his highschool sweetheart, Emma. They married after they graduated from their school, Baton Rouge High School in Louisiana.
And with her absence in his life, he was feeling depressed. All of his friends were praising Emma, and how a great person she was, and how lucky Stephen was to being with a woman like Emma.
But they had hard times too, as they couldn’t have any children. They had started to treatment on Emma, and she suffered a lot physically. When Stephen saw that his wife was struggling, he wanted to stop.
His wife, Emma, passed away at the age of 65, when she was diagnosed with last stage cancer. It had killed a part of Stephen too.
Every ınce a week, Stephen was visiting Emma’s grave. It had been a little over a year, since Emma passed away. On his most recent visit, he noticed some flowers that he didn’t brought to her grave.
He had talked with the cemetary management, and they said that, “I’m sorry, Mr. Davis. The gardener never plants new flowers near the graves,”
“Maybe, it was a kind soul.” he thought to himself. So Stephen decided to come every day, and wanted to see who brought the flowers. On the fifth day, he saw a young woman with roses on Emma’s grave.
“Excuse me, miss. Are you the new gardener in the cemetery?” Stephen had asked.
“Oh, hello, sir. No, I… I sneaked in and planted these roses in honor of this woman,” said the woman.
“Did you know her?” asked Stephen, as Emma had no secrets that she was keeping from him.
“I knew her briefly. Around four years ago, my mother kicked me out of the house. I was just 14 and had nothing to my name. One day, I went into this woman’s yard, stole a few roses, and started selling them near the supermarket for a few bucks to eat. I did it for three days until this woman caught me. I thought she would yell at me, but Mrs. Davis was not angry,” the woman started to tell.
“Go on,” Stephen demanded.
“Well, she invited me into her house and offered me breakfast. I told her my name was Anna and why I was stealing her roses,”
“She was so kind to me and offered to help me. She called a social worker. I had no idea what the CPS was at the time, and they came to me. I was placed in a foster home and went back to school. And, Mrs. Davis gave me this bracelet to remember her by.”
Stephen noticed the bracelet of his wife, on the arm of Anna. Emma had said that she lost it when Stephen was asked about the bracelet. “Wow, that was very kind of Mrs. Davis. Did you see her often afterward?” Stephen asked.
“No, my foster family lived in Carville, so I didn’t see her again. I came to find her a month ago, and no one was home. I knocked on her neighbor’s door, and they told me what happened,” Anna added.
“I can’t believe she’s gone. I wanted to thank her all this time. She helped me as best she could.”
Stephen smiled to Anna, as he said, “Anna, I’m Stephen, Emma’s husband. I noticed the roses you planted. Thank you,”
“Oh! You’re her husband! My condolences, Mr. Davis. Yeah, I wanted to do something, but I thought a bouquet would expire too quickly. I bought a few roses and hoped they would prosper here,”
“But I can’t maintain them anymore. I have to leave town. I can’t find a job here, and I’m 18 already.”
“What about your family?” asked Stephen.
“My foster family never adopted me. Their house was never my home, so I’m on my own now. I don’t have much savings left, and I’ve been trying to find a job, but it’s hard. I’ve been sleeping at shelters since I arrived,” Anna said.
“You know what? Come home with me. Let me make you dinner,” offered Stephen. Anna wasn’t expecting that, but accepted, since he was the husband of Emma, who had helped her a lot.
As Stephen prepared a dinner for Anna, he had stated that she is welcome to stay for how long she would like to. “I don’t understand. Why would you do that? I’m a stranger. You don’t know me at all,” said Anna, when she heard that.
“I guess I’m doing it for the same reasons my wife helped you back then. You might be 18, but you’re still a kid in my eyes,” Stephen said.
As time passed, Stephen became the grandfather of Anna. And she had stayed with him and helped him with everything.
Stephen got sick in years to come, and later he passed away. While Anna was staying with Stephen, she had save a lot of money, so she was okay to move in to her own apartment, after Stephen’s passing.
On the funeral of Stephen, his lawyer had talked with Anna. “You’re Anna Smith, right? You need to come to my office tomorrow or later this week. We’ll sign all the documents and settle everything properly there,”
“I’m sorry, what? What documents? What do we need to settle?” Anna asked.
The lawyer had responded, “Oh! I’m sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself. Normally, we would do a will reading, but you’re Mr. Davis’ only beneficiary, so it’s unnecessary. We need your signature and a few things to transfer all his property over to you,”
Anna learnt that Stephen had left everything he and Emma had owned to her. So she didn’t have to move out from their house.
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