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Allison and Adam, her boyfriend, were happy, as they were expecting their child at the third year of their relationship. Adam was an incredible man, as he was extremely supportive Allison, on her pregnancy.
During the ultrasound check, their doctor stated, “He’s big and strong! Your baby is very healthy,”
As excited, Adam responded to the doctor’s words, “That young man is going to be my heir! I can’t wait to take him on exciting adventures. He’s going to be my mini-me,”
When Allison saw that her boyfriend, Adam was excited as she was, she was over the moon. While they were waiting for the due date of their baby, they prepared the nursery together.
When it was the 28th week of her pregnancy, Allison had threw a baby shower party along with her friends.
As they were having a great time together, Allison said, “Ouch!” As she felt a pain in her stomach. Her friends rushed to her, “What happened? Are you alright?”
“I’m having horrible contractions. I think I need to rush to the hospital. Can you guys take me?” She said to her friends, as her pain was rising with every contraction.
Her friend, Maya, helped her as she said, “Of course. I’ll also call Adam to head to the hospital,”
When they arrived in the hospital, the doctors immediately took Allison into labor. After she gave birth to her first child, the doctor said, “It’s a girl!”
“What? How is that possible? We’ve been seeing a boy in the ultrasound,” Adam was shocked, as he asked while Allison was still in pain.
“Hold on; I see another head! We’re not done here,” Doctor said, as he helped Allison to deliver the second baby, “It’s a boy. There he is,” Said doctor, and stopped again, because there was another baby in Allison too.
As Allison was screaming in pain, Adam was shocked, because he was expecting only one child, his son, and now he was supposed to take care of three children.
As the medical team took Allison to her room, after her labor to rest, Adam talked with the doctor. “How could that be? How did we not find out in advance that she had three babies inside her?”
“Well, the ultrasound sometimes can’t see everything at once, especially if the fetus is too small. They can also hide behind the other, making it difficult to see. You and Allison are lucky. This happens in one in a million pregnancies!” The doctor responded.
Adam was disappointed. He had no idea that he was supposed to take care of three children, all at once. He stated that he will be home as he talked with Allison, “Call me when you’re all ready to head home,”
After five days, Allison returned to her home, with her children, Andy, Amara, and Ashton. After she entered, she saw that her husband was not seeming okay, which she asked, “Is everything okay?”
Adam just grunted, and asked that if the children needs anything. Allison said, “The kids ran out of diapers at the hospital. Could you go and buy some?”
Before he left the house, Adam said, “Sure. I’ll be back soon,” and left from the door. Allison was excited to care for her children, since at the hospital they were in separate rooms.
She laid her children to their cribs, and said, “Hello there, sweetie pies,” as she smiled towards her children, she continued, “Daddy went to go buy you more diapers, so just hang in there, alright? It’s not time to poop just yet,”
After her children went to sleep, she started to prepare dinner. As she had no idea when will her children would wake, she wanted to make something quick, as she started to make mac and cheese.
As time passed, Adam didn’t returned. She needed help, since she couldn’t carry three of her babies at once.
She decided to call Adam, and the call dropped to the voicemail. She said, “Hey, where are you? Is everything alright? I’m getting worried. Call me back,”
As she kept calling Adam for hours, she decided to call 911. She said, “I just wanted to know if this number is active? My husband hasn’t gone home and I’m afraid he got into an accident,”
As the dispatcher searched the number of Adam, she said, “I’m sorry, ma’am, but the line is active. He did not get into an accident, and your husband is currently driving on the interstate freeway.”
As Allison started to cry, she said, “Why?”
“What did I do to deserve this?”
She was all alone, she sat in the room, crying along with her children. She decided to call her mother, and talked about the issue.
“Mom, Adam left me all alone with the triplets. He won’t return my calls, and he’s been gone for hours. I don’t know what to do. All the kids are crying, and I haven’t started producing enough milk for all of them. How will I survive?”
Then her mother, Annie said, “Sweetheart. Calm yourself down, alright? Drink a glass of water and take some time before carrying the kids. Your sister and I will be right there. Don’t cry anymore. Give us thirty minutes,”
After Allison called her mother, Annie, she called her other daughter, Ashley, and went to Allison’s house immediately.
