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A man had shared his story on Reddit’s r/AITA subreddit, that her mother had left her 17 years ago. Years later, he saw his mother outside of the wedding of the OP, u/ThrowRA-3Months.
As the man had stated, her mother had left her family, when he was 10. They are living in UK, and they are from a Muslim culture. The man had stated that his mother had left them because she discovered that she was attrached to women.
The man had added that his mother just abondoned them, without saying a word. “She just left without saying goodbye to me or my sister but she left a note to my father saying that she is in love with her girlfriend and that she wishes my father well without giving any consideration to her 4 year old daughter and 10 year old son.”
He had explained that the abandonment had left a trauma on him, “When my father told me that my mother left for another women, it made me grow fury towards gay people however I learn’t in this life that not everything can go your way and at the end of the day, it was my mother who caused my pain not gay people.”

A crying man | Source: Shutterstock

Then he said that in 17 years, everything get back on track, as, “17 years later, Im about to get married in 3 months time, my father has met my step mother who is a wonderful individual, my sister is already engaged and life is going pretty smoothly.”
He stated that he was having dinner with his family, at his father’s place. Then the door got knocked. “Until yesterday, I was having about to have dinner at my father estate with my in-laws, my sister and her fiancée and we received a knock on the door and it was a random woman so I said Hi, how can I help you and she stated that she’s my mother girlfriend and she asked if we could have a chat. I replied no in an angry tone and shut the door.”
He continued to his story as, “My father asked who it was and I stated that it was home wrecker, he was initially confused but my sister explain that it’s mother girlfriend and my father didn’t grow fury as I expected but grew sadness and probably trauma just by seeing her outside the window holding hands with home wrecker.”
As his sister learned from the mother that abandoned them, she was there for receiving invites. “My sister asked my mum why she is here after so many year and she stated that she has been in contact with my uncle and from him, he discovered that me and my sister are both engaged and I’m about to get married and she demanded that she get an invitation, I replied that you abandon your 2 young children for your own needs then you hide in your car and send the home wrecker to try and have a conversation.”
A dinner party | Source: Shutterstock

The story concluded as, “She then started heavy crying, her girlfriend comforted her and my the elder people were pretty disgusted by what they saw and started insulting my mum and home wrecker stated that she let her own ambitions overwhelm herself but she isn’t at fault as my father refused to let her contact us while she was in America, I told her that father made a good choice not to let you contact us and then my dad threatened to call the police if home wrecker and mother don’t leave and they left yelling that our whole family is homophobic.”
Here are some of the comments from Redditors.
“NTA but the LGBTQ isn’t necessary in this topic. Wouldn’t change the outcome if she left for another men or would it?”
“Lol,if my ex who leave my kid’s and me without a talk then out of the blue calls me after 3 years of leaving then I don’t want my kid’s to re-live the trauma again.and btw who stops her when OP turn 18 maybe bad network I guess,lol”
“”she isn’t at fault as my father refused to let her contact us” That suggests there might be more to the story. Otherwise, why would he do that?”
Two young children | Source: Shutterstock

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