As they arrived at Allison’s house, she was feeding her children. When Allison saw her mother and sister, she started to cry uncontrollably again.
“What would I do without you two?” Allison said.
“I can’t believe he left me. Just like that! No explanation, no heads up. He just disappeared,”
“He is not worth your time or tears, sweetheart. You have three beautiful children to care for. You don’t have to do it alone. You have us, alright? Forget that poor excuse of a man,” Annie said to her daughter.
She decided to talk with Adam’s parents. As she was expecting a warm welcome, she was faced with a stern coldness from Adam’s mother.
As always, Allison said, “Hi, mom,” she continued, “Have you heard from Adam? He hasn’t come home in two days,”
As Maria, Adam’s mother’s face was stiff, like a wooden plank, she said, “No, I haven’t seen my son, and even when I find out where he is, I’m not telling you where he’s at.”
“What happened, mom? We were all okay during my pregnancy. You were all so excited. What changed?” Allison asked.
“You and my son got married too young. I was against it at first, but Adam was so persistent that I couldn’t do anything about it. Now, you’re shoving the responsibility of taking care of THREE children on his plate. That poor boy is going to break his back working to feed all of you,” Maria responded.
As Allison was hurt, and shocked, she said, “The purpose of getting married is to start a family. Adam knew what he was getting into, and he was so excited to be a father. Raising three children is no joke, but he wouldn’t have to raise them alone. I work, too. We do everything as a team,”
Maria continued, “That’s what they all say, but come on, let’s be real. The chunk of the financial responsibility falls on the father. My son is too young to support three children all at once. What happens when they all start going to school? It’s going to be a nightmare for him. Word of advice, just put the kids up for adoption,”
“I can’t believe you’re saying this about your own kin. It’s clear that your family wants nothing to do with my children. So now, I’m making it clear, too – you must know that your son is no father, and you have no grandchildren,” Allison said before she left.
She cried on the way to her car. She cried a little before she started her car too. But she promised to herself that this was the last cry, last tears that she shed for Adam.
As she turned to her children, who were sitting on the backseat, Allison said, “We can do it without him. Don’t you worry, sweethearts. Mommy’s got you.”
Her mother and sister helped Allison on her journey to raise her children as a single mother. Thankfully, she never felt alone with their presence. She had a career, where she was financially stable with the help of her family.
She became an attorney. Her children were on the grade school, few blocks away from the firm she was working for.
As days passed, a man arrived for an interview, to became an associate. As she went out of her office, she recognized the man. He was Adam.
As he was shocked, Adam said, “Allison, what a surprise!”
“What are you doing here?” He continued.
“Well, it seems I lead the team you’re trying to apply for. Is that shocking to you?” Allison said.
“I just… I can’t believe you were able to achieve so much through the years. How long has it been?” Adam was shocked, as he saw his ex-wife in front of himself.
Allison said, “It’s been eight years. And yes, it was quite a ride raising three children while studying for the bar. However, I’m not here to catch up with you,”
“Wow. I’ve been trying to get a job at your firm for a while now. Since you mentioned you’re not here to catch up, we should have dinner and discuss things,” Adam asked for a dinner.
“There’s no need for that. Look. Your resume is flawless, but I can’t hire you,” Allison said, as she was sure that he would use her to get the job.
“What?! Why? You’re being salty after all these years?” Adam said, as he was mad.
Allison was sure, she said, “You haven’t changed one bit. I can’t hire you because we look at character more than credentials in this law firm. I don’t need an irresponsible person on my team,”
“How are you so sure I’m still irresponsible? Maybe I’ve changed,” Adam responded.
“You had eight years to check on your kids. Did you? I sent you divorce papers, but you refused to sign. I had to file an abandonment case to get that divorce finalized. How is that a changed man?” Allison asked, and she continued with saying, “Please, let’s not waste each other’s time. I think it’s better you leave now.”
As she made the right choice, Adam finally paid the price. She thought that the God doesn’t makes miskates, as he would remove people from her life for a reason.
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